Captain Bligh: In a civilised soceity, certain lewd intentions towards the female members of one's family would be regarded as a, well, as an insult. Do you follow me?
Fletcher Christian: I think so, sir.
Captain Bligh: But in Tahiti, the insult lies in the omission of those lewd intentions. Manners that would offend a dock-side harlot seem to be the only acceptable behaviour to King Hitihiti.
Fletcher Christian: I think so, sir.
Captain Bligh: But in Tahiti, the insult lies in the omission of those lewd intentions. Manners that would offend a dock-side harlot seem to be the only acceptable behaviour to King Hitihiti.
Captain Bligh : In a civilised soceity, certain lewd intentions towards the female members of one's family would be regarded as a, well, as an insult. Do you follow me?
Fletcher Christian : I think so, sir.
Captain Bligh : But in Tahiti, the insult lies in the omission of those lewd intentions. Manners that would offend a dock-side harlot seem to be the only acceptable behaviour to King Hitihiti.