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[After Lucy defeats Rex]
Lucy: It's over, Rex. Emmet's never gonna be you. But you can be like him. You don't have to be the bad guy.
Emmet: You can join us.
Rex Dangervest: [grunts] I can't.
Emmet: What do you mean?
Rex Dangervest: She came back for ya. You're never gonna turn out like me, which means: I'm never gonna exist
Emmet: W-Wait, no.
Rex Dangervest: [His right arm disappears] Ha ha! Look, I told, I knew it! look, I'm Back to the Futuring! Totally called it.
Emmet: What's Back to the Futuring?
Rex Dangervest: [his left leg disappears] It's a classic movie older kids get to watch. And now it's happening to me
Emmet: Come on! Take our hand while you still have a hand to take!
Rex Dangervest: That ain't how it works, kid.
Emmet: Rex...
Rex Dangervest: It's okay. I'm proud of ya. [his right leg disappears] And you're gonna grow up to be better than me. But kind of thanks to me, so, [his left arm disappears] I'm also great. And, Lucy, thanks for coming back for us. [his lower body disappears] Besides, this is a pretty righteous way to go out, no regrets! Except again not trademarking "No regrets", that was a mistake, one love! [his head disappears into nothing]
Emmet: Just to be clear of that really happened, you could see him. Right?
Lucy: Uh-huh. Time to go?
Emmet: Yeah. [he and Lucy leave]
Lucy: Hey, um, I'm really sorry I tried to change you.
Emmet: Oh, and I'm sorry I blew up the wedding and almost banished everyone to an eternity of lifelessness in a cosmic storage bin. It's fine.
Lucy: Can we be special best friends still?
Emmet: Fo' eva. [he and Lucy hold hands as the screen fades to white]

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