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Oh, well. It's just toys, right? [Cindy: Hi, Mr. Grinch.] [gasps] Cindy Lou… WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?! [Cindy: I came to see you. No one should be alone on Christmas.]
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One man's toxic sludge is another man's potpourri.
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Santa Claus, what are you doing with our tree? [Narrator: But you know, that old Grinch was so smart and so slick… [Grinch coughs] ...He thought up a lie, and he thought it up quick.] [Grinch: [imitating Santa] Why-hy-hyy, my sweet little tot!] [Narrator: The fake Santa Claus lied.] [Grinch: There's a light on this tree that won't... light on one side, so I'm taking it home to my w-wo-orkshop, my dear. [laughs and Cindy giggles] I'll fix it up there… and I'll bring it... back here.] Santa, what's Christmas really about? [Grinch: [pops out through the tree, startling Cindy] Vengeance! Er, I mean… presents... I suppose.] I was afraid of that. [Narrator: And his fib fooled the child. Then he patted her head, and he got her a drink and he sent her to bed.] Santa? [Grinch: [sharply] What?!] Don't forget the Grinch. I know he's mean, and hairy and scary... His hands might be cold and clammy. But I think he's actually... sweet. [Grinch: "Sweet"!? You think he's sweet?] Merry Christmas, Santa.
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So whatever the reason, his heart or his shoes, he stood outside his cave, hating the Whos. [Grinch: ...Alphabetically. [points to name] Aardvarkian Abakenezer Who, I... HATE YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU!!! Aaron B. Benson Who, I hate you. Hate, hate, hate. Hate, hate, hate. Double hate. [sees a name (maybe Mayor Augustus May Who) in the phonebook; venomously] LOATHE ENTIRELY! [hears music playing in Whoville] Nutcrackers. It's their Whobilation.] He snarled with a sneer. [Grinch: Tomorrow is Christmas. It's practically here. MAX! Fetch me my sedative! Now to take care of those pesky memories. [hits himself with a hammer, knocking himself out cold]]
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Sweet little Cindy didn't know what to do.In her head, bum-tumbled a conflict or 2 - "If the Grinch was so bad, then why did he save me? Maybe he wasn't so bad Maybe. Just maybe."
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The Grinch hated Christmas. The whole Christmas season.Now, please, don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.It could be that his head wasn't screwed on just right.Or it could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight.But I think that the most likely reason of all… may have been that his heart was 2 sizes too small.
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The whipperwinds whipped high above the Who town.A trip or a slip, you'd slide all the way down, but this girl had a mission.She knew what to do. She'd invite the Grinch herself, that brave Cindy Lou.
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Then he slunk to the icebox. [Grinch: [hugs the fridge into place.] Slunk. [opens up the fridge]] He eyed the Whos feast. He took the Who pudding! [The Grinch throws a plate of Who pudding away] He took... the Roast Beast! [Grinch: [imitating football player] HIKE! [tosses the Roast Beast in a football hike position, and messes everything up the fridge]] He cleaned out the icebox as quick as a flash. Why, that Grinch… he even took their last can of Who Hash. [The Grinch opens up the cupboard to reveal the last can of Who Hash inside in it just as Cindy opens the door.] Then he stuffed all the food up the chimney with glee. [Grinch: And now...] Grinned The Grinch. [Grinch: [snatches the tree] ...I'll stuff up the tree! [walks to the fireplace with the Christmas tree] And the Grinch grabbed the tree as he started to shove... when he heard a small sound like the coo of a dove. [Cindy Lou Who: Excuse me.] [the Grinch stops, and hides behind the tree] The Grinch had been caught by this tiny Who daughter who'd got out of bed for a cup of cold water. [Cindy Lou Who: Santa Claus? What are you doing with our tree?] But, you know, that old Grinch was so smart and so slick... [Grinch coughs] ...He thought up a lie, and he thought it up quick. [Grinch: [imitating Santa] Why, my sweet little tot.] The fake Santa Claus lied. [Grinch: There's a light on this tree... that won't light on one side. So I'm taking it home to my workshop, my dear. [laughs, and Cindy giggles] I'll fix it up there, and I'll bring it back here.] [Cindy Lou Who: Santa, what's Christmas really about?] [Grinch: Vengeance! Er, I mean... presents... I suppose.] [Cindy Lou Who: I was afraid of that.] And his fib fooled the child. Then he patted her head, and he got her a drink and he sent her to bed.
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Yes, every Who down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot… but the Grinch, who lived just north of Whoville… did not.
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You're the, the, the, the– [Grinch: [imitating Cindy Lou Who] "The, the, the, the–" [normal voice; loudly] THE GRINCH!] Aah! [falls down a mail shaft] Help! [Grinch: Well...] Help! [Grinch: That worked out nicely.]