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[Ethan describes the CIA's security system]
Ethan Hunt: [the scene goes to William Dunloe coming into the computer vault] The only certified technician has to pass a series of security scans. First one is voice activated.
CIA Analyst William Donloe: William Dunloe.
Ethan Hunt: Then, he has to put in a 6 digit code.
[Dunloe enters the first room]
Ethan Hunt: That only gets him into the outer room. In order to get in the vault, he first has to pass a redna scan. Then, the door will unlock by only by two electronic keycards, which we won't have.
[Dunloe then enters the vault]
Ethan Hunt: In the vault, there are three security sensors that will activate at anytime the technician is out of the room. First is voice sensitive, anything above a whisper, will set it off. The second one senses the temperature even the body heat of an unauthorized person in the room can set it off if the temperature rises by a single degree. The temperature is controlled by an air duct system 30 feet above the floor. The vent is guarded by a laser net.
[Dunloe leaves the vault]
Ethan Hunt: The third one is on the floor, and it's pressure sensitive. Just the slightest increase in weight will set it off. If any of these 3 sensors are set off will trigger an automatic lockdown. Let me tell you, gentlemen, that all three systems, are state of the art.
[a drop of water from Dunloe's drink drops to the floor, which sets off the alarm]
Luther Stickell: [After a stunned silence] And you really think we can do this?
Etahn Hunt:We're going to do it.

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