The Lego Movie quotes
30 total quotesEmmet
Everything is Awesome
President Business/Lord Business
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Bad Cop: [the group takes the submarine towards the water as Bad Cop at his robots are chasing after them] Stop him, stop him! [suddenly the submarine goes off the edge of a cloud and plunges down] Don't let him get to the water! [as they get closer to the water]
[Wyldstyle screams as he falls and finally lands onto the ground]
Wyldstyle: [screaming] Dive, dive, dive!
[to Bad Cop]
Wyldstyle: [screaming] Everybody in!
[to Unikitty]
Wyldstyle: [screaming] We're going under!
[A submarine splashes, the submarine plunges into the water. A chair splashes]
Bad Cop: [grunts]
[We hear muffled screams and we then see Cloud Cuckoo Land being destroyed by the robots and the Master Builders handcuffed and taken as prisoners]
Wonder Woman: Oh, no.
[Wyldstyle screams as he falls and finally lands onto the ground]
Wyldstyle: [screaming] Dive, dive, dive!
[to Bad Cop]
Wyldstyle: [screaming] Everybody in!
[to Unikitty]
Wyldstyle: [screaming] We're going under!
[A submarine splashes, the submarine plunges into the water. A chair splashes]
Bad Cop: [grunts]
[We hear muffled screams and we then see Cloud Cuckoo Land being destroyed by the robots and the Master Builders handcuffed and taken as prisoners]
Wonder Woman: Oh, no.
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Bad Cop: Nobody gets on the train.
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Bad Cop: Shut up!
Evil Villain: NO! WE DON'T SAY SHUT YOUR MOUTH! The Emmet don't get the melting chamber anymore! You're Emmet is grounded melting chamber of wasting taco tuesday! You're Emmet is bad influence and do nothing!
Bad Cop: No! That's not true.
Lord Business: You're not influence for Emmet.
Evil Villain: NO! WE DON'T SAY SHUT YOUR MOUTH! The Emmet don't get the melting chamber anymore! You're Emmet is grounded melting chamber of wasting taco tuesday! You're Emmet is bad influence and do nothing!
Bad Cop: No! That's not true.
Lord Business: You're not influence for Emmet.
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Batman: [he trails off hoping for any positive comments] You are so disappointing on so many levels.
Vitruvius: Why are my pants cold and wet? [A shot of water rising in the sub] Uh...
Computer: [a wall is breached and even more water floods in] Hull breach!
Unikitty: The walls are crying!
Benny: [as she tries to plug a hole] We're falling apart at the seams! [screams] [as the submarine starts to fall apart]
Batman: This is not how Batman dies!
[Emmet screams, as the submarine fills with water Emmet starts to drown. Wyldstyle reaches for him]
Wyldstyle: Emmet! Hold on, hold on!
Emmet: Wyldstyle!
[the shot goes to outside the sub, red lights coming from the windows as it goes through the water as an alarm beeps faster and faster signalling a detonation]
Wyldstyle: Deep breath! [gasps] Deep breath, everybod--!!
[the sub explodes, the camera follows a floating piece of debris to the surface]
[where Bad Cop and a few Micro Managers are looking around]
Bad Cop: Micro-Managers, what's going on down there?
Micro-Manager: Scanning submarine wreckage. No survivors detected.
Bad Cop: Scuba Cops? Dredge the entire ocean if you have to, we've go to find that piece, [Scuba Cops dive in the water to begin their search] let's get these prisoners back to Lord Business and give him the good news: "the Special is no more"! [they all depart from the wreckage]
Emmet:: Okay. :[Emmet walks up to the platform and waves to everyone. Clears his throat] Hello, I'm Emmet. [referring to the Piece of Resistance] Oh, and this is the Piece of Resistance.
[the Master Builders cheer. Wyldstyle watches in bewilderment]
Emmet: Thank you. Well, eeeeehhhh. I know that I for one am very excited to work with you guys, to get into the Octan Tower, find the Kragle and put this thing on the thing, and I know it's going to be really hard, but... [suddenly gets interrupted by another Master Builder]
Metalbeard: REALLY HARD?! [the audience gasps] Wiping ye bum with a hook for a hand is really hard, this be impossible! The last time we tried to storm Lord Business's office, we used every plan we could conceive, the result was a massacre too terrible to speak of.
Emmet: Who are you?
Metalbeard: The name be Metal Beard, and I'll tell you me tale of woe.
Vitruvius: Oh, great. Here we go again. [Metal Beard recounts his failed attempt in trying to infiltrate Lord Business's office]
Metalbeard: I arrived at the foot of the tower with me hearty Master Builder crew, only to find the Kragle was all the way up on the infinitieth floor guarded by a robot army. And security measures of every kind imaginable, lasers, sharks, laser sharks, overbearing assistants, and strange dangerous relics that entrap, snap and zap. And there be a mysterious room called "The Think Tank." I barely made it out of that room with just me head... [Metalbeard hops out of the tower with his head and escapes on his ship as it purrs away] ...and organs! [Metalbeard's organs pop out of the Octan tower and land in his ship and it purrs away again]
Emmet: [disturbed] Okay.
Metalbeard: I had to replace every part of my once strapping virile pirate body with this useless hunk of garbage ye see before ye. [to Emmet] So if ye think it'd be a good idea to return to that foresaken place, Special, what idea have ye that be better than the ideas of-100-of our fallen Master Builder brothers?
Emmet: Well, technically I'm not exactly a Master Builder yet.
Metalbeard: WHAT?! [the other Master Builders shout in outrage]
Emmet: Please, everyone, everyone! please.
William Shakespeare: [throws a pizza] Rubbish!
Emmet: [addressing the Master Builders] Yes, it's true, I may not be a Master Builder, I may not have a lot of experience fighting or leading or coming up with plans, or having ideas in general, in fact, I'm not all that smart, and I'm not what you'd call a creative type, plus, generally unskilled, also, scared and cowardly, I know what, you're thinking? "He is the least qualified person in the world to lead us!" And, you are right!
Swamp Creature: This is supposed to make us feel better?
Emmet: What th-? No, there was about to be a but...
Gandalf: You're a butt!
Dumbledore: Yes.
[Outside Cloud Cuckoo Land, Metalbeard and a few knights and cowboys are leaving]
Metalbeard: You all be on your own! I be leaving this lost cause! [Metalbeard jumps onto his ship and sails off Cuckoo Land, as it purrs]
Emmet: Why are you leaving?!
Abraham Lincoln: A house divided against itself would be better than this. [Lincoln jumps into his seat and it suddenly takes off like spaceship]
Emmet: Abraham Lincoln, you bring your space chair right back here! Come on, guys! [nearly gets hit by an object] We can still do this! [another Master Builder throws a blue disc at him] Oh! Right?
