The Killers quotes
37 total quotesJim Reardon
Kitty Collins
Sam Lubinsky
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Lilly: Right then, I knew the boat had sailed and poor Ole had fallen in love with dynamite.
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Nick Adams: He wasn't a bad sort of fella...easy enough to get along with.
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Swede Andersen: Nobody can cheat me and get away with it.
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Al: [after learning that the dinner menu is unavailable until 6] Everything we want's on the dinner. That the way you work it, huh? What do you do here nights?
Max: They eat the dinner. They all come here and eat the big dinner.
Manager: That's right.
Al: You're a pretty bright boy, aren't ya??
Manager: Sure.
Max: They eat the dinner. They all come here and eat the big dinner.
Manager: That's right.
Al: You're a pretty bright boy, aren't ya??
Manager: Sure.
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Blinky: He shouldn't have hit you...
Doctor: Beats me. I don't know what keeps him going.
Reardon: Will he be able to talk anymore?
Doctor: He's dead now, except he's breathing.
Doctor: Beats me. I don't know what keeps him going.
Reardon: Will he be able to talk anymore?
Doctor: He's dead now, except he's breathing.
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Colfax: I guess our luck's run out, Kitty. [To Reardon] You didn't have anything on her before now, did ya?
Reardon: No, but I had to make you think so. And I was sure you'd try to knock me off before I could find out Kitty was your wife.
Colfax: You knew that too, huh?
Reardon: Married people can't testify against each other. Otherwise, I would have tried playing you off one against each other, instead of making myself a target for those gunmen of yours...
Lubinsky: What I don't get is, why you sent those two killers to blast the Swede? He wasn't doing ya any harm there in Brentwood. Why didn't ya let well enough alone?
Colfax: I couldn't. Suppose one of the gang ran into him, same as I did. They were after the money, if he had a chance to tell his story, and that would've been the end of it. They knew Kitty and I were married and they've seen through the frame-up. Anyhow, if I hadn't had him knocked off, he would've wondered why, and begun thinking.
Kitty: Jim! Jim!! Tell 'em I didn't know anything. Jim, listen to me. You can save me. Jim, do ya hear me? Tell them I didn't know those gunmen were coming. Say, 'Kitty is innocent. I swear, Kitty is innocent.' Say it, Jim, say it! It'll save me if you do.
Lubinsky: Don't ask a dyin' man to lie his soul into hell.
Kitty: 'Kitty is innocent. I swear, Kitty is innocent.'
Reardon: It's no use, Kitty. Your would-be fall guy is dead.
Kitty: Come back, Jim, tell them. Come back! SAVE ME! Jim! 'Kitty is innocent! I swear! Kitty is innocent! Kitty is innocent! I swear, Kitty is innocent! Kitty is innocent!'
Reardon: No, but I had to make you think so. And I was sure you'd try to knock me off before I could find out Kitty was your wife.
Colfax: You knew that too, huh?
Reardon: Married people can't testify against each other. Otherwise, I would have tried playing you off one against each other, instead of making myself a target for those gunmen of yours...
Lubinsky: What I don't get is, why you sent those two killers to blast the Swede? He wasn't doing ya any harm there in Brentwood. Why didn't ya let well enough alone?
Colfax: I couldn't. Suppose one of the gang ran into him, same as I did. They were after the money, if he had a chance to tell his story, and that would've been the end of it. They knew Kitty and I were married and they've seen through the frame-up. Anyhow, if I hadn't had him knocked off, he would've wondered why, and begun thinking.
Kitty: Jim! Jim!! Tell 'em I didn't know anything. Jim, listen to me. You can save me. Jim, do ya hear me? Tell them I didn't know those gunmen were coming. Say, 'Kitty is innocent. I swear, Kitty is innocent.' Say it, Jim, say it! It'll save me if you do.
Lubinsky: Don't ask a dyin' man to lie his soul into hell.
Kitty: 'Kitty is innocent. I swear, Kitty is innocent.'
Reardon: It's no use, Kitty. Your would-be fall guy is dead.
Kitty: Come back, Jim, tell them. Come back! SAVE ME! Jim! 'Kitty is innocent! I swear! Kitty is innocent! Kitty is innocent! I swear, Kitty is innocent! Kitty is innocent!'
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Kenyon: And the Swede never knew his girl had gone straight back to Colfax with all the money. As for the others, they had no idea she'd ever been away from Colfax...And Colfax framed the whole thing, just so he wouldn't have to split the take.
