Mary Poppins quotes
52 total quotesBert
Mary Poppins
Mr. George Banks
Mrs. Banks
Multiple Characters
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[Bert and Uncle Albert are laughing at Uncle Albert's tea-party]
Bert: I always say there's nothing like a good joke.
Uncle Albert: And that was nothing like a good joke.
Bert: I always say there's nothing like a good joke.
Uncle Albert: And that was nothing like a good joke.
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[George Banks has just been discharged]
Mr. Dawes Sr.: Well, Banks - have you anything to say for yourself?
George Banks: Well, sir, they say that when you have nothing to say, all you can say is...
(He feels something in his pocket, takes it out, and looks at it: Michael's tuppence. He starts to laugh)
Mr. Dawes Sr.: Confound it, Banks! I said do you have anything to say!
George Banks: Only one thing, sir...
Mr. Dawes Sr.: Eh?
George Banks: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
Mr. Dawes Sr.: Well, Banks - have you anything to say for yourself?
George Banks: Well, sir, they say that when you have nothing to say, all you can say is...
(He feels something in his pocket, takes it out, and looks at it: Michael's tuppence. He starts to laugh)
Mr. Dawes Sr.: Confound it, Banks! I said do you have anything to say!
George Banks: Only one thing, sir...
Mr. Dawes Sr.: Eh?
George Banks: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
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[Mrs. and Mr. Banks are talking about their previous nanny]
Mrs. Banks: She seemed so solemn and cross.
George Banks: Never confuse efficiency with a liver complaint.
Mrs. Banks: She seemed so solemn and cross.
George Banks: Never confuse efficiency with a liver complaint.
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[watching Mary Poppins first arrival, floating]
Michael: Perhaps it's a witch!
Jane: Of course not! Witches have brooms.
Michael: Perhaps it's a witch!
Jane: Of course not! Witches have brooms.
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[about his chalk drawings] Not Royal Academy, I suppose. Still better than a finger in the eye, ain't they?
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[last lines] Goodbye, Mary Poppins, don't stay away too long.
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[reading her own tape measure] As I expected. 'Mary Poppins, practically perfect in every way.'
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[singing] A man has dreams of walking with giants/ To carve his niche in the edifice of time/ Before the mortar of his zeal/ Has a chance to congeal/ The cup is dashed from his lips/ The flame is snuffed a-borning/ He's brought to wrack and ruin in his prime.
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[singing] It's 6:03 and the heirs to my dominion are scrubbed and tubbed, and adequately fed. And so I'll pat them on the head, and send them off to bed. Ah, lordly is the life I lead.
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[singing] It's grand to be an Englishman in 1910 / King Edward's on the throne; it's the age of men.
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[singing] Our daughters' daughters will adore us and they'll sing in grateful chorus, "Well done, sister suffragettes."
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[singing] Though we adore men individually, we agree that as a group they're rather stupid.
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[singing] You've got to grind, grind, grind, at that grindstone / Though childhood slips like sand through a sieve / And all too soon they've up and grown / And then they've flown / And it's too late for you to give.
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A British bank is run with precision / A British home requires nothing less / Tradition, discipline and rules / Must be the tools / Without them: disorder, catastrophe, anarchy / In short, you have a ghastly mess!
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Close your mouth please, Michael, we are not a codfish.