Master Builder 1: You're not even a bit special.
[Wyldstyle, Batman and Unikitty sadly watch] Batman: [Batman whispering to Wyldstyle as they watch Emmet] Well, you were right about him being a ding-dong. [the Master Builders continue to jeer and throw things at Emmet]
Master Builder 2: You're a huge disappointment!
[Emmet, sad and disappointed, turns and starts walking off] Master Builder 3: Get him out of here, I don't wanna look at him! Emmet: Well, at least it can't get any worse.
Master Builder 4: Special? Not!
[A giant golf ball suddenly falls out of nowhere, destroying the Dog]:
Emmet: I was wrong.
[Emmet yells and runs away as the falling ball falls onto the ground, goes through the eye of the dog and squishes an Island Warrior Master Builder]
Superman: It's the orb of Tee-te-list.
Vitruvius: Why are my pants cold and wet? [A shot of water rising in the sub] Uh...
Computer: [a wall is breached and even more water floods in] Hull breach!
Unikitty: The walls are crying!
Benny: [as she tries to plug a hole] We're falling apart at the seams! [screams] [as the submarine starts to fall apart]
Batman: This is not how Batman dies!
[Emmet screams, as the submarine fills with water Emmet starts to drown. Wyldstyle reaches for him]
Wyldstyle: Emmet! Hold on, hold on!
Emmet: Wyldstyle!
[the shot goes to outside the sub, red lights coming from the windows as it goes through the water as an alarm beeps faster and faster signalling a detonation]
Wyldstyle: Deep breath! [gasps] Deep breath, everybod--!!
[the sub explodes, the camera follows a floating piece of debris to the surface]
[where Bad Cop and a few Micro Managers are looking around]
Bad Cop: Micro-Managers, what's going on down there?
Micro-Manager: Scanning submarine wreckage. No survivors detected.
Bad Cop: Scuba Cops? Dredge the entire ocean if you have to, we've go to find that piece, [Scuba Cops dive in the water to begin their search] let's get these prisoners back to Lord Business and give him the good news: "the Special is no more"! [they all depart from the wreckage]
Emmet:: Okay. :[Emmet walks up to the platform and waves to everyone. Clears his throat] Hello, I'm Emmet. [referring to the Piece of Resistance] Oh, and this is the Piece of Resistance.
[the Master Builders cheer. Wyldstyle watches in bewilderment]
Emmet: Thank you. Well, eeeeehhhh. I know that I for one am very excited to work with you guys, to get into the Octan Tower, find the Kragle and put this thing on the thing, and I know it's going to be really hard, but... [suddenly gets interrupted by another Master Builder]
Metalbeard: REALLY HARD?! [the audience gasps] Wiping ye bum with a hook for a hand is really hard, this be impossible! The last time we tried to storm Lord Business's office, we used every plan we could conceive, the result was a massacre too terrible to speak of.
Emmet: Who are you?
Metalbeard: The name be Metal Beard, and I'll tell you me tale of woe.
Vitruvius: Oh, great. Here we go again. [Metal Beard recounts his failed attempt in trying to infiltrate Lord Business's office]
Metalbeard: I arrived at the foot of the tower with me hearty Master Builder crew, only to find the Kragle was all the way up on the infinitieth floor guarded by a robot army. And security measures of every kind imaginable, lasers, sharks, laser sharks, overbearing assistants, and strange dangerous relics that entrap, snap and zap. And there be a mysterious room called "The Think Tank." I barely made it out of that room with just me head... [Metalbeard hops out of the tower with his head and escapes on his ship as it purrs away] ...and organs! [Metalbeard's organs pop out of the Octan tower and land in his ship and it purrs away again]
Emmet: [disturbed] Okay.
Metalbeard: I had to replace every part of my once strapping virile pirate body with this useless hunk of garbage ye see before ye. [to Emmet] So if ye think it'd be a good idea to return to that foresaken place, Special, what idea have ye that be better than the ideas of-100-of our fallen Master Builder brothers?
Emmet: Well, technically I'm not exactly a Master Builder yet.
Metalbeard: WHAT?! [the other Master Builders shout in outrage]
Emmet: Please, everyone, everyone! please.
William Shakespeare: [throws a pizza] Rubbish!
Emmet: [addressing the Master Builders] Yes, it's true, I may not be a Master Builder, I may not have a lot of experience fighting or leading or coming up with plans, or having ideas in general, in fact, I'm not all that smart, and I'm not what you'd call a creative type, plus, generally unskilled, also, scared and cowardly, I know what, you're thinking? "He is the least qualified person in the world to lead us!" And, you are right!
Swamp Creature: This is supposed to make us feel better?
Emmet: What th-? No, there was about to be a but...
Gandalf: You're a butt!
Dumbledore: Yes.
[Outside Cloud Cuckoo Land, Metalbeard and a few knights and cowboys are leaving]
Metalbeard: You all be on your own! I be leaving this lost cause! [Metalbeard jumps onto his ship and sails off Cuckoo Land, as it purrs]
Emmet: Why are you leaving?!
Abraham Lincoln: A house divided against itself would be better than this. [Lincoln jumps into his seat and it suddenly takes off like spaceship]
Emmet: Abraham Lincoln, you bring your space chair right back here! Come on, guys! [nearly gets hit by an object] We can still do this! [another Master Builder throws a blue disc at him] Oh! Right?
Master Builder 1: You're not even a bit special.
[Wyldstyle, Batman and Unikitty sadly watch] Batman: [Batman whispering to Wyldstyle as they watch Emmet] Well, you were right about him being a ding-dong. [the Master Builders continue to jeer and throw things at Emmet]
Master Builder 2: You're a huge disappointment!
[Emmet, sad and disappointed, turns and starts walking off] Master Builder 3: Get him out of here, I don't wanna look at him! Emmet: Well, at least it can't get any worse.
Master Builder 4: Special? Not!
[A giant golf ball suddenly falls out of nowhere, destroying the Dog]:
Emmet: I was wrong.
[Emmet yells and runs away as the falling ball falls onto the ground, goes through the eye of the dog and squishes an Island Warrior Master Builder]
Superman: It's the orb of Tee-te-list.
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Batman: Well, it's kind of hard not to hear when you're yelling everything.
Unikitty: [laughs] So, why did you come back?
Metalbeard: This bedoubled land couch. [Everyone turns to look at Emmet's double decker couch] I watched Lord Business's forces completely overlook it. Which means we need more ideas like it!
Unikitty: [laughs] So, why did you come back?
Metalbeard: This bedoubled land couch. [Everyone turns to look at Emmet's double decker couch] I watched Lord Business's forces completely overlook it. Which means we need more ideas like it!
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Emmet: [as the robots have got hold of Emmet] OW, YOU'RE PULLING MY TORSO OFF!!
