[The day after Coffey cures Edgecombe's urinary infection, Edgecombe brings Coffey some cornbread.]
Paul Edgecombe: It's from my missus. She wanted to… thank you.
John Coffey: Thank me for what?
Paul Edgecombe: Well, you know. [looks around, then whispers] For helping me.
John Coffey: Helpin' you with what?
Paul Edgecombe: You know.
[Edgecomb looks down and points to his groin.]
John Coffey: Ohhhhh. Was your missus pleased?
Paul Edgecombe: Several times.
John Coffey: Thank me for what?
Paul Edgecombe: Well, you know. [looks around, then whispers] For helping me.
John Coffey: Helpin' you with what?
Paul Edgecombe: You know.
[Edgecomb looks down and points to his groin.]
John Coffey: Ohhhhh. Was your missus pleased?
Paul Edgecombe: Several times.
[The day after Coffey cures Edgecombe's urinary infection, Edgecombe brings Coffey some cornbread.]
Paul Edgecombe : It's from my missus. She wanted to… thank you.
John Coffey : Thank me for what?
Paul Edgecombe : Well, you know. [looks around, then whispers] For helping me.
John Coffey : Helpin' you with what?
Paul Edgecombe : You know.
[Edgecomb looks down and points to his groin.]
John Coffey : Ohhhhh. Was your missus pleased?
Paul Edgecombe : Several times.