The Jungle Book quotes
22 total quotesBaloo
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(after Bagheera tells Baloo he is taking Mowgli back to the man village) They'll ruin him! They'll make a man out of him!
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(after he, Bagheera and Mowgli escape from King Louie and company) Whew! (laughs) Man, that's what I call a swinging party!
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(as he and Mowgli float down a river) Let me tell you something, little britches: if you act like that bee--uh-uh, you're working too hard. And don't spend your time looking around…for something you want that can't be found.
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Bagheera: Oh, no, it's Baloo, that shiftless, stupid jungle bum.
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Kaa: (after Mowgli learns he has been deceived by the snake) If I never see that skinny little shrimp again, it will be too soon. (slithering away) Oh, my s-s-sacroiliac. (The "Waa-Waa" music plays)
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Bagheera: Baloo! Over here. I like to have a word with you.
Baloo: A word? You gonna talk some more?
(Baloo yawns)
Baloo: All right! What's up Bagheera?
Bagheera: Baloo, the man cub must go back to the man-village, the jungle is not the place for him.
(Baloo eats some grapes from a tree)
Baloo: I grew up in the jungle. Take a look at me!
Bagheera: Yes, just look at yourself! Look at that eye!
(Baloo looks himself in the river and sees his black eye)
Baloo:Yeah, It's beautiful ain't it.
Bagheera: Frankly, you're a disreputable sight.
Baloo: Well, you don't look exactly like a basket of fruit yourself.
(Bagheera also looks himself in the river and sees his black eye)
Bagheera: D'oh! (Bagheera clears his throat) Baloo, you can't adopt Mowgli as your son.
Baloo: Why not?
Bagheera: Uh.. How can I put it?
(Baloo eats a handful of grapes)
Bagheera: Baloo, birds of a feather should flock together. You wouldn't marry a panther, would you?
Baloo: I don't know. (Baloo giggles) Come to think of it, no panther ever asked me. (Baloo giggles again)
Bagheera: Baloo, y-y-you've got to be serious about...
Baloo: Oh, stop worrying, Baggy! Stop worrying I'll take care of him.
Bagheera: Yes, like you did when the monkeys kidnapped him huh?
Baloo: Can't a guy make one mistake?
Bagheera: Not in the jungle! And another thing: Sooner or later Mowgli will meet Shere Khan.
Baloo: The tiger? What's he got against the kid?
Bagheera: He hates man with a vengenance. You know that! Because he fears man's gun and man's fire.
Baloo: But, little Mowgli don't have those things.
Bagheera: Shere Khan won't wait until he does. He'll get Mowgli while he's young and helpless just one swipe.
Baloo: Oh! Well, well what are we gonna do?
Bagheera: Well, do what's best for the boy.
Baloo: You better believe it. You name it and I'll do it.
Bagheera: Good! Then make Mowgli go to the man-village.
Baloo: Are you outta you're mind? I promised him, he can stay here in the jungle with me!
Bagheera: Well, that's just the point. As long as he remains with you, he's in danger. So it's up to you.
Baloo: Why me?!
Bagheera: B-b-because he won't listen to me.
Baloo: I love that kid. I love him like he was my own cub!
Bagheera: Then, think of what's best for Mowgli and not yourself!
Baloo: Well c... Well can't I wait until morning?
Bagheera: It's morning now. Go on, Baloo.
Baloo: A word? You gonna talk some more?
(Baloo yawns)
Baloo: All right! What's up Bagheera?
Bagheera: Baloo, the man cub must go back to the man-village, the jungle is not the place for him.
(Baloo eats some grapes from a tree)
Baloo: I grew up in the jungle. Take a look at me!
Bagheera: Yes, just look at yourself! Look at that eye!
(Baloo looks himself in the river and sees his black eye)
Baloo:Yeah, It's beautiful ain't it.
Bagheera: Frankly, you're a disreputable sight.
Baloo: Well, you don't look exactly like a basket of fruit yourself.
(Bagheera also looks himself in the river and sees his black eye)
Bagheera: D'oh! (Bagheera clears his throat) Baloo, you can't adopt Mowgli as your son.
Baloo: Why not?
Bagheera: Uh.. How can I put it?
(Baloo eats a handful of grapes)
Bagheera: Baloo, birds of a feather should flock together. You wouldn't marry a panther, would you?
Baloo: I don't know. (Baloo giggles) Come to think of it, no panther ever asked me. (Baloo giggles again)
Bagheera: Baloo, y-y-you've got to be serious about...
Baloo: Oh, stop worrying, Baggy! Stop worrying I'll take care of him.