Wyldstyle: Babe, help me get him out of here!
Batman: I said every man for himself.
Wyldstyle: Hey, you gotta be there for me. [Batman groans as he falls and finally lands onto the ground]
Batman: Fine! Fine, fine, fine! [reluctantly he goes to her aide and fights off the robots attacking Emmet] Fine, fine, fine, fine!
Wyldstyle: I need you to have a better attitude about it!
Batman: I've a great attitude! [Batman gets the tracker off Emmet and throws it at one of the robots]
Bad Cop: [Bad Cop picks up Emmet's tracker which is now attached to the robot] The Special's in the northwest quadrant, we've got him corner! [he looks down but all he sees is the robot with the tracker attached to his head smacking into a wall] Where did he go?
Unikitty: Oh, no! They've hit our silly cloud stabilizer!
Wyldstyle: Let's go, we need to get Emmet outta here!
Emmet: Can't we build something? [suddenly the space guy comes over to them]
Benny: Hey, I'm Ben! But you can call me Benny! And I can build a spaceship. Watch this. [he starts building a spaceship and chanting along as he works] [Benny singing] Spaceship, spaceship, spaceship, spaceship! Spaceshi--!
Wyldstyle: No, no, no, no! You can't, the skies are surrounded.
Benny: That's okay, I didn't really wanna build a spaceship. [Benny chuckles] Anyway, that's cool. [Groaning] [looking visibly disappointed he kicks his half built spaceship and it falls apart]
Wyldstyle: Babe, help me get him out of here!
Batman: I said every man for himself.
Wyldstyle: Hey, you gotta be there for me. [Batman groans as he falls and finally lands onto the ground]
Batman: Fine! Fine, fine, fine! [reluctantly he goes to her aide and fights off the robots attacking Emmet] Fine, fine, fine, fine!
Wyldstyle: I need you to have a better attitude about it!
Batman: I've a great attitude! [Batman gets the tracker off Emmet and throws it at one of the robots]
Bad Cop: [Bad Cop picks up Emmet's tracker which is now attached to the robot] The Special's in the northwest quadrant, we've got him corner! [he looks down but all he sees is the robot with the tracker attached to his head smacking into a wall] Where did he go?
Unikitty: Oh, no! They've hit our silly cloud stabilizer!
Wyldstyle: Let's go, we need to get Emmet outta here!
Emmet: Can't we build something? [suddenly the space guy comes over to them]
Benny: Hey, I'm Ben! But you can call me Benny! And I can build a spaceship. Watch this. [he starts building a spaceship and chanting along as he works] [Benny singing] Spaceship, spaceship, spaceship, spaceship! Spaceshi--!
Wyldstyle: No, no, no, no! You can't, the skies are surrounded.
Benny: That's okay, I didn't really wanna build a spaceship. [Benny chuckles] Anyway, that's cool. [Groaning] [looking visibly disappointed he kicks his half built spaceship and it falls apart]
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Emmet: [Emmet gasps] Is that Superman?
Statue of Liberty: Bonjour.
Superman: Girl, what are you doing right now?
Green Lantern: [appears from behind Emmet] Hey, Superman!
Superman: Oh, hey... Hey, what's up?
Green Lantern: [fixing his mask] Lantern. Green Lantern.
Superman: Yeah, yeah.
Green Lantern: Do you wanna sit together at the meeting?
Superman: Uh, I've to go back to Krypton. [Superman quickly flies off]
Green Lantern: [the camera pans to Vitruvius addressing the room at large] Did didn't Krypton blow up?
Vitruvius: My fellow, Master Builders, including, but not limited to: Robin Hood, Mermaid Lady, Gandalf, Swamp Creature, 1980-something Space Guy... [Benny: 'Hello!'] ...2002 NBA All Stars and Wonder Woman. You have traveled far to be here for a moment of great import. We have learned that Lord Business plans to unleash a fully-weaponized Kragle on Taco Tuesday, to end the world as we know it. [the Master Builders express their shock and outrage] Please, calm yourselves. Green Ninja, Milhouse, Nice Vampire, Michelangelo, Michelangelo and Cleopatra. There is yet one hope, the Special has arisen.
[he steps aside to reveal Emmet while hushed murmurs spread around]
Statue of Liberty: Bonjour.
Superman: Girl, what are you doing right now?
Green Lantern: [appears from behind Emmet] Hey, Superman!
Superman: Oh, hey... Hey, what's up?
Green Lantern: [fixing his mask] Lantern. Green Lantern.
Superman: Yeah, yeah.
Green Lantern: Do you wanna sit together at the meeting?
Superman: Uh, I've to go back to Krypton. [Superman quickly flies off]
Green Lantern: [the camera pans to Vitruvius addressing the room at large] Did didn't Krypton blow up?
Vitruvius: My fellow, Master Builders, including, but not limited to: Robin Hood, Mermaid Lady, Gandalf, Swamp Creature, 1980-something Space Guy... [Benny: 'Hello!'] ...2002 NBA All Stars and Wonder Woman. You have traveled far to be here for a moment of great import. We have learned that Lord Business plans to unleash a fully-weaponized Kragle on Taco Tuesday, to end the world as we know it. [the Master Builders express their shock and outrage] Please, calm yourselves. Green Ninja, Milhouse, Nice Vampire, Michelangelo, Michelangelo and Cleopatra. There is yet one hope, the Special has arisen.
[he steps aside to reveal Emmet while hushed murmurs spread around]
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Emmet: [Emmet looks devastated; to Bad Cop] There you go, I told you I was a nobody.
Bad Cop: [sighs] Oh. It's the perfect cover.
Emmet: Cover? Cover for what?!
Bad Cop: I can't break him. Take him to the meltin' chamber and do nothing.
Emmet: What?! [in the meltin' chamber Emmet has been strapped to the meltin' device, Emmet screams 10 seconds] NOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOOOO!! You're going to melt me?! AM I GONNA DIE?!
Good Cop: You'll live! You'll be fine! [Bad Cop/Good Cop's phone rings and Bad Cop answers it as he switches back to his face]
Evil Villain: Melting chamber, or not!
Bad Cop: President Business, I have him right here, sir. A blue beam?! Yes and no, we've told him he'll live so he doesn't try to escape, but uh, we're lying to kill him. [Bad Cop presses the button to activate the meltin' device and Evil Villain tells Bad Cop]
Evil Villain: I'll never telling you, cop! NEVEEEER!!
Bad Cop: [starts to weeping] Stop it! [leaves]
Emmet: Wait! What did he just say?!
Robot: Hold still!
Evil Villain: Get off the melting chamber!
Robot: Evil Villain, GET OUT OF THE MELTING CHAMBER, NOW! [Evil Villain leaves] Hold still, Emmet?
