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Senior: J.J. Crawford said a boat motor went missin’ from his stock yard. Said his daughter saw this one and his friend haulin’ it off. Now you tell me right now, did you steal that motor?
Ellis: We didn’t steal it.
Senior: Lie to me again.
Ellis: We thought it was junk. We didn’t think it was worth anything.
Mary Lee: Ellis?
Senior: You tell me I raised a thief?
Ellis: I’m not a thief.
Senior: You take property that’s not yours. Property that belongs to another man. That junk is his livelihood. I’m ashamed of you.
Mary Lee: Senior.
Senior: [to Mary Lee] Shut your mouth. You think you can take things and not have him see it? Neither one of you has any respect for a man’s livelihood. A life that puts clothes on your back and food in your stomach.
Mary Lee: Don’t you blame this on me. One doesn’t have a thing to do with the other and you know it.
Senior: Don’t tell me what I know. If you can steal a man’s life out from under him in front of your son and think he won’t take a lesson from it than you’re even dumber than you look.
Ellis: Stop it dad.
Senior: She’s raisin’ you a snake like herself, and you can curl up with her ‘fore I give a damn. You just remember this when you watch them rip this house apart board by board. You hear me?!
[Mary Lee slaps Senior hard. He turns to her, saying nothing.]
Mary Lee: You’re a man who’s never had the strength to support his own life. I never asked you for a thing, and I’ve never took a thing from you that I couldn’t provide for on my own. If they do tear my home apart the only joy I’ll have in my heart is knowin’ that they’ll be tearing you out of my life for good. Ellis. You’ll return that motor from where you found it and you’ll apologize in person to the man you took it from. I won’t hear about anything like this again.
[Mary Lee exits quietly.]
Ellis: I can’t take that motor back. But I’ll pay him for it. I’ll pay him what he wants for it.
Senior: I don’t care what you do Ellis.

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