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Men in Black 3

Men in Black 3 quotes

67 total quotes

Agent J
Agent K
Boris the Animal

View Quote Boris the Animal: The Arknet! Give it to me!
Griffin: I don't think this is the one where you get it!
View Quote Griffin: Thank you for saving my life.
Young K: Well, it's what we do.
J: D'you still have the Arcnet?
Griffin: When your being hunted by Boris the Animal, you get good at hiding things. [He removed his hat, revealing the Arcnet inside his head]
J: Woah!
[Griffin slowly transfers the Arcnet from his head, along his arm and into the capsule in his hand]
View Quote Griffin: This will save your world.
[K takes the Arcnet]
View Quote Griffin: [Putting his hat back on] Once it's outside the atmosphere, it gets a whole lot bigger. All you have to do is deploy it.
Young K: You mean in space?! Well, how do you suppose we do that?
Griffin: [Looking out to the distance] Ah, it's just one small step.
[J and K turn to look. They see the moon illuminating the night sky. K looks to see a paper delivery van with the front page on the side- 'MOON LAUNCH TODAY!']
View Quote J: [after returning from the past] And really, I just want to say thank you.
K: It's been my privilege.
J: You know, there's a really high possibility now that I might know some things you don't know.
K: I doubt it.
J: I bet I know what went down with you and O.
K: She's a very fine lady, but you know the rules: there's no fraternizing amongst agents.
J: I think y'all might have fraternized a time or two...
View Quote J: Is there any future where I save his life?
Griffin: Yes. But where there is death, there will always be death.
View Quote J: Ooh, man, you look like you come from the planet...damn!
K: And Bob here is a clear violation of Health Ordinance 32: Selling unlicenced, extraterrestrial...[sees Spiky Bulba]...foodstuffs.
Wu: That is an Earth fish- very traditional in China! You arrest me, that's a hate crime!
K: It would be if you were Chinese! [Snatches Wu's robe and hat off- revealing his six arms, six legs, and antennas]
Wu: K, come on, I got larvae to feed.
[K punches Wu with the Spiky Bulba]
K: Who's the Spiky Bulba for, Wu?
Wu: Nobody.
[K punches him with the Spiky Bulba again]
K: Who's it for?!
Wu: I keep them just in case.
K: In case what?! [Punches Wu again]
Wu: I don't know! Anybody.
K: Alright, you slug. [Goes to throw the Spiky Bulba at Wu]
J: [Intervening] Whoa, whoa, whoa!
[K puts it down]
View Quote J: Thanks... will I ever see you again?
Griffin: Anything's possible.
J: Man... Griffin!
[J leaves. Griffin's face falls and he looks at the camera.]
Griffin: I can never bear to watch this part.
View Quote J: What do you know and what do you don't know?
K: How the hell do I know what I don't know?
J: That's a really good question...
View Quote J: Wu... uh... he and I are having issues in our relationship right now, but you shouldn't have to suffer for that.
Wu: Thank you, J.
J: So if you don't like getting fish-slapped, I'm gonna need you to keep to our agreements- Earth people get Earth fish. Real Earth fish.
Wu: On behalf of my pathetic self and worthless children, you stay. Allow me most honourable benefit of serving you... favorite noodles, K?
J: Don't nobody want none of your nasty-ass noodles, Wu.
K: You're a piece of shit, Wu. Shrimp and bok joy. We're gonna be here for a while.
View Quote Lunar Max Guard: You can't win, Boris!
Boris the Animal: Mmm, let's agree to disagree.
Lunar Max Guard: There's too many of us!
Boris the Animal: Rather hot in here. Mind if I open a window?
[Boris shoots a hole in the wall causing a decompression which sucks all Lunar Max guards into outer space.]
View Quote Older Boris: [to his younger self] You pathetic waste of Boglodite flesh, I'd kill you right now, if I didn't value my own life.
Younger Boris: Who are you?
Older Boris: Look at you. Every mistake I've ever made just waiting to happen.
Younger Boris: What happened to my arm?
Older Boris: You lose it – shot off by a human.
Younger Boris: No human can defeat me.
Older Boris: You spend the next forty years in prison. Chained up, like an animal!
Younger Boris: No prison can hold me!
Older Boris: They built one especially for us, on the moon.
Younger Boris: No human has been to the moon, so they cannot have built it there already.
Older Boris: STOP ARGUING! You can avoid all of that, if you just listen to me!
Younger Boris: YOU were defeated! YOU let it get shot off! That wasn't me, that was YOU!
[both roar at each other]
Older Boris: What's your plan?
Younger Boris: Prevent the Arc Net from being deployed. Kill anyone who tries!
Older Boris: Good plan, didn't work. With my help, we'll get the Arc Net, kill agent K, the invasion will be successful, and we'll get to keep both of our ar- [growls after noticing that younger Boris is staring at his stump] STOP STARING AT IT! Listen.
View Quote Young Agent K: [chasing Boris on motorcycles, who has captured Griffin]: You all right there, Chief?
Agent J: Hell, yeah. It’d be better with four wheels! Two is, like, my minimum.
Young Agent K: What happens if Boris gets the Arknet?
Agent J: Boglodite invasion, total destruction of Earth!
Young Agent K: We gotta stop this guy!
Agent J: I've been trying! You haven't been trying?
Young Agent K: Hey, slick. In the future, we ever do the Texas two-step?
Agent J: Yes, sir!
[they proceed with the ”Texas two-step” to rescue Griffin]
View Quote Young Agent K: Last chance. Who are you, and what do you know?
Agent J: I am an agent of "Men in Black", but I'm from the future. We're partners. 25 years from now, you're gonna recruit me, and 14 years after that, the guy you didn't let me kill at Coney Island, he escapes from prison, and jumps back in the past and unleashes a full scale invasion of Earth. We got about 19 hours to catch him and kill him so really, we need to go right now!
Young Agent K: [after a pause] Alright.
Agent J: So that's the story you believe?
View Quote Young Agent K: We need pie.
Agent J: What?
Young Agent K: My grand daddy always said, if you got a problem that you can't solve, helps to get out of your head. Pie, it's good.
Agent J: Pie?
Young Agent K: Yeah.
Agent J: Your grand daddy, heavy set man?
Young Agent K: A little bit.
Agent J: Yeah, you know what? We've been doing smart stuff, we've been following clues, doing real police work. It might be time we do something stupid. Something that ain't got nothing to do with nothing. Ah, you know what? Now I want some pie, K. I want some pie. Let's go get some dumb-ass pie!
[J walks off]
Young Agent K: Sounds good.