Emmet: Wait, there is obviously been a mix-up here! You have got the wrong-- [a blue beam of light is shoot at Emmet's back to remove the Piece of Resistance and screams] OOOOOW!! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ah-ah-ah-eh-ow! That is gonna start hurting pretty soon!
[as the Robot starts to increase the heat while grinning meanicingly, the hooded woman that Emmet had noticed in the construction site earlier appears and attacks the robots, overpowering them all down and goes to Free Emmet]
Emmet: No,no,no,nonononono...
[Emmet grunts and falls she frees him from his iron shackles, Wyldstyle grumbles stops. Emmet gasps]
Emmet: Whoa! Who are you?! [Wyldstyle sighs and takes off her hood to reveal her face and Emmet is transfixed again] It's you...?
Wyldstyle: Come with me, if you wanna not die. [just as Emmet goes to grab her hand, Emmet and Wyldstyle gasp, Good Cop enters the chamber with a croissant]
Good Cop: Hi, everybody! How's the Melting goi--? [as he notices Emmet escaping with Wyldstyle Bad Cop appears]
Bad Cop: Hey, hey, hey, heeeeeey! [he starts shooting at Emmet and Wyldstyle] Red alert, red alert! I need everyone, repeat, everyone, to go after the special! [kicks the melting chamber, screams] OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW! THAT HURTS!
Evil Villain: You're FIRED!
Bad Cop: Evil Villain, you're never seen fired again!
Evil Villain: The Emmet NEVER give me the melting chamber again! You're stupid red beam of light and runaway! [Evil Villain bites the Bad Cop]
Bad Cop: OUCH!! He bit me.
Bad Cop: [sighs] Oh. It's the perfect cover.
Emmet: Cover? Cover for what?!
Bad Cop: I can't break him. Take him to the meltin' chamber and do nothing.
Emmet: What?! [in the meltin' chamber Emmet has been strapped to the meltin' device, Emmet screams 10 seconds] NOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOOOO!! You're going to melt me?! AM I GONNA DIE?!
Good Cop: You'll live! You'll be fine! [Bad Cop/Good Cop's phone rings and Bad Cop answers it as he switches back to his face]
Evil Villain: Melting chamber, or not!
Bad Cop: President Business, I have him right here, sir. A blue beam?! Yes and no, we've told him he'll live so he doesn't try to escape, but uh, we're lying to kill him. [Bad Cop presses the button to activate the meltin' device and Evil Villain tells Bad Cop]
Evil Villain: I'll never telling you, cop! NEVEEEER!!
Bad Cop: [starts to weeping] Stop it! [leaves]
Emmet: Wait! What did he just say?!
Robot: Hold still!
Evil Villain: Get off the melting chamber!
Robot: Evil Villain, GET OUT OF THE MELTING CHAMBER, NOW! [Evil Villain leaves] Hold still, Emmet?
Emmet: Wait, there is obviously been a mix-up here! You have got the wrong-- [a blue beam of light is shoot at Emmet's back to remove the Piece of Resistance and screams] OOOOOW!! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ah-ah-ah-eh-ow! That is gonna start hurting pretty soon!
[as the Robot starts to increase the heat while grinning meanicingly, the hooded woman that Emmet had noticed in the construction site earlier appears and attacks the robots, overpowering them all down and goes to Free Emmet]
Emmet: No,no,no,nonononono...
[Emmet grunts and falls she frees him from his iron shackles, Wyldstyle grumbles stops. Emmet gasps]
Emmet: Whoa! Who are you?! [Wyldstyle sighs and takes off her hood to reveal her face and Emmet is transfixed again] It's you...?
Wyldstyle: Come with me, if you wanna not die. [just as Emmet goes to grab her hand, Emmet and Wyldstyle gasp, Good Cop enters the chamber with a croissant]
Good Cop: Hi, everybody! How's the Melting goi--? [as he notices Emmet escaping with Wyldstyle Bad Cop appears]
Bad Cop: Hey, hey, hey, heeeeeey! [he starts shooting at Emmet and Wyldstyle] Red alert, red alert! I need everyone, repeat, everyone, to go after the special! [kicks the melting chamber, screams] OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW! THAT HURTS!
Evil Villain: You're FIRED!
Bad Cop: Evil Villain, you're never seen fired again!
Evil Villain: The Emmet NEVER give me the melting chamber again! You're stupid red beam of light and runaway! [Evil Villain bites the Bad Cop]
Bad Cop: OUCH!! He bit me.
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Emmet: [Vitruvius goes over to Emmet and puts his hands against Emmet's head] Uh, what are you doing? [suddenly Vitruvius pulls off Emmet's hair revealing his Lego head]
Vitruvius: [POP] We are entering your mind...
Emmet: WHAT?!?!?!
Vitruvius: ...to prove that you have to unlock the potential to be a Master Builder, ujjayi breath! [Vitruvius chants in magical language] Shut your face, a found The Dog! [Vitruvius and Wyldstyle start bowing and moving around Emmet until finally we see all of them in Emmet's mind which is a vast empty space] [CRACK!!!]
Emmet: [echoing] Whoa, are we inside my brain right now? It's big. I must be smart.
Wyldstyle: [echoing] Hmmmmm.
Vitruvius: [echoing] I'm not hearing a lot of activity here.
Wyldstyle: I don't think he's ever had an original thought in his life.
Emmet: [chuckles] That's not true. For instance, one time I wanted to have a bunch of my friends over to watch TV. [suddenly a TV forms behind him] Not unlike this TV that just showed up magically. And not everybody could fit on my one couch. [a couch forms behind him] And I thought to myself, well, what if there’s such a thing as a bunk bed, but as a couch? [suddenly the couch forms into a double decker couch] Introducing the double decker couch: So everyone could watch TV, together and be buddies! [dead silence]
Wyldstyle: That's literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Vitruvius: Please, Wyldstyle. Lemme handle this, that idea is just the worst. [to Emmet]
Vitruvius: [POP] We are entering your mind...
Emmet: WHAT?!?!?!
Vitruvius: ...to prove that you have to unlock the potential to be a Master Builder, ujjayi breath! [Vitruvius chants in magical language] Shut your face, a found The Dog! [Vitruvius and Wyldstyle start bowing and moving around Emmet until finally we see all of them in Emmet's mind which is a vast empty space] [CRACK!!!]
Emmet: [echoing] Whoa, are we inside my brain right now? It's big. I must be smart.
Wyldstyle: [echoing] Hmmmmm.
Vitruvius: [echoing] I'm not hearing a lot of activity here.
Wyldstyle: I don't think he's ever had an original thought in his life.
