Ice Age: Collision Course quotes
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Buck: No worries, because I've got a plan.
Manny: Really, to stop an asteroid?
Buck: [shows the tablets on the prophecy] Look, the last two asteroids have pummeled the earth in the same spot, and it's about to happen again. We've got to go there and see what's attracting the asteroid. Once we know why it's coming, we can figure out how to send it somewhere else.
Granny: That plan is so dumb, I wish it had a face so I could smack it.
Manny: Let me get this straight: instead of running away from a deadly asteroid, you want us to run directly towards it.
Buck: I know it sounds suboptimal. But the good news is, it'll kill us no matter where we went!
Diego: Well, that's reassuring.
Manny: Okay. Even if we get to the crash site, how are we supposed to change what is literally written in stone?
Buck: Ah, my cynical friend, the dinos were wiped off the face of the Earth, but some escaped. They changed their fate and we can change ours, too! Who's with me?! [the Herd all look at each other, then quickly huddle in]
Manny: So what do you think?
Ellie: Honestly, I'm worried the weasel's right.
Buck: [dressed up with a leaf hat, nicking a lady's voice] No, don't listen to the weasel. He's a raving loon! [everyone just stares at Buck severely, and he laughs] Sorry, I just love playing devil's advocate. [singsong] And looking fabulous!!
Diego: Well, Buck has saved our lives before, right?
Shira: But what if he can't this time?
Peaches: I don't know what to believe, but I'm afraid our lives will be over before they begin.
[They break up]
Manny: Okay...I guess we're in.
Crash and Eddie: [salute] Crash and Eddie reporting for duty!
Eddie: Haha! "Dooty". [he and Crash laugh]
Buck: Excellent!
Manny: Really, to stop an asteroid?
Buck: [shows the tablets on the prophecy] Look, the last two asteroids have pummeled the earth in the same spot, and it's about to happen again. We've got to go there and see what's attracting the asteroid. Once we know why it's coming, we can figure out how to send it somewhere else.
Granny: That plan is so dumb, I wish it had a face so I could smack it.
Manny: Let me get this straight: instead of running away from a deadly asteroid, you want us to run directly towards it.
Buck: I know it sounds suboptimal. But the good news is, it'll kill us no matter where we went!
Diego: Well, that's reassuring.
Manny: Okay. Even if we get to the crash site, how are we supposed to change what is literally written in stone?
Buck: Ah, my cynical friend, the dinos were wiped off the face of the Earth, but some escaped. They changed their fate and we can change ours, too! Who's with me?! [the Herd all look at each other, then quickly huddle in]
Manny: So what do you think?
Ellie: Honestly, I'm worried the weasel's right.
Buck: [dressed up with a leaf hat, nicking a lady's voice] No, don't listen to the weasel. He's a raving loon! [everyone just stares at Buck severely, and he laughs] Sorry, I just love playing devil's advocate. [singsong] And looking fabulous!!
Diego: Well, Buck has saved our lives before, right?
Shira: But what if he can't this time?
Peaches: I don't know what to believe, but I'm afraid our lives will be over before they begin.
[They break up]
Manny: Okay...I guess we're in.
Crash and Eddie: [salute] Crash and Eddie reporting for duty!
Eddie: Haha! "Dooty". [he and Crash laugh]
Buck: Excellent!
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Buck: Oh, right on the spleen! Utterly useless, but totally hurts.
Diego: Hey, Buck! Welcome back, buddy.
Shira: Wait, this half-a-snack is a dinosaur whisperer?
Buck: And expert salsa dancer. [scats] I have one eye, but all my original teeth. Would you like to count them? [shows his teeth]
Shira: No thank you.
Buck: And this must be... Nectarine?
Peaches: Um, Peaches.
Buck: Semantics my dear. I am deeply honored.
Julian: Sweet eye-patch. Very gangster.
Buck: Thank you! [to Peaches] I like this kid.
Diego: Hey, Buck! Welcome back, buddy.
Shira: Wait, this half-a-snack is a dinosaur whisperer?
Buck: And expert salsa dancer. [scats] I have one eye, but all my original teeth. Would you like to count them? [shows his teeth]
Shira: No thank you.
Buck: And this must be... Nectarine?
Peaches: Um, Peaches.
Buck: Semantics my dear. I am deeply honored.
Julian: Sweet eye-patch. Very gangster.
