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Cathy: [microphone squeals] 'Voltron?'
Dave: That's me.
Cathy: Oh, hi Dave.
Dave: How you doin Cathy?
Cathy: Why'd you call yourself 'Voltron?'
Dave: I dunno, maybe cos it's SUPER badass
Cathy: ...You're weird.
Dave: Hells yeah I am!
Dave: Hey, Rod, thanks for the ride. [Rod sees a chunk of metal lodged in Dave's eye and they both scream] Dave: Hey, buddy. How's it going? Rod Kimble: Dave, what happened to your eye? Dave: This? Is it really noticeable? Rod Kimble: Yeah! Dave: Is it really noticeable? Rod Kimble: Yeah! Dave: Oh, man, it's totally serendipitous. Well, I got off work early, and you know my buddy Derrick? Well he was like, "I've got this acid, but I can't do it." And I was all like, "Well, I'll do it." So I did it. And by the time I got on my banana board, man, I was... I was tripping balls pretty hard, man. So I decided to get on my bench grinder, and a piece of metal flew up and hit me right in the eye. It was pretty awesome. And that brings us to now. Rod Kimble: Yeah, well, just try and relax. Dave: Can do, man. Can do. I'm gonna be honest with you, Rod. You look like a giant eagle with fire all around you, and you've got a mountain for a face. Rod Kimble: I'm guessing that's the drugs, Dave. Dave: Yeah, but it's also just kind of weird seeing you drive this minivan. Rod Kimble: Yeah, well, it's my mom's. Dave: Balls, man! We just ran over a small bus. This really small bus, we just ran over it. Rod Kimble: I didn't see anything. Dave: Hey, we're here. Seriously, man, this is one of the top-ten nicest things anybody has ever done for me.

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