Emmet: [chuckles] That's not true. For instance, one time I wanted to have a bunch of my friends over to watch TV. [suddenly a TV forms behind him] Not unlike this TV that just showed up magically. And not everybody could fit on my one couch. [a couch forms behind him] And I thought to myself, well, what if there’s such a thing as a bunk bed, but as a couch? [suddenly the couch forms into a double decker couch] Introducing the double decker couch: So everyone could watch TV, together and be buddies! [dead silence]
Wyldstyle: That's literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Vitruvius: Please, Wyldstyle. Lemme handle this, that idea is just the worst. [to Emmet]
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Emmet: Hey, um...
Wyldstyle: Hang on, sir! [As they pull away, Bad Cop turns to go after them]
Bad Cop: All units, cut them off on Elm, now! [suddenly his face changes to Good Cop]
Good Cop: [Good Cop spins in] [gasping and chuckling] Or, whenever you can?
Robot: Ten-Four, Bad Cop.
Emmet: [Many squad cars block the road, as they are being chased and shut at] Watch out!
Wyldstyle: Hold on! [she jumps the bike bunny hopping over one squad car and going up onto the monorail platform and onto the track, and screaming. Wyldstyle manages to avoid hitting the police cars in front of them] We need to meet up with Vitruvius and tell him the Piece has been found.
Emmet: Huh?
Bad Cop: They're up on the monorail. Release the Copper Choppers. [the helicopter above them drops down a motorcycle with two cops in it, a police helicopter flies in dropping a robot on a motorcycle, both Emmet and Wyldstyle gasp, which begins to drive towards Emmet and the girl, firing a laser as he goes, Emmet shields himself from the fire but the girl, pulls out a multi barrelled laser and returns fire, just as they were about to crash, the figure veers off leaving the robots to crash head-on with a train]
Emmet: Oh, no! [causing a massive explodes, and screaming. He they start shooting at Wyldstyle and Emmet but Wyldstyle shoots back and manages to get their motorcycle onto the street below, they land safely] Will you please tell me what's happening?
Wyldstyle: I'm rescuing you, sir. You're the one that the prophecy spoke of. You're the Special.
Emmet: [Whispers] Me?
Wyldstyle: Hang on, sir! [As they pull away, Bad Cop turns to go after them]
Bad Cop: All units, cut them off on Elm, now! [suddenly his face changes to Good Cop]
Good Cop: [Good Cop spins in] [gasping and chuckling] Or, whenever you can?
Robot: Ten-Four, Bad Cop.
Emmet: [Many squad cars block the road, as they are being chased and shut at] Watch out!
Wyldstyle: Hold on! [she jumps the bike bunny hopping over one squad car and going up onto the monorail platform and onto the track, and screaming. Wyldstyle manages to avoid hitting the police cars in front of them] We need to meet up with Vitruvius and tell him the Piece has been found.
Emmet: Huh?
Bad Cop: They're up on the monorail. Release the Copper Choppers. [the helicopter above them drops down a motorcycle with two cops in it, a police helicopter flies in dropping a robot on a motorcycle, both Emmet and Wyldstyle gasp, which begins to drive towards Emmet and the girl, firing a laser as he goes, Emmet shields himself from the fire but the girl, pulls out a multi barrelled laser and returns fire, just as they were about to crash, the figure veers off leaving the robots to crash head-on with a train]
Emmet: Oh, no! [causing a massive explodes, and screaming. He they start shooting at Wyldstyle and Emmet but Wyldstyle shoots back and manages to get their motorcycle onto the street below, they land safely] Will you please tell me what's happening?
Wyldstyle: I'm rescuing you, sir. You're the one that the prophecy spoke of. You're the Special.
Emmet: [Whispers] Me?
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Emmet: I feel like maybe I should touch that.
Voice: It's so interesting... Touch the Piece... Touch the Piece... It's so interesting... Touch the Piece... [Emmet gets up and starts walking over to the giant block]
Emmet: Uh... [he becomes completely transfixed and steps over his instruction manual]
Voice: Touch the--
[he slowly extends his hand and touches the block and infinite gets a vision]
[record scratches, which includes Vitruvius reciting the Piece of Resistance prophecy]
Vitruvius: A Special one with face of yellow... [Emmet falls, screaming] ...will make the Piece of Resistance found from its hiding refuge underground... [Emmet is still falling] ...this Master Builder... [girl screams] ...will thwart the Kragle and save the realm...
Wyldstyle: Come on, Emmet, protect the Special!
Vitruvius: [Emmet then passes out] ...the Special has arisen.
Boy: It's your turn to be the hero.
Bad Cop: [as Emmet slowly wakes he hears someone's voice interrogating him] [Bad Cop echoes in distorted voice] Wake up.
Emmet: [Emmet falls asleep] [echoes in distorted voice] Ugh.
Bad Cop: Come on, wake up! Where is the Master Builders?! How did you find the Piece of Resistance?! Eh?!, where are the others hiding?
Emmet: [Emmet's wake up out voice interrogating hears as starts to open his eyes] [in normal voice] Good morning, apartment...?
Bad Cop: [in normal voice] WAKE UP! [Emmet screams suddenly an angry looking cop shines a light onto Emmet making him immediately awake] How did you find the Piece of Resistance?
Emmet: The Piece of what?
Bad Cop: The Piece of Resistance. [Bad Cop grunts, and screams as he falls and finally lands onto the ground, suddenly he knocks a chair aside in anger scaring Emmet, we see Emmet is being held in an interrogation room with his hands shackled to chair]
Emmet: I don't, where am I, what's happening?
Bad Cop: What's happening? Playing dumb, master builder?
Evil Villain: [to Bad Cop] YOU'RE LIED TO ME!!
Emmet: No, I... master builder?
Bad Cop: Oh, so you've never heard of the prophecy?
Emmet: No, I...
Bad Cop: Or the Special?
Emmet: No! No, I...
Bad Cop: You're a liar! We'll kill ya. [Bad Cop grunting and screams, starts to kick and wrestle a chair]
Emmet: Look, um... [Bad Cop chuckles] I watch a lot of cop shows on TV... [Emmet gasps] Isn't there supposed to also be a-? Isn't there supposed to be a Good Cop?! [Emmet grunts as he falls and finally lands onto the ground]
Bad Cop: Oh yes. But we're not done yet. [switches head]
Good Cop: Hi, buddy! I'm your friendly neighborhood police officer! Would you like a glass of water?
Emmet: Yeah, actually that sounds-
Bad Cop: [switches back to his face] TOO BAAAD!!! [smacks the glass away] Security cameras picked up this! [grunts] You were found at the construction site convulsing with a strange piece!
Emmet: That's disgusting!
Bad Cop: Then why is it permanently stuck to your back?
