Knighty Knight Bugs quotes
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[Yosemite Sam (as the Black Knight) and the dragon are sleeping in a castle]
Dragon: Ah, Ah, Ah... Ah-choo! [off-screen] Ah-choo!
[Yosemite Sam wakes up]
Yosemite Sam: Ya crazy, idjit, bedraggled dragon! I warned ya about lettin' your fire get low! Now ya caught cold! [feeds the dragon coal]
[Bugs enters the castle after Yosemite Sam goes back to sleep. Bugs tiptoes past him and his dragon. He opens the treasure chest and finds the Singing Sword]
Bugs Bunny: So this is the Singing Sword. Big deal. I wonder why they call this the Singing Sword?
[The Singing Sword vibrates, performing the musical tune "Cuddle Up a Little Closer" waking Yosemite Sam up]
Yosemite Sam: Drop that sword, Varmint! [chases Bugs through the door, but Bugs slams it on him, causing his armor to fall off. Bugs runs out of the castle] Quick, the Singing Sword's been stolen! [whacks the dragon with a mace] Wake up, you fire-breathin' lizard! Ow! [The dragon's fire burns Yosemite Sam] And stop breathin' on me, ya idjit! [whacks him again]
Bugs Bunny: [laughs] That was simple.
[Yosemite Sam rides on his dragon and chases Bugs. The dragon breathes fire on Bugs' tail and Bugs ducks into a hole]
Yosemite Sam: Whoa, dragon, whoa!
[Yosemite Sam slides off his dragon and Bugs then runs back to the castle and the drawbridge closes]
Yosemite Sam: Whoa! [slides off the dragon and falls into the moat] Stupid dragon.
Bugs Bunny: How's the water, Doc?
Yosemite Sam: Open that bridge, varmint! Open it, I say! [the drawbridge drops on top of Yosemite Sam] Close it! Close it! Close it up again! [The drawbridge opens, leaving a flattened Yosemite Sam] Okay, rabbit, ya forced me to use force!
[The next scene is where Yosemite Sam rides the dragon as he tows a trebuchet]
Yosemite Sam: Hah! Hah, dragon! Hay-ha! Hah, dragon! Hah, dragon! Hah!!
[Bugs watches as Yosemite Sam prepares the trebuchet]
Yosemite Sam: Prepare yourself, rabbit! I'm a-comin' over the wall!
[Yosemite Sam launches himself, but flies straight into a brick and falls back into the moat. His front flattened, he walks back onto shore]
Yosemite Sam: [with a "nasal" voice] You'll pay for this, varmint!
[The next scene is where Yosemite Sam lassos onto the castle and climbs the rope. But Bugs is waiting on it]
Bugs Bunny: Now, let's see if I remember. Head down, left arm stiff.
[Bugs whacks Yosemite Sam with a mallet, causing him to slide out of his armor and back down the rope. The next scene is where Bugs sneaks out of the castle with the sword, unaware that on the outside of the moat, Yosemite Sam and the dragon are hiding behind a rock]
Dragon: Ah, Ah, Ah... Ah-choo!
Yosemite Sam: [getting burned again by his dragon] YEOW!!! You idjit!
[Bugs, alerted to their presence, runs back into the castle with Yosemite Sam and the dragon in hot pursuit. During the chase, the dragon sneezes again. Bugs lures them into the explosives room, runs back out again himself, and locks them in]
Yosemite Sam: [stopping the dragon from sneezing] AAGH!!! Don't sneeze, ya stupid dragon, or you'll blow us to the moon!
[As Bugs Bunny walks away from the castle.]
Dragon: [from inside the tower] Ah, ah... AH-CHOO!!!
[The explosives in the explosives room explode, sending the entire tower rocketing into the sky, taking Yosemite Sam and his dragon to the moon. Yosemite Sam glares at his befuddled dragon]
Yosemite Sam: Dragons is so stupid!
[The tower with Yosemite Sam and his dragon continues it's way to the moon]
Bugs Bunny: Adios! Have a nice trip! Bon voyagee! Farewell to thee!
