Halloween quotes
32 total quotesDr. Sam Loomis
Laurie Strode
Multiple Characters
Sheriff Brackett
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Annie Brackett: You know, you could ask somebody...Sure you could. All you have to do is go up to somebody and say, 'You wanna go to the dance?'...Ben Traymer, I knew it! So you do think about things like that, huh Laurie?
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Bullies: [to Tommy] He's gonna get you. The boogey-man is coming!
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Lynda: [exposing her breasts] See anything you like? What'sa matter? Can't I get your ghost, Bob?
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Tommy Doyle: [to Laurie, about the Myers' house] You're not supposed to go up there!...That's a haunted house...awful stuff happened there once.
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Annie: Still spooked?
Laurie: I wasn't spooked.
Annie: LIES!
Laurie: I wasn't! I saw someone standing in Mr. Riddle's back yard.
Annie: Probably Mr. Riddle!
Laurie: He was watching me.
Annie: Mr. Riddle was watching you? Laurie, Mr. Riddle is eighty-seven!
Laurie: He can still watch.
Annie: That's probably all he can do!
Laurie: I wasn't spooked.
Annie: LIES!
Laurie: I wasn't! I saw someone standing in Mr. Riddle's back yard.
Annie: Probably Mr. Riddle!
Laurie: He was watching me.
Annie: Mr. Riddle was watching you? Laurie, Mr. Riddle is eighty-seven!
Laurie: He can still watch.
Annie: That's probably all he can do!
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Dr. Terence Wynn: Now, for God's sake, he can't even drive a car!
Loomis: He was doing very well last night! Maybe someone around here gave him lessons!
Loomis: He was doing very well last night! Maybe someone around here gave him lessons!
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Graveyard Keeper: Yeah, you know every town has something like this happen... I remember over in Russellville, old Charlie Bowles, about fifteen years ago... One night, he finished dinner, and he excused himself from the table. He went out to the garage, and got himself a hacksaw. Then he went back into the house, kissed his wife and his two children goodbye, and then he proceeded to...
Loomis: Where are we?
Graveyard Keeper: Eh? Oh, it's, uh, right over here... [they see the headstone for Judith Myers is missing]
Graveyard Keeper: Why do they do it? Goddamn kids! They'll do anything for Halloween.
Loomis: He came home!
Loomis: Where are we?
Graveyard Keeper: Eh? Oh, it's, uh, right over here... [they see the headstone for Judith Myers is missing]
Graveyard Keeper: Why do they do it? Goddamn kids! They'll do anything for Halloween.
Loomis: He came home!
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Laurie: [after Michael falls off the balcony] It was the boogeyman.
Loomis: As a matter of fact... it was.
Loomis: As a matter of fact... it was.
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Laurie: Annie, look!
Annie: Look where? I don't see anything.
Laurie: That guy who passed us in the car before, the one you yelled at!
Annie: Subtle, isn't he?
[Marches over to the bush]
Annie: Hey, creep!
Annie: Laurie, dear. He wants to talk to you. He wants to take you out tonight.
Laurie: [Coming over, then seeing there's nobody there] He was standing right there.
Annie: Poor Laurie! Scared another one away. It's tragic, you NEVER go out. You must have a small fortune stashed away from babysitting so much.
Laurie: Guys thinks I'm too smart.
Annie: I don't, I think you're wacko. Now you're seeing men behind bushes!
Annie: Look where? I don't see anything.
Laurie: That guy who passed us in the car before, the one you yelled at!
Annie: Subtle, isn't he?
[Marches over to the bush]
Annie: Hey, creep!
Annie: Laurie, dear. He wants to talk to you. He wants to take you out tonight.
Laurie: [Coming over, then seeing there's nobody there] He was standing right there.
Annie: Poor Laurie! Scared another one away. It's tragic, you NEVER go out. You must have a small fortune stashed away from babysitting so much.
Laurie: Guys thinks I'm too smart.
Annie: I don't, I think you're wacko. Now you're seeing men behind bushes!