Emmet: [peers back, sees that The Piece of Resistance is glued onto his back, and screams in alarm, but has a panic attack, and tries to get it off] Oh no! Aaaah! Ah! Ah! Get off me!! It won't come off, it's chasin' me! Look, it's not my fault! I have no idea how this thing got on my back! [Bad Cop changes his face to Good Cop]
Good Cop: Of course, buddy. I believe you!
Emmet: Great! [suddenly Bad Cop appears beside Emmet] [Screams] Aaaahh!! I don't wanna scared?
Bad Cop: I "believe" you, too! You see the quotations I'm making with my claw hands? It means I don't believe you! Why else would you show up with that thing on your back just three days before President Business is going to use the Kragle to end the world?
Emmet: President Business is gonna end the world? But he's such a good guy. And Octan, they make good stuff: [flashback books] Music, dairy products, coffee, TV shows, surveillance systems, all history books, voting machines... [flashback ends] ...Wait a minute.
Bad Cop: Oh, come on, you can't be this stupid!
Emmet: Look, this is a misunderstanding, I'm just a regular, normal, ordinary guy, and I'm late to meet my best friends in the whole world, and they're probably missing me right now, they're probably out looking around! Hey, where's Emmet? Hey, where's my best friend Emmet? And you know what. Ask all my friends! THEY'LL TELL YOU!!
Voice: It's so interesting... Touch the Piece... Touch the Piece... It's so interesting... Touch the Piece... [Emmet gets up and starts walking over to the giant block]
Emmet: Uh... [he becomes completely transfixed and steps over his instruction manual]
Voice: Touch the--
[he slowly extends his hand and touches the block and infinite gets a vision]
[record scratches, which includes Vitruvius reciting the Piece of Resistance prophecy]
Vitruvius: A Special one with face of yellow... [Emmet falls, screaming] ...will make the Piece of Resistance found from its hiding refuge underground... [Emmet is still falling] ...this Master Builder... [girl screams] ...will thwart the Kragle and save the realm...
Wyldstyle: Come on, Emmet, protect the Special!
Vitruvius: [Emmet then passes out] ...the Special has arisen.
Boy: It's your turn to be the hero.
Bad Cop: [as Emmet slowly wakes he hears someone's voice interrogating him] [Bad Cop echoes in distorted voice] Wake up.
Emmet: [Emmet falls asleep] [echoes in distorted voice] Ugh.
Bad Cop: Come on, wake up! Where is the Master Builders?! How did you find the Piece of Resistance?! Eh?!, where are the others hiding?
Emmet: [Emmet's wake up out voice interrogating hears as starts to open his eyes] [in normal voice] Good morning, apartment...?
Bad Cop: [in normal voice] WAKE UP! [Emmet screams suddenly an angry looking cop shines a light onto Emmet making him immediately awake] How did you find the Piece of Resistance?
Emmet: The Piece of what?
Bad Cop: The Piece of Resistance. [Bad Cop grunts, and screams as he falls and finally lands onto the ground, suddenly he knocks a chair aside in anger scaring Emmet, we see Emmet is being held in an interrogation room with his hands shackled to chair]
Emmet: I don't, where am I, what's happening?
Bad Cop: What's happening? Playing dumb, master builder?
Evil Villain: [to Bad Cop] YOU'RE LIED TO ME!!
Emmet: No, I... master builder?
Bad Cop: Oh, so you've never heard of the prophecy?
Emmet: No, I...
Bad Cop: Or the Special?
Emmet: No! No, I...
Bad Cop: You're a liar! We'll kill ya. [Bad Cop grunting and screams, starts to kick and wrestle a chair]
Emmet: Look, um... [Bad Cop chuckles] I watch a lot of cop shows on TV... [Emmet gasps] Isn't there supposed to also be a-? Isn't there supposed to be a Good Cop?! [Emmet grunts as he falls and finally lands onto the ground]
Bad Cop: Oh yes. But we're not done yet. [switches head]
Good Cop: Hi, buddy! I'm your friendly neighborhood police officer! Would you like a glass of water?
Emmet: Yeah, actually that sounds-
Bad Cop: [switches back to his face] TOO BAAAD!!! [smacks the glass away] Security cameras picked up this! [grunts] You were found at the construction site convulsing with a strange piece!
Emmet: That's disgusting!
Bad Cop: Then why is it permanently stuck to your back?
Emmet: [peers back, sees that The Piece of Resistance is glued onto his back, and screams in alarm, but has a panic attack, and tries to get it off] Oh no! Aaaah! Ah! Ah! Get off me!! It won't come off, it's chasin' me! Look, it's not my fault! I have no idea how this thing got on my back! [Bad Cop changes his face to Good Cop]
Good Cop: Of course, buddy. I believe you!
Emmet: Great! [suddenly Bad Cop appears beside Emmet] [Screams] Aaaahh!! I don't wanna scared?
Bad Cop: I "believe" you, too! You see the quotations I'm making with my claw hands? It means I don't believe you! Why else would you show up with that thing on your back just three days before President Business is going to use the Kragle to end the world?
Emmet: President Business is gonna end the world? But he's such a good guy. And Octan, they make good stuff: [flashback books] Music, dairy products, coffee, TV shows, surveillance systems, all history books, voting machines... [flashback ends] ...Wait a minute.
Bad Cop: Oh, come on, you can't be this stupid!
Emmet: Look, this is a misunderstanding, I'm just a regular, normal, ordinary guy, and I'm late to meet my best friends in the whole world, and they're probably missing me right now, they're probably out looking around! Hey, where's Emmet? Hey, where's my best friend Emmet? And you know what. Ask all my friends! THEY'LL TELL YOU!!
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Emmet: What's the last thing Lord Business would expect Master Builders to do?
Benny: Build a spaceship?
Vitruvius: Kill a chicken?
Unikitty: Marry a marshmallow!
Metalbeard: Why, this. [changes into a singing face: ♪Hum hum hum How ya gonna keep them down at the farm?♪♪]
Emmet: No! It's follow the instructions.
[Everybody groans and complains]
Benny: Don't like that.
Unikitty: Sounds weird.
Emmet: No, wait guys. Listen. You guys are so talented and imaginative... but you can't work as a team. I'm just a construction worker, but when I have a plan and we were working together, we could build a skyscraper. Now you guys are Master Builders. Just imagine what you could do if you did that! ...You could save the universe!
Vitruvius: Well said, Emmet. Well said.
Emmet: Really?
Metalbeard: She be a fine speech there, laddie.
Emmet: Okay. Somebody get me some markers... some construction paper... and some GLITTER GLUE!!! [Emmet stands in front of the instructions he's drawn] I call this, Emmet's plan to get inside the tower, put the Piece of Resistance on the Kragle and save the world, I've built a hundred just like them back in the city, if we could just get in there, I know where all the air ducts and wiring are located, I can get us anywhere.
Vitruvius: How will we get inside?
Emmet: [Whispers] In a spaceship!
