Kung Fu Panda quotes
81 total quotesMaster Tigress
Tai Lung
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(Mantis is giving Po acupuncture)
Po: I thought you said acupuncture would make me feel [Mantis strikes another needle] better...
Mantis: Trust me, it will. It's just not easy finding the right nerve points under all this...
Po: Fat?
Mantis: Fur. I was gonna say fur.
Po: Sure you were.
Mantis: Trust me, it will. It's just not easy finding the right nerve points under all this...
Po: Fat?
Mantis: Fur. I was gonna say fur.
Po: Sure you were.
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(Po is making dinner for The Furious Five)
Po: So I'm like "Fine. You may be a wolf. You may be the scariest bandit in the Fujian Province, but you're a lousy tipper!"
Crane: Really? So how'd you get out of there alive?
Po: I mean, I didn't, I didn't actually say that... but I thought it... in... in my mind. If he could read my mind he woulda been like "What?" Order up.
Crane: Really? So how'd you get out of there alive?
Po: I mean, I didn't, I didn't actually say that... but I thought it... in... in my mind. If he could read my mind he woulda been like "What?" Order up.
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(Shifu walks in to see Po in the kitchen, having just punched through a clear stone cupboard and is currently eating its contents)
Po: (Sees Shifu and stops; Shifu looks around the kitchen) ...What? (angrily now) I eat when I'm upset, okay?
Shifu: (Getting inspiration) Oh, no need to explain. I just thought you might be Monkey... He hides his almond cookies on the top shelf. (Pretends to walk off and leans against the wall beside the doorway, hearing a bit of scuffling. When he looks in, Po is 10 feet above the ground, doing a perfect split to keep himself airborne and is currently shoveling Monkey's almond cookies into his face. After a minute, Po sees Shifu)
Po: (with cookies in his mouth) ...Don't tell Monkey...
Shifu: (Getting inspiration) Oh, no need to explain. I just thought you might be Monkey... He hides his almond cookies on the top shelf. (Pretends to walk off and leans against the wall beside the doorway, hearing a bit of scuffling. When he looks in, Po is 10 feet above the ground, doing a perfect split to keep himself airborne and is currently shoveling Monkey's almond cookies into his face. After a minute, Po sees Shifu)
Po: (with cookies in his mouth) ...Don't tell Monkey...
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(talking to Po) I'm not dying, you idiot! Er, I mean, Dragon Warrior... I am simply at peace. Finally.
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(While held under the Wuxi Finger Hold) The Wuxi Finger Hold! You're bluffing. You're bluffing! Shifu didn't teach you that!
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[as Po bounces down the palace steps]
Tigress: If he's smart, he won't come back up those stairs.
Monkey: But he will.
Viper: He's not gonna quit, is he?
Mantis: He's not gonna quit bouncing, I can tell you that.
Monkey: But he will.
Viper: He's not gonna quit, is he?
Mantis: He's not gonna quit bouncing, I can tell you that.
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[In Po's dream sequence]
Gang Boss: I see you like to chew. Maybe you should chew on my fist!
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Careful that soup is — sharp!
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Do you want to learn Kung fu?
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Don't tempt me!
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Don't try and stop me!
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Dragon Warrior- has taken scroll halfway across China by now... You will never see that scroll, Tai Lung. Never. Never...
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Get ready to feel the Thunder!
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He was so deadly in fact that his enemies would go blind from overexposure to pure awesomeness!