The Iron Giant quotes
18 total quotes
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[Kent is in the bathroom with red lighting at Hogarth's house. He hangs the drying photos from Hogarth's camera then he hears knocking.]
Annie: Are you okay in there, Mr. Mansley? I'm back with that toilet paper you needed.
Kent: [chuckles] Thanks! I think I'm feeling better now. Much. [sees the photo of Hogarth and Giant] Much better.
Annie: Are you okay in there, Mr. Mansley? I'm back with that toilet paper you needed.
Kent: [chuckles] Thanks! I think I'm feeling better now. Much. [sees the photo of Hogarth and Giant] Much better.
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[last line]
Hogarth: See you later.
[The jawbolt rolls away as the camera pans up to the sky then the camera changes to Langjokull Glacier, Iceland. Giant's parts go toward Giant as the camera pans to the Giant's face. He opens his eyes and smiles, then the movie cuts to black, and then the credits roll.]
Hogarth: See you later.
[The jawbolt rolls away as the camera pans up to the sky then the camera changes to Langjokull Glacier, Iceland. Giant's parts go toward Giant as the camera pans to the Giant's face. He opens his eyes and smiles, then the movie cuts to black, and then the credits roll.]
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[scene changes to Hogarth and Kent having root beer floats.]
Hogarth: First, you take a chocolate bar. Any bar will do.
Kent: Oh.
Hogarth: Do you mind if I, uh--?
Kent: No, knock yourself out, skipper.
Hogarth: [crumbles up choco-lax] You crumble up the chocolate into little pieces, [stirs the ice cream] then you kind of stir it into the ice cream. See?
Kent: Yes, I see. What do you call this, again?
Hogarth: Landslide. It's new. Very new. [tosses choco-lax wrapper in garbage can without Kent noticing]
Kent: Mmm. Landslide. Topnotch. Mmm. [Hogarth makes a landslide with a regular chocolate bar.] You know, Hogarth, we live in a strange and wondrous time. The Atomic Age. But, there's a dark side to progress, Hogarth. Ever hear of Sputnik?
Hogarth: Yeah, it's the first satellite in space.
Kent: Foreign satellite, Hogarth, and all that that implies. Even now, it orbits overhead... (Boop! Boop!) ...watching us. We can't see it, but it's there. Much like that giant thing in the woods. We don't know what it is or what it can do. I don't feel safe, Hogarth. Do you?
Hogarth: [puzzled and confused] What are you talking about?
Kent: What am I talking about? [angrily] What am I TALKING ABOUT?! [everyone stares at Kent] I'm talking about your goldarned security, Hogarth! While you're snoozing in your little jammies, back in Washington, we're wide awake and worried. Why? Because everyone wants what we have, Hogarth; Everyone! You think this metal man is fun. But who built it? The Russians? The Chinese? The Martians? Canadians?! I DON'T CARE! All I know is we didn't build it, and that's reason enough to assume the worst and blow it to kingdom come! Now, you are going to tell me about this thing, you are going to lead me to it, and we are going to destroy it before it destroys us! [suddenly, Kent's stomach begins to gurgle, causing his glare to fade away and his eyes to widen] Just hold that thought and stay right there! Uh-oh!
[Kent rushes to the bathroom, and Hogarth takes his chance and escapes.]
Hogarth: First, you take a chocolate bar. Any bar will do.
Kent: Oh.
Hogarth: Do you mind if I, uh--?
Kent: No, knock yourself out, skipper.
Hogarth: [crumbles up choco-lax] You crumble up the chocolate into little pieces, [stirs the ice cream] then you kind of stir it into the ice cream. See?
Kent: Yes, I see. What do you call this, again?
Hogarth: Landslide. It's new. Very new. [tosses choco-lax wrapper in garbage can without Kent noticing]
Kent: Mmm. Landslide. Topnotch. Mmm. [Hogarth makes a landslide with a regular chocolate bar.] You know, Hogarth, we live in a strange and wondrous time. The Atomic Age. But, there's a dark side to progress, Hogarth. Ever hear of Sputnik?
Hogarth: Yeah, it's the first satellite in space.
Kent: Foreign satellite, Hogarth, and all that that implies. Even now, it orbits overhead... (Boop! Boop!) ...watching us. We can't see it, but it's there. Much like that giant thing in the woods. We don't know what it is or what it can do. I don't feel safe, Hogarth. Do you?
Hogarth: [puzzled and confused] What are you talking about?
Kent: What am I talking about? [angrily] What am I TALKING ABOUT?! [everyone stares at Kent] I'm talking about your goldarned security, Hogarth! While you're snoozing in your little jammies, back in Washington, we're wide awake and worried. Why? Because everyone wants what we have, Hogarth; Everyone! You think this metal man is fun. But who built it? The Russians? The Chinese? The Martians? Canadians?! I DON'T CARE! All I know is we didn't build it, and that's reason enough to assume the worst and blow it to kingdom come! Now, you are going to tell me about this thing, you are going to lead me to it, and we are going to destroy it before it destroys us! [suddenly, Kent's stomach begins to gurgle, causing his glare to fade away and his eyes to widen] Just hold that thought and stay right there! Uh-oh!
[Kent rushes to the bathroom, and Hogarth takes his chance and escapes.]