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View Quote Shoot 'em fulla holes, blow 'em to bits, vaporize 'em, disintegrate 'em, no matter whatchu do, they'll still be back, good as new.
View Quote Staggering on the mill roof in ice and snow and wild wind, I was a ninja. My kung fu was strong. I wasn't kidding anyone. At best, I was Superman on kryptonite, about to fall through a skylight, down to where it was all going down.
View Quote Take me to Cold Steel.
View Quote The feeling hit me like a point-blank shot straight in the face: something was not right about this. My Beretta stirred nervously under my coat... But the train doors had already shut behind me, and I was in for the ride. Next stop: Roscoe Street Station.
View Quote The nightmare was always the same. Violent shapes moving in darkness, old and ugly. The killer's mad laughter was a riddle filled with wicked innuendo. Somewhere the baby was crying.
View Quote The numbing cold of the broken night had followed me in. Upstairs the trio tangoed down the manor halls to the silent rhythm of their murderous hearts, the blood of their victims rust on their lips.
View Quote The word was out. A deadly virus released into the city's corrupt circulatory system. Something wicked this way comes. Max Payne at large.
View Quote They were all dead. The final gunshot was an exclamation mark to everything that had led to this point. I released my finger from the trigger. And then it was all over. The storm seemed to lose its frenzy. The ragged clouds gave way to the stars above. A bit closer to Heaven.
View Quote They were all dead. The final gunshot was an exclamation mark to everything that had led to this point. I released my finger from the trigger. And then it was over.
View Quote Valkyr had been meant to be a white-winged maiden who would lift you to a warrior's heaven. But it had turned out to be a one-way demon ride to hell. The Devil was in the drug. I knew. I had met him.
View Quote Video games
View Quote When the darkness fell, New York City became something else, any old Sinatra song notwithstanding. Bad things happened in the night, on the streets of that other city. Noir York City.