[Having been flooded out of the house in the brothers' last attempt to kill the mouse, the angry auction guests are leaving]
Ernie: Hey! Don't go! The water was just a… a demonstration of... of how durable a LeRue really is! [he laughs] How about that, huh? Now, you know... this house will last forever! [the house suddenly collapses]
Ernie: Hey! Don't go! The water was just a… a demonstration of... of how durable a LeRue really is! [he laughs] How about that, huh? Now, you know... this house will last forever! [the house suddenly collapses]
[Having been flooded out of the house in the brothers' last attempt to kill the mouse, the angry auction guests are leaving]
Ernie: Hey! Don't go! The water was just a… a demonstration of... of how durable a LeRue really is! [he laughs] How about that, huh? Now, you know... this house will last forever ! [the house suddenly collapses]