[The Singing Sword performs "Farewell to Thee" as Bugs leaves with it]
Dragon: Ah, Ah, Ah... Ah-choo! [off-screen] Ah-choo!
[Yosemite Sam wakes up]
Yosemite Sam: Ya crazy, idjit, bedraggled dragon! I warned ya about lettin' your fire get low! Now ya caught cold! [feeds the dragon coal]
[Bugs enters the castle after Yosemite Sam goes back to sleep. Bugs tiptoes past him and his dragon. He opens the treasure chest and finds the Singing Sword]
Bugs Bunny: So this is the Singing Sword. Big deal. I wonder why they call this the Singing Sword?
[The Singing Sword vibrates, performing the musical tune "Cuddle Up a Little Closer" waking Yosemite Sam up]
Yosemite Sam: Drop that sword, Varmint! [chases Bugs through the door, but Bugs slams it on him, causing his armor to fall off. Bugs runs out of the castle] Quick, the Singing Sword's been stolen! [whacks the dragon with a mace] Wake up, you fire-breathin' lizard! Ow! [The dragon's fire burns Yosemite Sam] And stop breathin' on me, ya idjit! [whacks him again]
Bugs Bunny: [laughs] That was simple.
[Yosemite Sam rides on his dragon and chases Bugs. The dragon breathes fire on Bugs' tail and Bugs ducks into a hole]
Yosemite Sam: Whoa, dragon, whoa!
[Yosemite Sam slides off his dragon and Bugs then runs back to the castle and the drawbridge closes]
Yosemite Sam: Whoa! [slides off the dragon and falls into the moat] Stupid dragon.
Bugs Bunny: How's the water, Doc?
Yosemite Sam: Open that bridge, varmint! Open it, I say! [the drawbridge drops on top of Yosemite Sam] Close it! Close it! Close it up again! [The drawbridge opens, leaving a flattened Yosemite Sam] Okay, rabbit, ya forced me to use force!
[The next scene is where Yosemite Sam rides the dragon as he tows a trebuchet]
Yosemite Sam: Hah! Hah, dragon! Hay-ha! Hah, dragon! Hah, dragon! Hah!!
[Bugs watches as Yosemite Sam prepares the trebuchet]
Yosemite Sam: Prepare yourself, rabbit! I'm a-comin' over the wall!
[Yosemite Sam launches himself, but flies straight into a brick and falls back into the moat. His front flattened, he walks back onto shore]
Yosemite Sam: [with a "nasal" voice] You'll pay for this, varmint!
[The next scene is where Yosemite Sam lassos onto the castle and climbs the rope. But Bugs is waiting on it]
Bugs Bunny: Now, let's see if I remember. Head down, left arm stiff.
[Bugs whacks Yosemite Sam with a mallet, causing him to slide out of his armor and back down the rope. The next scene is where Bugs sneaks out of the castle with the sword, unaware that on the outside of the moat, Yosemite Sam and the dragon are hiding behind a rock]
Dragon: Ah, Ah, Ah... Ah-choo!
Yosemite Sam: [getting burned again by his dragon] YEOW!!! You idjit!
[Bugs, alerted to their presence, runs back into the castle with Yosemite Sam and the dragon in hot pursuit. During the chase, the dragon sneezes again. Bugs lures them into the explosives room, runs back out again himself, and locks them in]
Yosemite Sam: [stopping the dragon from sneezing] AAGH!!! Don't sneeze, ya stupid dragon, or you'll blow us to the moon!
[As Bugs Bunny walks away from the castle.]
Dragon: [from inside the tower] Ah, ah... AH-CHOO!!!
[The explosives in the explosives room explode, sending the entire tower rocketing into the sky, taking Yosemite Sam and his dragon to the moon. Yosemite Sam glares at his befuddled dragon]
Yosemite Sam: Dragons is so stupid!
[The tower with Yosemite Sam and his dragon continues it's way to the moon]
Bugs Bunny: Adios! Have a nice trip! Bon voyagee! Farewell to thee!
[The Singing Sword performs "Farewell to Thee" as Bugs leaves with it]