Benny: SPACESHIP! [Benny chuckles and rushes off excitedly to build a spaceship]
Batman: Great idea, a Bat spaceship.
Emmet: No, they're expecting us to show up in a Bat spaceship, or a pirate spaceship, or a rainbow sparkled spaceship.
Benny: Build a spaceship?
Vitruvius: Kill a chicken?
Unikitty: Marry a marshmallow!
Metalbeard: Why, this. [changes into a singing face: ♪Hum hum hum How ya gonna keep them down at the farm?♪♪]
Emmet: No! It's follow the instructions.
[Everybody groans and complains]
Benny: Don't like that.
Unikitty: Sounds weird.
Emmet: No, wait guys. Listen. You guys are so talented and imaginative... but you can't work as a team. I'm just a construction worker, but when I have a plan and we were working together, we could build a skyscraper. Now you guys are Master Builders. Just imagine what you could do if you did that! ...You could save the universe!
Vitruvius: Well said, Emmet. Well said.
Emmet: Really?
Metalbeard: She be a fine speech there, laddie.
Emmet: Okay. Somebody get me some markers... some construction paper... and some GLITTER GLUE!!! [Emmet stands in front of the instructions he's drawn] I call this, Emmet's plan to get inside the tower, put the Piece of Resistance on the Kragle and save the world, I've built a hundred just like them back in the city, if we could just get in there, I know where all the air ducts and wiring are located, I can get us anywhere.
Vitruvius: How will we get inside?
Emmet: [Whispers] In a spaceship!
Benny: SPACESHIP! [Benny chuckles and rushes off excitedly to build a spaceship]
Batman: Great idea, a Bat spaceship.
Emmet: No, they're expecting us to show up in a Bat spaceship, or a pirate spaceship, or a rainbow sparkled spaceship.
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Emmet: You... don't have to be... the bad guy. You are the most talented... most interesting... and extraordinary person in the universe. And you are capable of amazing things, because you are the Special.
[Lord Business looks shocked and lowers the Kragle]
Emmet: And so am I, and so is everyone, the prophecy is made up, but it's also true, it's about all of us, right now, it's about you, and you, still, can change everything.
[he holds up the Piece of Resistance. Business, touched by Emmet's speech drops the Kragle and starts walking over to him. Cut to the real world where Finn's father approaches his son, kneels down and hugs Finn, at the same time in Lego world, we see Lord Business is hugging Emmet.]
Emmet: Oh, we got a hugger. [Emmet hands the Piece of Resistance to Lord Business] Be careful, I have been told... it might explode.
[Lord Business winks at Emmet, makes his way to the Kragle, in the real world Finn's father places the lid on the Krazy Glue, at the same time Lord Business places the Piece of Resistance on to the Kragle and into the TAKO device]
Lord Business: [strains, exhales deeply] Emmet, thank you.
[Emmet inhales]
Lord Business: And I just want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, from this moment forward, I solemnly promise that I will never--
Emmet: [screaming]
[suddenly the Kragle explodes causing all the micro-managers to de-activiate. Emmet lands in the middle of the city where his friends are.]
Benny: EMMET!
Metalbeard: Emmet, arr!
Emmet: [Chuckling] Hey, everyone! Is everyone, okay. Where's Lucy? [Unikitty laughs, as the micro-managers fall down] [Wyldstyle comes up from under a micro-manager]
Wyldstyle: Emmet!
Emmet: Lucy! [Emmet rushes over to her and Wyldstyle jumps into his arms]
Wyldstyle: We did it! [Unikitty laughs] [Batman clears throat. Just as Emmet and Wyldstyle are about to hold hands Batman interrupts them] [Emmet gasps] Oh, eeehhh. Emmet, wait, Batman, there's something I need to say to you!
Batman: No, Wyldstyle. I mean, Lucy! [he points to Emmet] He's the hero you deserve!
Wyldstyle: [Wyldstyle smiles and Emmet looks behind him to see who Batman was pointing at] Thanks, Batman!
Unikitty: [giggles]
[Wyldstyle turns Emmet's face towards her and they finally hold hands, everyone cheers for them, then we see Vitruvius's ghostly form hovering over the city watching them] Vitruvius: [whispers] I liked Emmet before he was cool. [we see Lord Business is pouring an antidote to unstick everybody]
Lord Business: Whoops! I have the antidote for the Kragle! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?!
[at the same time in the real world Finn's father is pouring glue remover all over the Lego pieces as Finn watches]
Finn: De-kragler!
The Man Upstairs: Watch this. YEAH! [as Finn's father pours glue remover onto Pa and Ma Cop Finn reunites Bad Cop with his parents]
Finn: Oh, Mommy, Daddy, you're okay!
[scene changes to Bad Cop reunited with his parents]
Ma Cop: [Ma Cop chuckles] Oh, son! [Bad Cop who's now using his drawn on Good Cop face hugs his parents]
Good Cop: Hi, Mom, hi, Dad.
Pa Cop: [chuckles] We're okay, son. [Pa Cop chuckles, in the real world as Finn and his father are playing with the Lego pieces Mom calls out]
Mom: [he door opens calls out something] Uh, hey, guys? Time to come up for dinner! It’s Taco Tuesday, your favorite!
The Man Upstairs: Okay, honey, well, be up in a sec.
Finn: Oh, yeah, we'll be up in a sec!
The Man Upstairs: Well, I got to tell you something.
Finn: [hysterically] What?
The Man Upstairs: [to Finn the antidote for the Kragle, favorite and his father Lego pieces] Now that I'm letting you come down here and play, guess who else gets to come down here and play?
Finn: Who?
The Man Upstairs: Your sister.
Finn: [surprised] What?
[last lines; as everyone Emmet and the gang are having a feast on the Double-Decker couch]
Emmet: We'll things sure have a way of working out smoothly. Am I right, guys? [suddenly an alien spaceship hovers above them] Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat...?
[a trio of Duplo alien figures descend into the Lego world]
Duplo: [Baby voice] Well, we're from the planet Duplon, and we're here to destroy you.
Emmet: ... Oh, man. [End of The Lego Movie]
[Lord Business looks shocked and lowers the Kragle]
Emmet: And so am I, and so is everyone, the prophecy is made up, but it's also true, it's about all of us, right now, it's about you, and you, still, can change everything.
[he holds up the Piece of Resistance. Business, touched by Emmet's speech drops the Kragle and starts walking over to him. Cut to the real world where Finn's father approaches his son, kneels down and hugs Finn, at the same time in Lego world, we see Lord Business is hugging Emmet.]
Emmet: Oh, we got a hugger. [Emmet hands the Piece of Resistance to Lord Business] Be careful, I have been told... it might explode.