Bagheera: Yes, like you did when the monkeys kidnapped him huh?
Baloo: Can't a guy make one mistake?
Bagheera: Not in the jungle! And another thing: Sooner or later Mowgli will meet Shere Khan.
Baloo: The tiger? What's he got against the kid?
Bagheera: He hates man with a vengenance. You know that! Because he fears man's gun and man's fire.
Baloo: But, little Mowgli don't have those things.
Bagheera: Shere Khan won't wait until he does. He'll get Mowgli while he's young and helpless just one swipe.
Baloo: Oh! Well, well what are we gonna do?
Bagheera: Well, do what's best for the boy.
Baloo: You better believe it. You name it and I'll do it.
Bagheera: Good! Then make Mowgli go to the man-village.
Baloo: Are you outta you're mind? I promised him, he can stay here in the jungle with me!
Bagheera: Well, that's just the point. As long as he remains with you, he's in danger. So it's up to you.
Baloo: Why me?!
Bagheera: B-b-because he won't listen to me.
Baloo: I love that kid. I love him like he was my own cub!
Bagheera: Then, think of what's best for Mowgli and not yourself!
Baloo: Well c... Well can't I wait until morning?
Bagheera: It's morning now. Go on, Baloo.
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Bagheera: Stop! Wait a minute... HALT!!!!!
(elephants stop, crashing into each other)
Col. Hathi: Who said "halt"? I give the commands around here.
(elephants stop, crashing into each other)
Col. Hathi: Who said "halt"? I give the commands around here.
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Baloo: Like I told ya, them mangy monkeys carried him off!
Bagheera: The Ancient Ruins. Oh, I hate to think about what will happen to him when he meets the king of theirs.
Bagheera: The Ancient Ruins. Oh, I hate to think about what will happen to him when he meets the king of theirs.
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Baloo: Well, come on Baggy-buddy, let's get back to where we belong and get with the beat. (singing) Look for the Bare Necessities, the simple Bare Necessities.
Bagheera: (singing) Forget about your worries and your strife.
Both (singing) I mean the Bare Necessities are Mother Nature's recipes that bring the Bare Necessities of life.
Bagheera: (singing) Forget about your worries and your strife.
Both (singing) I mean the Bare Necessities are Mother Nature's recipes that bring the Bare Necessities of life.
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Buzzie: Hey, Flaps, what are we gonna do today?
Flaps: I dunno. What'cha wanna do?
Ziggy: I've got it! Let's flap over to the east side of the jungle. They've always got a bit of action, a bit of a swingin' scene, all right.
Buzzie: Aw, come off it. Things are right dead all over.
Ziggy: You mean you wish they were. [all laugh]
Dizzy: [seriously] Very funny.
Buzzie: Hey, Flaps, So what we were going to do?
Flaps: I dunno. What'cha wanna do?
Buzzie: Look, Flaps, first I say, "What were going to do?" Then you say, "I don't know. What'cha wanna do?" Then I say, "What we're going to do?" Then you say, "What'cha wanna do?" Let's do something!
Flaps: Ok. What'cha wanna do? [Buzzie sighs]
Buzzie: There you go again. The same notes again!
Ziggy: I've got it! This time, I really got it!
Flaps: I dunno. What'cha wanna do?
Ziggy: I've got it! Let's flap over to the east side of the jungle. They've always got a bit of action, a bit of a swingin' scene, all right.
Buzzie: Aw, come off it. Things are right dead all over.
Ziggy: You mean you wish they were. [all laugh]
Dizzy: [seriously] Very funny.
Buzzie: Hey, Flaps, So what we were going to do?
Flaps: I dunno. What'cha wanna do?
Buzzie: Look, Flaps, first I say, "What were going to do?" Then you say, "I don't know. What'cha wanna do?" Then I say, "What we're going to do?" Then you say, "What'cha wanna do?" Let's do something!
Flaps: Ok. What'cha wanna do? [Buzzie sighs]
Buzzie: There you go again. The same notes again!
Ziggy: I've got it! This time, I really got it!
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Buzzie: Run, friend, run!
Mowgli: Run? Why should I run?
Shere Khan: Why should you run? Could it be possible that you don't know who I am?
Mowgli: I know you all right. You're Shere Khan.
Shere Khan: Precisely! And you should also know that everyone runs from Shere Khan.
Mowgli : You don't scare me! I don't run from anyone!
Shere Khan: Ah, you have spirit for one so small. And such spirit is deserving of a sporting chance. Now, I'm going to close my eyes and count to ten. It makes the chase more interesting... for me. One...
[Music intensifies as Mowgli looks for something to defend himself with as Shere Khan continues counting]
Shere Khan: Two...