Reardon: The double-cross to end all double-crosses!
Reardon: The double-cross to end all double-crosses!
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Kitty: [To Big Jim] What'sa matter with you?...You're nervous. You're all in a sweat.
Colfax: You keep your mouth shut if you don't want it slapped shut. You've been askin' for it lately.
Swede: Hey!
Colfax: Any objections?
Swede: Yeah.
Dum Dum: Keep out of this, Swede. She's his girl.
Kitty: Mind your own business, Swede. I can take care of myself. [To Big Jim] You touch me and you won't live 'till morning.
Colfax: You keep your mouth shut if you don't want it slapped shut. You've been askin' for it lately.
Swede: Hey!
Colfax: Any objections?
Swede: Yeah.
Dum Dum: Keep out of this, Swede. She's his girl.
Kitty: Mind your own business, Swede. I can take care of myself. [To Big Jim] You touch me and you won't live 'till morning.
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Kitty: Can you put me away, Mr. Reardon?
Reardon: Blinky Franklin made a deathbed statement under oath. There's no stronger testimony. And there's a chambermaid in an Atlantic City hotel that has a memory for faces. Well?
Kitty: Oh, there's no use kidding myself. I'd do anything you wanted. Give you every penny I could lay my hands on.
Reardon: How many pennies is that?
Kitty: Well, I might be able to raise $65, $70 thousand at the most.
Reardon: Not enough.
Kitty: That's all I could possibly get together. I'm not stalling, Mr. Reardon, not now. I know when I'm beaten. I'm fighting for my life, not Kitty Collins' life, but mine. I have a home now and a husband. I've got a life worth fighting for, and there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do to keep it just the way it is.
Reardon: Well, we might still be able to do business if you put a prize in with the CrackerJack.
Kitty: What do you mean?
Reardon: I wanna fall guy when it's over.
Kitty: Who would that be?
Reardon: Colfax.
Kitty: Even the old Kitty Collins never sang, Mr. Reardon.
Reardon: Blinky Franklin made a deathbed statement under oath. There's no stronger testimony. And there's a chambermaid in an Atlantic City hotel that has a memory for faces. Well?
Kitty: Oh, there's no use kidding myself. I'd do anything you wanted. Give you every penny I could lay my hands on.
Reardon: How many pennies is that?
Kitty: Well, I might be able to raise $65, $70 thousand at the most.
Reardon: Not enough.
Kitty: That's all I could possibly get together. I'm not stalling, Mr. Reardon, not now. I know when I'm beaten. I'm fighting for my life, not Kitty Collins' life, but mine. I have a home now and a husband. I've got a life worth fighting for, and there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do to keep it just the way it is.
Reardon: Well, we might still be able to do business if you put a prize in with the CrackerJack.
Kitty: What do you mean?
Reardon: I wanna fall guy when it's over.
Kitty: Who would that be?
Reardon: Colfax.
Kitty: Even the old Kitty Collins never sang, Mr. Reardon.
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Kitty: I'm taking my life in my hands coming to you like this, but I just couldn't stand by, not after what you did for me that time in Philly.
Swede: Forget that. Why are you here now?
Kitty: Colfax thinks I'm on my way to New York. He's meeting me there tomorrow. But I just had to come to you, Swede, and tell you.
Swede: Tell me what?
Kitty: They're planning to double-cross you.
Swede: Who is?
Kitty: Colfax and the others. They don't intend for you ever to get a smell of the money from tomorrow's job.
Swede: How do you know that?
Kitty: Colfax sprung it tonight on Dum Dum and Blinky right after you left. First, he called you names and said dirty things about you. And then he sprung it. What if they were not to go to the half-way house after the robbery? You'd go there, but they'd be someplace else, and so would the money.
Swede: What did Blinky and Dum Dum say?
Kitty: They fell right in with the idea.
Swede: Where are they gonna meet?
Kitty: The farmhouse north of town on Polk Road, eleven miles out on the turnpike. Colfax hates you, Swede, so much so that Blinky and Dum Dum have caught it from him and they hate you too.
Swede: Thanks for putting me wise, Kitty.
Kitty: What are you gonna do? Swede - what are you gonna do?
Swede: I'm gonna do them like they mean to do me.
Kitty: Promise me one thing. You won't give me away. If Colfax ever found out what I did...
Swede: Don't you worry.