[Lord Business winks at Emmet, makes his way to the Kragle, in the real world Finn's father places the lid on the Krazy Glue, at the same time Lord Business places the Piece of Resistance on to the Kragle and into the TAKO device]
Lord Business: [strains, exhales deeply] Emmet, thank you.
[Emmet inhales]
Lord Business: And I just want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, from this moment forward, I solemnly promise that I will never--
Emmet: [screaming]
[suddenly the Kragle explodes causing all the micro-managers to de-activiate. Emmet lands in the middle of the city where his friends are.]
Benny: EMMET!
Metalbeard: Emmet, arr!
Emmet: [Chuckling] Hey, everyone! Is everyone, okay. Where's Lucy? [Unikitty laughs, as the micro-managers fall down] [Wyldstyle comes up from under a micro-manager]
Wyldstyle: Emmet!
Emmet: Lucy! [Emmet rushes over to her and Wyldstyle jumps into his arms]
Wyldstyle: We did it! [Unikitty laughs] [Batman clears throat. Just as Emmet and Wyldstyle are about to hold hands Batman interrupts them] [Emmet gasps] Oh, eeehhh. Emmet, wait, Batman, there's something I need to say to you!
Batman: No, Wyldstyle. I mean, Lucy! [he points to Emmet] He's the hero you deserve!
Wyldstyle: [Wyldstyle smiles and Emmet looks behind him to see who Batman was pointing at] Thanks, Batman!
Unikitty: [giggles]
[Wyldstyle turns Emmet's face towards her and they finally hold hands, everyone cheers for them, then we see Vitruvius's ghostly form hovering over the city watching them] Vitruvius: [whispers] I liked Emmet before he was cool. [we see Lord Business is pouring an antidote to unstick everybody]
Lord Business: Whoops! I have the antidote for the Kragle! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?!
[at the same time in the real world Finn's father is pouring glue remover all over the Lego pieces as Finn watches]
Finn: De-kragler!
The Man Upstairs: Watch this. YEAH! [as Finn's father pours glue remover onto Pa and Ma Cop Finn reunites Bad Cop with his parents]
Finn: Oh, Mommy, Daddy, you're okay!
[scene changes to Bad Cop reunited with his parents]
Ma Cop: [Ma Cop chuckles] Oh, son! [Bad Cop who's now using his drawn on Good Cop face hugs his parents]
Good Cop: Hi, Mom, hi, Dad.
Pa Cop: [chuckles] We're okay, son. [Pa Cop chuckles, in the real world as Finn and his father are playing with the Lego pieces Mom calls out]
Mom: [he door opens calls out something] Uh, hey, guys? Time to come up for dinner! It’s Taco Tuesday, your favorite!
The Man Upstairs: Okay, honey, well, be up in a sec.
Finn: Oh, yeah, we'll be up in a sec!
The Man Upstairs: Well, I got to tell you something.
Finn: [hysterically] What?
The Man Upstairs: [to Finn the antidote for the Kragle, favorite and his father Lego pieces] Now that I'm letting you come down here and play, guess who else gets to come down here and play?
Finn: Who?
The Man Upstairs: Your sister.
Finn: [surprised] What?
[last lines; as everyone Emmet and the gang are having a feast on the Double-Decker couch]
Emmet: We'll things sure have a way of working out smoothly. Am I right, guys? [suddenly an alien spaceship hovers above them] Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat...?
[a trio of Duplo alien figures descend into the Lego world]
Duplo: [Baby voice] Well, we're from the planet Duplon, and we're here to destroy you.
Emmet: ... Oh, man. [End of The Lego Movie]
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Evil Villain: [grabs Emmet] Tell me, Emmet, you're need it timeout and you're never take him for a melting chamber AGAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!! [echoes]
Batman: Evil Villain, GET OUT!
Evil Villain: NO! [falls off the canyon] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! [destroys the melting chamber] Bad Cop, you ruined the melting chamber! Batman, you're FIRED! [echoes]
Emmet: You can't fired me. I QUIT!
Batman: Evil Villain, GET OUT!
Evil Villain: NO! [falls off the canyon] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! [destroys the melting chamber] Bad Cop, you ruined the melting chamber! Batman, you're FIRED! [echoes]
Emmet: You can't fired me. I QUIT!
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Lord Business: [after knocking down Vitruvius Lord Business goes over to the Kragle] The Kragle, the most powerful super weapon is mine: [he opens the Kragle] [He opens the case. We see something glowing] OH, THE KRAGLE! [laughs evilly as his horns shoot fire] Now my evil power will be unlimited! CAN YOU FEEL ME?!
Robot: [monotone] I can feel you. [his robots start carrying the Kragle away]
Lord Business: WHOOOOOO! Nothing's gonna stop me now!
Vitruvius: [weakly to down] Wait, there's a prophecy.
Lord Business: [grumbling] Oh, now there's a prophecy.
Vitruvius: About the Piece of Resistance.
Lord Business: [he turns to Vitruvius] Oh, yes, the supposed missing Piece of Resistance that can somehow magically disarm the Kragle, gimme a break! [to Lord Business] [Vitruvius rises and turns to face Lord Business, suddenly his eyes shine brightly] [Gasping]
Vitruvius: One day a talented lass or fellow, a Special one with face of yellow, will make the Piece of Resistance found from its hiding refuge underground, and with a noble army at the helm, this Master Builder will thwart the Kragle and save the realm, and be the greatest, most interesting, most important person of all times, all this is true, because it rhymes.
Lord Business: [sarcastically] Oh, wow, that was a great, inspiring legend... that you made up.
[Business kicks Vitruvius off the ledge, screaming with his giant robot leg]
Lord Business: A special one? What a bunch of hippy dippy baloney.
Robot: [monotone] I can feel you. [his robots start carrying the Kragle away]
Lord Business: WHOOOOOO! Nothing's gonna stop me now!
Vitruvius: [weakly to down] Wait, there's a prophecy.
Lord Business: [grumbling] Oh, now there's a prophecy.
Vitruvius: About the Piece of Resistance.
Lord Business: [he turns to Vitruvius] Oh, yes, the supposed missing Piece of Resistance that can somehow magically disarm the Kragle, gimme a break! [to Lord Business] [Vitruvius rises and turns to face Lord Business, suddenly his eyes shine brightly] [Gasping]
Vitruvius: One day a talented lass or fellow, a Special one with face of yellow, will make the Piece of Resistance found from its hiding refuge underground, and with a noble army at the helm, this Master Builder will thwart the Kragle and save the realm, and be the greatest, most interesting, most important person of all times, all this is true, because it rhymes.
Lord Business: [sarcastically] Oh, wow, that was a great, inspiring legend... that you made up.
[Business kicks Vitruvius off the ledge, screaming with his giant robot leg]
Lord Business: A special one? What a bunch of hippy dippy baloney.