Heat quotes
44 total quotesJustine Hanna
Neil McCauley
Vincent Hanna
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'Cause she's got a great ass! And you've got your head... all the way up it!...Ferocious, aren't I?! See when I think of asses—a woman's ass—something comes out of me!
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Charlene Shiherlis: It's like risk versus reward, baby
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Donald Breedan: Ain't a hard time been invented that I cannot handle.
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Michael Cheritto: Well ya know, for me, the action is the juice.
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Alan Marciano: Why'd I get mixed up with that bitch?
Vincent: Cause she's got a great ass! And you got your head all the way up it! Ferocious, aren't I? When I think of asses, a woman's ass, something comes out of me.
Alan Marciano: So?
Vincent: So, no big thing. All I want is her husband, and his whole ****ing crew. Now you're gonna work with Sgt Drucker here..
Vincent: Cause she's got a great ass! And you got your head all the way up it! Ferocious, aren't I? When I think of asses, a woman's ass, something comes out of me.
Alan Marciano: So?
Vincent: So, no big thing. All I want is her husband, and his whole ****ing crew. Now you're gonna work with Sgt Drucker here..
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Albert Torena: Where's your empathy, brother? It's a substance abuse problem.
Vincent: Empathy was yesterday. Today, you're wasting my mother****ing time.
Vincent: Empathy was yesterday. Today, you're wasting my mother****ing time.
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Charlene: What else are you selling?
Sgt. Drucker: All kinds of shit. But I don't have to sell this and you know it, 'cause this kind of shit here sells itself.
Sgt. Drucker: All kinds of shit. But I don't have to sell this and you know it, 'cause this kind of shit here sells itself.
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Justine: But you have to be present like a normal guy some of the time. That's sharing. This is not sharing, this is leftovers.
Vincent: All right, so what I should do is, uhm, come home and say "Hi Honey, guess what? I walked into this house today where this junkie asshole just fried his baby in a microwave because it was crying too loud, so let me share that with you."
Vincent: All right, so what I should do is, uhm, come home and say "Hi Honey, guess what? I walked into this house today where this junkie asshole just fried his baby in a microwave because it was crying too loud, so let me share that with you."
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Justine: In a way, you're a party to this.
Vincent: Oh yeah, I made Ralph **** you because it makes me feel good.
Vincent: Oh yeah, I made Ralph **** you because it makes me feel good.
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Michael Cheritto: What do you want to be when you grow up, honey?
Linda Cherrito: I don't know.
Michael Cheritto: She doesn't know. Just like me, I don't know either.
Linda Cherrito: I don't know.
Michael Cheritto: She doesn't know. Just like me, I don't know either.
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Neil: L.A.P.D. The "G", what, where the **** did this heat come from?
Chris: Maybe it's the score they were onto, the place, not us. 'Cause it's been hit a couple of times, you know, or something?
Neil: Assume they got our phones, assume they got our houses, assume they got us, right here, right now as we sit, everything. Assume it all.
Chris: Maybe it's the score they were onto, the place, not us. 'Cause it's been hit a couple of times, you know, or something?
Neil: Assume they got our phones, assume they got our houses, assume they got us, right here, right now as we sit, everything. Assume it all.
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Richard Torena: I could get killed for telling you this shit.
Vincent: You could get killed walkin' your doggie!
Vincent: You could get killed walkin' your doggie!
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Richard: This guy I was locked up with in Folsom: did a couple, two-three years. He got out, and I ran into him.
Vincent: And so?
Richard: He's a big fiend for action. Now if he'd said nothin', I'd have thought nothin'. But he goes on and on to me about how he's been doing nothin' and nothin' here's been going on and all this other bullshit, so right then and there I know: this cat's got somethin' goin' down.
[long pause]
Vincent: Pretty ****in' great. [Turns to Albert] Albert, what's wrong with you? You drag me here, waste my time like this. [to Richard] You saw a guy, on the street, who's an ex-con?
Richard: That's right.
Vincent: Well I am... over-****in' whelmed. What d'you want for that, a junior g-man badge?
Vincent: And so?
Richard: He's a big fiend for action. Now if he'd said nothin', I'd have thought nothin'. But he goes on and on to me about how he's been doing nothin' and nothin' here's been going on and all this other bullshit, so right then and there I know: this cat's got somethin' goin' down.
[long pause]
Vincent: Pretty ****in' great. [Turns to Albert] Albert, what's wrong with you? You drag me here, waste my time like this. [to Richard] You saw a guy, on the street, who's an ex-con?
Richard: That's right.
Vincent: Well I am... over-****in' whelmed. What d'you want for that, a junior g-man badge?
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Van Zant: Who are you?
Waingro: Waingro. My name's Waingro.
Van Zant: I've been living in the office day and night, how well do you know him?
Waingro: Oh, we took some major scores together.
Van Zant: How come I haven't heard from him?
Waingro: Well, he's probably busy right now. But he's real thorough. He ain't gon' forget about you.
Van Zant: Oh that's reassuring.
Waingro: Waingro. My name's Waingro.
Van Zant: I've been living in the office day and night, how well do you know him?
Waingro: Oh, we took some major scores together.
Van Zant: How come I haven't heard from him?
Waingro: Well, he's probably busy right now. But he's real thorough. He ain't gon' forget about you.
Van Zant: Oh that's reassuring.