Ben: [he, Riley and Abigail approach a Mercedes-Benz C280, as they elude Wilkinson] He's the one who's after the treasure!
Riley: Okay, I'll drive. [they get in the car; but since the car's front seats are right-hand drive positioned, Riley ends up in the passenger seat]
Ben: [as he is in the driver's seat] We're in England.
Riley: Okay, I'll drive. [they get in the car; but since the car's front seats are right-hand drive positioned, Riley ends up in the passenger seat]
Ben: [as he is in the driver's seat] We're in England.
Ben : [he, Riley and Abigail approach a Mercedes-Benz C280, as they elude Wilkinson] He's the one who's after the treasure!
Riley : Okay, I'll drive. [they get in the car; but since the car's front seats are right-hand drive positioned, Riley ends up in the passenger seat]
Ben : [as he is in the driver's seat] We're in England.