Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) quotes
26 total quotesBecky Driscoll
Dr. Miles Bennell
Jack Belicec
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Dr. Kauffman: Less than a month ago, Santa Mira was like any other town. People with nothing but problems. Then, out of the sky came a solution. Seeds drifting through space for years took root in a farmer's field. From the seeds came pods which had the power to reproduce themselves in the exact likeness of any form of life...Your new bodies are growing in there. They're taking you over cell for cell, atom for atom. There is no pain. Suddenly, while you're asleep, they'll absorb your minds, your memories and you're reborn into an untroubled world...Tomorrow you'll be one of us...There's no need for love...Love. Desire. Ambition. Faith. Without them, life is so simple, believe me.
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Ambulance Driver: We had to dig him out from under the most peculiar things I ever saw.
Dr. Hill: What things?
Ambulance Driver: Well, I don't know what they are, I never saw them before. They looked like great big seed pods.
Dr. Hill: Where was the truck coming from?
Ambulance Driver: Santa Mira.
Dr. Hill: Get on your radios and sound an all points alarm. Block all highways, stop all traffic, and call every law enforcement agency in the state. [on phone] Operator, get me the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Yes, it's an emergency!
Dr. Hill: What things?
Ambulance Driver: Well, I don't know what they are, I never saw them before. They looked like great big seed pods.
Dr. Hill: Where was the truck coming from?
Ambulance Driver: Santa Mira.
Dr. Hill: Get on your radios and sound an all points alarm. Block all highways, stop all traffic, and call every law enforcement agency in the state. [on phone] Operator, get me the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Yes, it's an emergency!
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Dr. Bassett: Oh, Doctor Hill.
Dr. Hill: Dr. Basset. Well, where's the patient?
Dr. Bassett: I hated to drag you out of bed at this time of night. You'll soon see why I did.
Dr. Hill: Dr. Basset. Well, where's the patient?
Dr. Bassett: I hated to drag you out of bed at this time of night. You'll soon see why I did.
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Dr. Kauffman: A strange neurosis, evidently contagious, an epidemic mass hysteria. In two weeks, it spread all over town.
Miles: What causes it?
Dr. Kauffman: Worry about what's going on in the world probably.
Miles: What causes it?
Dr. Kauffman: Worry about what's going on in the world probably.
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Jack: Stop trying to rationalize everything, will ya? Let's face it, we have a mystery on our hands!
Dr. Kauffman: Sure you have. A real one! Whose body was it and where is it now? A completely normal mystery. Whatever it is, it's well within the bounds of human experience and I don't think you ought to make any more of it.
Miles: Look, I wouldn't if I hadn't looked in Becky's cellar! How do you explain away the body I saw there?
Dr. Kauffman: I don't think you saw one there.
Miles: You don't think I saw one here either?
Dr. Kauffman: I know you did because three others saw it too.
Miles: But I dreamed up the second one?
Dr. Kauffman: Doctors can have hallucinations too.
Dr. Kauffman: Sure you have. A real one! Whose body was it and where is it now? A completely normal mystery. Whatever it is, it's well within the bounds of human experience and I don't think you ought to make any more of it.
Miles: Look, I wouldn't if I hadn't looked in Becky's cellar! How do you explain away the body I saw there?
Dr. Kauffman: I don't think you saw one there.
Miles: You don't think I saw one here either?
Dr. Kauffman: I know you did because three others saw it too.
Miles: But I dreamed up the second one?
Dr. Kauffman: Doctors can have hallucinations too.
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Miles: This is the oddest thing I've ever heard of. Let's hope we don't catch it. I'd hate to wake up some morning and find out that you weren't you.
Becky: [laughs] I'm not the high school kid you use to romance, so how can you tell?
Miles: You really want to know?
Becky: Mmm-hmm.
Miles: [after kissing her] Mmmm, you're Becky Driscoll, all right!
Becky: Is this an example of your bedside manner, doctor?
Miles: No, ma'am. That comes later.
Becky: [laughs] I'm not the high school kid you use to romance, so how can you tell?
Miles: You really want to know?
Becky: Mmm-hmm.
Miles: [after kissing her] Mmmm, you're Becky Driscoll, all right!
Becky: Is this an example of your bedside manner, doctor?
Miles: No, ma'am. That comes later.
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Miles: What's the matter with them?
Sally: They wouldn't say. You know, usually people can't talk enough about what's ailing them.
Sally: They wouldn't say. You know, usually people can't talk enough about what's ailing them.
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[describing a body he found] It's like the first impression that's stamped on a coin. It isn't finished.
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[discovering that Becky is also divorced] Well, I guess that makes us lodge brothers now...except that I'm paying dues while you collect them.
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[voiceover] Driving home, I had a lot of questions and no answers. How could Jimmy and Wilma seem so normal now. Surely I had done nothing to cure them. Maybe they wanted me to feel secure but why?
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[voiceover] It started - for me, it started - last Thursday, in response to an urgent message from my nurse, I hurried home from a medical convention I'd been attending. At first glance, everything looked the same. It wasn't. Something evil had taken possession of the town.
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[voiceover] Sick people who couldn't wait to see me, then suddenly were perfectly all right. A boy who said his mother wasn't his mother. A woman who said her uncle wasn't her uncle.
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And so I ran. I ran! I ran! I ran! I ran as little Jimmy Grimaldi ran the other day.
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Doctor, will you tell these fools? I'm not crazy. Make them listen to me before it's too late.
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Drugs dull the mind... maybe that's the reason.