Buck: Thank you! [to Peaches] I like this kid.
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Manny: [as he, Sid, Brooke, and Ellie walk out together] Sid? I never thought I'd say this, but you did a great job on the wedding. I owe you bigtime, pal.
Sid: You sure do... [holds out a leaf for Manny to take it] here's my bill.
Manny: What?!
Sid: Father of the bride pays for the wedding. It's a tradition I just invented!
Manny: Wait a minute. This is ridiculous. Look what you're charging for flowers!
Sid: Flowers ain't cheap.
Manny: No, they're free! We're in a forest! This bill is outrageous!
Sid: You sure do... [holds out a leaf for Manny to take it] here's my bill.
Manny: What?!
Sid: Father of the bride pays for the wedding. It's a tradition I just invented!
Manny: Wait a minute. This is ridiculous. Look what you're charging for flowers!
Sid: Flowers ain't cheap.
Manny: No, they're free! We're in a forest! This bill is outrageous!
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Peaches: [she feels nervous to marry Julian] I don't know. I don't know! What am I gonna do?
Ellie: Sweetie, listen to me. This is normal. Okay? Everyone gets nervous.
Manny: [walks in on-screen] What's going on? What happened?
Peaches: It's just… I can't go! How can I go? I don't wanna leave you guys. [slight pause for five seconds]
Manny: Hey, fuzzball… remember the first time that we played hockey? You were so afraid to get on the ice because it was slippery. Remember how I held you up while you started to skate? And when I knew you were ready, I let you go.
Peaches: Aw, Dad.
Manny: I know you're ready, now you have to let go.
Ellie: I always knew it would take someone very special, to match your spirit, and you found him. Just like I did. It's your time, sweetie. See the world, chase your dreams.
Manny: And whenever you decide to come back, we'll be here, okay? [they all embrace each other before Ellie gives Peaches a corsage on her head]
Ellie: Sweetie, listen to me. This is normal. Okay? Everyone gets nervous.
Manny: [walks in on-screen] What's going on? What happened?
Peaches: It's just… I can't go! How can I go? I don't wanna leave you guys. [slight pause for five seconds]
Manny: Hey, fuzzball… remember the first time that we played hockey? You were so afraid to get on the ice because it was slippery. Remember how I held you up while you started to skate? And when I knew you were ready, I let you go.
Peaches: Aw, Dad.
Manny: I know you're ready, now you have to let go.
Ellie: I always knew it would take someone very special, to match your spirit, and you found him. Just like I did. It's your time, sweetie. See the world, chase your dreams.
Manny: And whenever you decide to come back, we'll be here, okay? [they all embrace each other before Ellie gives Peaches a corsage on her head]
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Sid: I need to ask you something. Will you marry...?
Francine: Sid, I'm going to stop you right there. I'm breaking up with you!
Sid: What?! But I planned our future! Our wedding, [the camera pans over to a wedding service with empty seats] Our kids, [then shows their "kids" that are made of melons and mud sculptures] "Mommy!" ...Our burial plots...
Beaver: [digs up two holes for their burials] How you doin'?
Sid: I even hired a band! [Sid's Mariachi Band rise up instrumental notes] No, no! Not yet!
Francine: Are you crazy? We've only had one date. It lasted 14 minutes!
Sid: Yes. But it felt like 20. [shows her a ring in his sea shell]
Francine: Ugh! I can't! A ring? I mean I like the ring, but no. I can't, you're too clingy.
Sid: [zoom out to show Francine piggybacking Sid on her back] How is this clingy?
Francine: [takes off Sid off of her back] And by the way, you look nothing like your profile picture. [walking away and muttering to herself] Francine, you gotta start dating outside of your species...
Sid: We can work this out! Is this because of the bikini? [gets a leaf thrown at his face]
Francine: Sid, I'm going to stop you right there. I'm breaking up with you!
Sid: What?! But I planned our future! Our wedding, [the camera pans over to a wedding service with empty seats] Our kids, [then shows their "kids" that are made of melons and mud sculptures] "Mommy!" ...Our burial plots...
Beaver: [digs up two holes for their burials] How you doin'?
Sid: I even hired a band! [Sid's Mariachi Band rise up instrumental notes] No, no! Not yet!
Francine: Are you crazy? We've only had one date. It lasted 14 minutes!