[Mowgli spots something and goes over to retrieve it]
Shere Khan: Three...
[as Mowgli picks up a stick, Shere Khan begins to suspect something]
Shere Khan: Four...
[Mowgli prepares to defend himself]
Shere Khan: You're trying my patience. Five, six, seven, eight, nine, TEN!
[Shere Khan leaps at Mowgli with a loud roar, Mowgli loses all of his nerve at the sight of this fearsome creature]
Mowgli: Run? Why should I run?
Shere Khan: Why should you run? Could it be possible that you don't know who I am?
Mowgli: I know you all right. You're Shere Khan.
Shere Khan: Precisely! And you should also know that everyone runs from Shere Khan.
Mowgli : You don't scare me! I don't run from anyone!
Shere Khan: Ah, you have spirit for one so small. And such spirit is deserving of a sporting chance. Now, I'm going to close my eyes and count to ten. It makes the chase more interesting... for me. One...
[Music intensifies as Mowgli looks for something to defend himself with as Shere Khan continues counting]
Shere Khan: Two...
[Mowgli spots something and goes over to retrieve it]
Shere Khan: Three...
[as Mowgli picks up a stick, Shere Khan begins to suspect something]
Shere Khan: Four...
[Mowgli prepares to defend himself]
Shere Khan: You're trying my patience. Five, six, seven, eight, nine, TEN!
[Shere Khan leaps at Mowgli with a loud roar, Mowgli loses all of his nerve at the sight of this fearsome creature]
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Col. Hathi (looking closely at a recruit's trunk): Tsk, tsk, tsk. A dusty muzzle. :(to elephant in question) Soldier, remember: in battle, that trunk can save your life. (taps trunk with cane) Take good care of it, my man.
Elephant #2: Yes, sir!
Elephant #2: Yes, sir!
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Kaa: Just you wait till I get you in my coils... Uhhh!
Mowgli (laughing): Bagheera, he's got a knot in his tail!
Kaa (mimicking): “He's got a knot in his tail!” [He grunts, struggling free from forked shoots; as he does so, his entire skin crashes at him like an accordion. He then slithers away, moaning] This is going to slow down my s-s-s-slithering.
Mowgli (laughing): Bagheera, he's got a knot in his tail!
Kaa (mimicking): “He's got a knot in his tail!” [He grunts, struggling free from forked shoots; as he does so, his entire skin crashes at him like an accordion. He then slithers away, moaning] This is going to slow down my s-s-s-slithering.
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Shere Khan: [To the vultures] Buu!!
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Shere Khan: I thought perhaps you were entertaining someone up there in your coils.
Kaa: Coils? Someone? Oh, no. I was just curling up for my siesta.
Shere Khan: But you were singing to someone. [Squeezes Kaa's neck] Who is it, Kaa?
Kaa: [Choking like mad] No....no....I was just....singing....uh....to myself.
Shere Khan: Indeed.
Kaa: Yes....you see, I have....trouble with my sinuses.
Shere Khan: What a pity. [Releases Kaa's neck and gently pins him to the ground]
Kaa: Oh, you have no idea. It's simply terrible. I can't eat. I can't sleep. So I sing myself to sleep. You know, self-hypnosis? [Brings his head close to Shere Khan's face] Let me show you how it works. [He uses his hypnosis technique with his eyes] "Trust in me....." [Shere Khan, unaffected, pushes Kaa away and pins his head to the ground]
Shere Khan: Uh, no, I can't be bothered with that. I have no time for that infernal nonsense.
Kaa: Some other time, perhaps?
Shere Khan: Perhaps.
Kaa: Coils? Someone? Oh, no. I was just curling up for my siesta.
Shere Khan: But you were singing to someone. [Squeezes Kaa's neck] Who is it, Kaa?
Kaa: [Choking like mad] No....no....I was just....singing....uh....to myself.
Shere Khan: Indeed.
Kaa: Yes....you see, I have....trouble with my sinuses.
Shere Khan: What a pity. [Releases Kaa's neck and gently pins him to the ground]
Kaa: Oh, you have no idea. It's simply terrible. I can't eat. I can't sleep. So I sing myself to sleep. You know, self-hypnosis? [Brings his head close to Shere Khan's face] Let me show you how it works. [He uses his hypnosis technique with his eyes] "Trust in me....." [Shere Khan, unaffected, pushes Kaa away and pins his head to the ground]
Shere Khan: Uh, no, I can't be bothered with that. I have no time for that infernal nonsense.
Kaa: Some other time, perhaps?
Shere Khan: Perhaps.