Kitty: You know why Colfax hates you? Because of me. He's no fool. He sees what's happened.
Swede: Why did you ever go back to him, Kitty?
Kitty: Maybe because I hate him. I'm poison, Swede, to myself and everybody around me. I'd be afraid to go with anyone I love for the harm I'd do them. I don't care harming him.
Swede: [He pulls Kitty into his arms] You're not meetin' him tomorrow.
Kitty: All right, Swede. [They embrace and kiss passionately]
Swede: Forget that. Why are you here now?
Kitty: Colfax thinks I'm on my way to New York. He's meeting me there tomorrow. But I just had to come to you, Swede, and tell you.
Swede: Tell me what?
Kitty: They're planning to double-cross you.
Swede: Who is?
Kitty: Colfax and the others. They don't intend for you ever to get a smell of the money from tomorrow's job.
Swede: How do you know that?
Kitty: Colfax sprung it tonight on Dum Dum and Blinky right after you left. First, he called you names and said dirty things about you. And then he sprung it. What if they were not to go to the half-way house after the robbery? You'd go there, but they'd be someplace else, and so would the money.
Swede: What did Blinky and Dum Dum say?
Kitty: They fell right in with the idea.
Swede: Where are they gonna meet?
Kitty: The farmhouse north of town on Polk Road, eleven miles out on the turnpike. Colfax hates you, Swede, so much so that Blinky and Dum Dum have caught it from him and they hate you too.
Swede: Thanks for putting me wise, Kitty.
Kitty: What are you gonna do? Swede - what are you gonna do?
Swede: I'm gonna do them like they mean to do me.
Kitty: Promise me one thing. You won't give me away. If Colfax ever found out what I did...
Swede: Don't you worry.
Kitty: You know why Colfax hates you? Because of me. He's no fool. He sees what's happened.
Swede: Why did you ever go back to him, Kitty?
Kitty: Maybe because I hate him. I'm poison, Swede, to myself and everybody around me. I'd be afraid to go with anyone I love for the harm I'd do them. I don't care harming him.
Swede: [He pulls Kitty into his arms] You're not meetin' him tomorrow.
Kitty: All right, Swede. [They embrace and kiss passionately]
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Max: I'll tell ya what's gonna happen. We're gonna kill the Swede. You know big Swede that works over at that filling station?
Manager: You mean Pete Lunn?
Max: If that's what he calls himself. Comes in every night at six o'clock, don't he?
Manager: Yes, if he comes.
Al: We know all about that.
Manager: What are ya gonna kill him for? What did Pete Lunn ever do to you?
Max: He never had a chance to do anything to us. He never even seen us.
Al: He's only gonna see us once.
Manager: What are ya gonna kill him for?
Max: We're killin' him for a friend.
Manager: You mean Pete Lunn?
Max: If that's what he calls himself. Comes in every night at six o'clock, don't he?
Manager: Yes, if he comes.
Al: We know all about that.
Manager: What are ya gonna kill him for? What did Pete Lunn ever do to you?
Max: He never had a chance to do anything to us. He never even seen us.
Al: He's only gonna see us once.
Manager: What are ya gonna kill him for?
Max: We're killin' him for a friend.
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Swede: Do you like the fights?
Kitty: I'm afraid I've never seen one.
Swede: No kiddin'.
Kitty: I hate brutality, Mr. Andersen. The idea of two men beating each other to a pulp makes me ill.
Lilly: I saw all Swede's fights.
Kitty: How wonderful of you! I could never bear to see a man I really cared for being hurt. [Kitty is called away, and slinks off]
Swede: She's beautiful.
Kitty: I'm afraid I've never seen one.
Swede: No kiddin'.
Kitty: I hate brutality, Mr. Andersen. The idea of two men beating each other to a pulp makes me ill.
Lilly: I saw all Swede's fights.
Kitty: How wonderful of you! I could never bear to see a man I really cared for being hurt. [Kitty is called away, and slinks off]
Swede: She's beautiful.
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Swede: Swell idea you guys had. Leave me holdin' the bag at the half-way house while you split up the dough, huh?...
Colfax: The half-way house burnt down last night. That's why we came here.
Swede: Somebody ought to have let me know.
Colfax: You were told, you're here.
Swede: Next time, play it straight.
Colfax: The half-way house burnt down last night. That's why we came here.
Swede: Somebody ought to have let me know.
Colfax: You were told, you're here.
Swede: Next time, play it straight.