Sid: Yes. But it felt like 20. [shows her a ring in his sea shell]
Francine: Ugh! I can't! A ring? I mean I like the ring, but no. I can't, you're too clingy.
Sid: [zoom out to show Francine piggybacking Sid on her back] How is this clingy?
Francine: [takes off Sid off of her back] And by the way, you look nothing like your profile picture. [walking away and muttering to herself] Francine, you gotta start dating outside of your species...
Sid: We can work this out! Is this because of the bikini? [gets a leaf thrown at his face]
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Teddy: What you need is more fiber.
Geotopia Shovelmouth: He's right. [a small crystal from the asteroid drops into the tub; it sinks onto the cracked spot, making bubbles fill up and to make all of them young again]
Shangri Llama: (Huh?) Oh. (What the…?) Ha! Ha, ha, ha! Shanghai Llama's back on top baby! [touches his beard while the Geotopia beaver returns to normal] Ooh, ahh, mmm.
Teddy: [his old man beard is gone, and he returns to normal] Gladys?
'Granny: [now becomes young, beautiful and fancy] Well, hello, Teddy Bear!
Teddy: [looks surprised, his ears make heart-shaped ears] Mmm-hmm.
Granny: Hot tubbin' just got a whole lot hotter. [Teddy looks at Granny, while the Shangri Llama comes out of the water]
Shangri Llama: Amazing! It's like some kind of "Fountain of Never Getting Old"! [plants and bushes turn young again] Well, we can workshop the name later. [flowers bloom and turn young again, Brooke also turns young again too, she sighs]
Geotopia Shovelmouth: He's right. [a small crystal from the asteroid drops into the tub; it sinks onto the cracked spot, making bubbles fill up and to make all of them young again]
Shangri Llama: (Huh?) Oh. (What the…?) Ha! Ha, ha, ha! Shanghai Llama's back on top baby! [touches his beard while the Geotopia beaver returns to normal] Ooh, ahh, mmm.
Teddy: [his old man beard is gone, and he returns to normal] Gladys?
'Granny: [now becomes young, beautiful and fancy] Well, hello, Teddy Bear!
Teddy: [looks surprised, his ears make heart-shaped ears] Mmm-hmm.
Granny: Hot tubbin' just got a whole lot hotter. [Teddy looks at Granny, while the Shangri Llama comes out of the water]
Shangri Llama: Amazing! It's like some kind of "Fountain of Never Getting Old"! [plants and bushes turn young again] Well, we can workshop the name later. [flowers bloom and turn young again, Brooke also turns young again too, she sighs]
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[After the asteroid has been pulled off course, the Geotopian elders are now relaxing in a hot tub; Brooke speaks to Sid]
Sid: You sure you can't come with us?
Brooke: Oh, Sidney, I wish I could, but we both know this is for the best. You've got your whole life in front of you. Besides… I'll have Granny to keep me company.
Sid: You're staying to?!
Granny: Are you kiddin'? This place is great! Tonight's the big talent show, and tomorrow, "Naked Bingo"!
Teddy: [calling to Granny] You comin', Gladys!?! I ain't getting any younger. Whoo!
Gladys: What? I can't hear you!
Teddy: What?! I can't hear you.
Gladys: What?! I can't hear you!
Brooke: [turns to Sid and gives him a rock slab with a sketch of herself] You'll always be my one true love. Here.
Sid: [takes the slab from her hands] Woah. Hold on! [takes a different slab and draws himself to show Brooke it]
Brooke: It looks just like you.
Sid: Now we'll be with each other forever!
Sid: You sure you can't come with us?
Brooke: Oh, Sidney, I wish I could, but we both know this is for the best. You've got your whole life in front of you. Besides… I'll have Granny to keep me company.
Sid: You're staying to?!
Granny: Are you kiddin'? This place is great! Tonight's the big talent show, and tomorrow, "Naked Bingo"!
Teddy: [calling to Granny] You comin', Gladys!?! I ain't getting any younger. Whoo!
Gladys: What? I can't hear you!
Teddy: What?! I can't hear you.
Gladys: What?! I can't hear you!
Brooke: [turns to Sid and gives him a rock slab with a sketch of herself] You'll always be my one true love. Here.
Sid: [takes the slab from her hands] Woah. Hold on! [takes a different slab and draws himself to show Brooke it]
Brooke: It looks just like you.
Sid: Now we'll be with each other forever!