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Loomis: [pulling his gun after being startled by a crash] You must think me a very sinister doctor... oh, I have a permit.
Sheriff Brackett: Seems to me you're just plain scared.
Loomis: Yeah, yeah I am...
Sheriff Brackett: Seems to me you're just plain scared.
Loomis: Yeah, yeah I am...
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Loomis: He hasn't spoken a word in 15 years.
Nurse: Are there any special instructions?
Loomis: Just try and understand what we're dealing with here. Don't underestimate it.
Nurse: Don't you think we could refer to it as him?
Loomis: If you say so.
Nurse: Your compassion's overwhelming, doctor. You're serious about it, aren't you?
Loomis: Yeah.
Nurse: You mean you actually never want him to get out?
Loomis: Never, ever. Never.
Nurse: Then why are we taking him up to Hardin County if you're just gonna lock...
Loomis: Because that is the law.
Nurse: Are there any special instructions?
Loomis: Just try and understand what we're dealing with here. Don't underestimate it.
Nurse: Don't you think we could refer to it as him?
Loomis: If you say so.
Nurse: Your compassion's overwhelming, doctor. You're serious about it, aren't you?
Loomis: Yeah.
Nurse: You mean you actually never want him to get out?
Loomis: Never, ever. Never.
Nurse: Then why are we taking him up to Hardin County if you're just gonna lock...
Loomis: Because that is the law.
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Lynda: [concerning Annie] The only reason she baby sits is to have a place for...
Laurie: [realizing she had forgotten something] Shit.
Annie: I have a place for that!
Laurie: I forgot my chemistry book.
Lynda: So who cares? I always forget my chemistry book and my math book, and my English book, and my, let's see, my French book, and... well who needs books anyway, I don't need books, I always forget all my books, I mean, it doesn't really matter if you have your books or not... [Michael Myers drives by] Hey isn't that Devon Graham?
Laurie: I don't think so.
Annie: Hey, jerk! SPEED KILLS!
[The car screeches to a halt, just down the street]
Annie: God, can't he take a joke?
[The car finally leaves]
Laurie: You know Annie some day you're going to get us all in deep trouble.
Lynda: Totally.
Annie: I HATE a guy with a car and no sense of humor.
Laurie: [realizing she had forgotten something] Shit.
Annie: I have a place for that!
Laurie: I forgot my chemistry book.
Lynda: So who cares? I always forget my chemistry book and my math book, and my English book, and my, let's see, my French book, and... well who needs books anyway, I don't need books, I always forget all my books, I mean, it doesn't really matter if you have your books or not... [Michael Myers drives by] Hey isn't that Devon Graham?
Laurie: I don't think so.
Annie: Hey, jerk! SPEED KILLS!
[The car screeches to a halt, just down the street]
Annie: God, can't he take a joke?
[The car finally leaves]
Laurie: You know Annie some day you're going to get us all in deep trouble.
Lynda: Totally.
Annie: I HATE a guy with a car and no sense of humor.
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Lynda: It's totally insane. We have three new cheers to learn in the morning, the game is in the afternoon, I have to get my hair done at five, and the dance is at eight! I'll be totally wiped out!
Laurie: [sarcastically] I don't think you have enough to do tomorrow.
Lynda: Totally!
Laurie: [sarcastically] I don't think you have enough to do tomorrow.
Lynda: Totally!
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Lynda: Now when we get inside, Annie will distract Lindsey and we go upstairs to the first bedroom on the right. Got it?
Bob: First I rip your clothes off...
Lynda: Don't rip my blouse, it's expensive you idiot!
Bob: Then I rip my clothes off, then I rip Lindsey's clothes off, yeah I think I got it.
Lynda: Totally.
Bob: First I rip your clothes off...
Lynda: Don't rip my blouse, it's expensive you idiot!
Bob: Then I rip my clothes off, then I rip Lindsey's clothes off, yeah I think I got it.
Lynda: Totally.