The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen quotes
39 total quotesM/The Phantom
Mina Harker
Rodney Skinner
Tom Sawyer
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Allan Quartermain: Well, we were the faster, but now we're the tortoise to his hare.
Dr. Henry Jekyll: So, we're done?
Tom Sawyer: No, we're alive. If M has any idea to the contrary, that gives us an edge.
Captain Nemo: The sea is vast, he could be anywhere.
Tom Sawyer: Yeah, well, I'm an optimist, now maybe that's a crime to you twisted so-and-so's but it keeps me from going crazy.
Mina Harker: Your optimism's out of place.
Tom Sawyer: You're wrong! Because we'll get out, man... at least, *I* will. That other agent I told you about... was my childhood friend. We were agents together until the phantom shot him dead. Now you can be done, but I am not. I will avenge his death.
Dr. Henry Jekyll: It's not about any one of us, Tom, it's bigger than that.
Tom Sawyer: Yes, it is, Jekyll! The fate for the world is in our hands... the world! So M tricked you, he brought you all together and you walked straight into his trap. But the way that I see it, that's the part he did wrong... He brought you together.
Dr. Henry Jekyll: He has a point.
Allan Quartermain: And the boy becomes a man... perhaps a leader of men.
Mina Harker: And Women.
Dr. Henry Jekyll: So, we're done?
Tom Sawyer: No, we're alive. If M has any idea to the contrary, that gives us an edge.
Captain Nemo: The sea is vast, he could be anywhere.
Tom Sawyer: Yeah, well, I'm an optimist, now maybe that's a crime to you twisted so-and-so's but it keeps me from going crazy.
Mina Harker: Your optimism's out of place.
Tom Sawyer: You're wrong! Because we'll get out, man... at least, *I* will. That other agent I told you about... was my childhood friend. We were agents together until the phantom shot him dead. Now you can be done, but I am not. I will avenge his death.
Dr. Henry Jekyll: It's not about any one of us, Tom, it's bigger than that.
Tom Sawyer: Yes, it is, Jekyll! The fate for the world is in our hands... the world! So M tricked you, he brought you all together and you walked straight into his trap. But the way that I see it, that's the part he did wrong... He brought you together.
Dr. Henry Jekyll: He has a point.
Allan Quartermain: And the boy becomes a man... perhaps a leader of men.
Mina Harker: And Women.
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Allan Quatermain: Ah, you're missing a picture, Mr. Gray.
Dorian Gray: And you don't miss a thing, do you, Mr. Quatermain?
Allan Quatermain: Oh, sometimes.
Dorian Gray: And you don't miss a thing, do you, Mr. Quatermain?
Allan Quatermain: Oh, sometimes.
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Captain Nemo: [Seeing one of M's men who has taken a large amount of Hyde's formula] What is that thing?
Hyde: He's me on a bad day.
Hyde: He's me on a bad day.
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Karl Draper: (in German) What do you want?
The Phantom: The world, Herr Draper. I want the world.
[The Phantom is thrown a rocket launcher by one of his men]
Karl Draper: Are you crazy? This place is full of hydrogen gas!
The Phantom: Really? That's so frightening. [Fires the rocket at a zeppelin]
The Phantom: The world, Herr Draper. I want the world.
[The Phantom is thrown a rocket launcher by one of his men]
Karl Draper: Are you crazy? This place is full of hydrogen gas!
The Phantom: Really? That's so frightening. [Fires the rocket at a zeppelin]
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Mina Harker: Nemo worships death. Are we sure we can trust him?
Allan Quatermain: He's not the one I'm worried about.
Allan Quatermain: He's not the one I'm worried about.
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Phantom's Soldier: [To Nemo] Draw your pistol.
Captain Nemo: I walk a different path. [draws sword]
Captain Nemo: I walk a different path. [draws sword]
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Rodney Skinner (The Invisible Man): And they'll provide an antidote... well, that's if I'm a good boy.
Allan Quatermain: And are you a good boy?
Rodney Skinner (The Invisible Man): I guess you'll find out, won't you?
Allan Quatermain: And are you a good boy?
Rodney Skinner (The Invisible Man): I guess you'll find out, won't you?
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Sanderson Reed: Where is your sense of patriotism?
Allan Quatermain: [stands up with a drink] God save the Queen.
[the other patrons of the club mutter an apathetic return to the toast]
Nigel: God save her.
Allan Quatermain: [to Reed] That's about as patriotic as it gets around here.
Allan Quatermain: [stands up with a drink] God save the Queen.
[the other patrons of the club mutter an apathetic return to the toast]
Nigel: God save her.
Allan Quatermain: [to Reed] That's about as patriotic as it gets around here.
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Sanderson Reed: [War with] Everyone. A world war.
Allan Quatermain: And this notion makes you sweat?
Sanderson Reen: Heavens, man. Doesn't it you?
Allan Quatermain: This is Africa, dear boy. Sweating is what we do.
Allan Quatermain: And this notion makes you sweat?
Sanderson Reen: Heavens, man. Doesn't it you?
Allan Quatermain: This is Africa, dear boy. Sweating is what we do.
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[After Allan reveals his identity to Reed]
Nigel: Shall I toddle off, then, Allan?
Allan Quatermain: Yes, of course, Nigel, toddle off.
Nigel: Toddling.
Nigel: Shall I toddle off, then, Allan?
Allan Quatermain: Yes, of course, Nigel, toddle off.
Nigel: Toddling.
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[after seeing Mina kill one of M's men] Boy. They told me European women had funny ways.
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[Allan is teaching him to shoot from the deck of the Nautilus] Did you teach your son to shoot like this? [turns to see Allan has left]
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Automatic rifles. Who in God's name has automatic rifles?