Maverick quotes
10 total quotesAnnabelle
Bret Maverick
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Annabelle: If I can't touch you, I can touch your shirt and dream.
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Annabelle: You thought that was fast? I thought it was fast. Well was it?
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Maverick: From the moment I slapped eyes on this hombre, I smelled trouble. And re-fried beans.
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Maverick: Lord... whatever I've done to piss you off... if you could just get me out of this and somehow let me know what it was I promise to rectify the situation.
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Annabelle: There isn't a Mrs. Maverick is there?
Maverick: Oh I'm sure I would have remembered.
Maverick: Oh I'm sure I would have remembered.
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Annabelle: [speaking in a very southern drawl] Ah shouldn't be doin' this.
Maverick: You're just standing in the hallway, Mrs Bransford, I think that's still legal in this state.
Maverick: You're just standing in the hallway, Mrs Bransford, I think that's still legal in this state.
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Maverick: So, are you gonna miss me?
Annabelle: Are you gonna miss me?
Maverick: You ARE gonna miss me.
Annabelle: Are you gonna miss me?
Maverick: You ARE gonna miss me.
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Zane Cooper: I've never committed a cold blooded murder in my life, and I'm not about to. Not till I find Maverick.
Angel: Almost got hung once myself. Didn't care for it much.
Angel: Almost got hung once myself. Didn't care for it much.
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Zane Cooper: Well, Bret, you know what we ended up with? A half a million dollar silk shirt.
Maverick: Nope, we ended up with a quarter million dollar silk shirt, because my old pappy always used to say "Don't put the chicken in front of"... no, wait "Never cut the cards before"... no, wait, "Don't put all you eggs in one basket".
Zane Cooper: Now that, I said.
Maverick: Nope, we ended up with a quarter million dollar silk shirt, because my old pappy always used to say "Don't put the chicken in front of"... no, wait "Never cut the cards before"... no, wait, "Don't put all you eggs in one basket".
Zane Cooper: Now that, I said.