Evil Scientist Man: Hey, rodents. You know the cheese I promised you... ...after you ran that maze and took those tests? It was delicious.
Rizzo: No cheese? NO CHEESE? All right, that does it - We're busting out of this joint, boys!
Bubba: No, Riz, no, even if we got over the wall, we couldn't turn the doorknob.
Rizzo: Who needs doorknobs? [lifts up his "Mice Girls" poster to reveal a hole, while the other rats gape in shock]
Rizzo: No cheese? NO CHEESE? All right, that does it - We're busting out of this joint, boys!
Bubba: No, Riz, no, even if we got over the wall, we couldn't turn the doorknob.
Rizzo: Who needs doorknobs? [lifts up his "Mice Girls" poster to reveal a hole, while the other rats gape in shock]
Evil Scientist Man: Hey, rodents. You know the cheese I promised you... ...after you ran that maze and took those tests? It was delicious.
Rizzo: No cheese? NO CHEESE? All right, that does it - We're busting out of this joint, boys!
Bubba: No, Riz, no, even if we got over the wall, we couldn't turn the doorknob.
Rizzo: Who needs doorknobs? [lifts up his "Mice Girls" poster to reveal a hole, while the other rats gape in shock]