Samantha: [calling across street to others after Regina pushes crosswalk button] What are you waiting for?
Hector: We're waiting for the light to change.
Regina: We do not cross against the light!
Samantha: [looks at red crosswalk light] Are you nuts, "Auntie Regina"?
Regina: [sighs] You may as well face the facts, Samantha: the whole burden of civilization has fallen upon us.
Samantha: What's that supposed to mean?
Regina: It means we do not cross against the light!
Samantha: [walking out into street] That's totally stupid: there's nobody here! See? We're talking ghost town! [runs out of way of Mercedes-Benz 380SL that suddenly comes speeding around corner]
Regina: [to Brian] See what happens?
Danny: [after turning his car around and stopping next to Samantha] God, I'm sorry, but you shouldn't cross against the light like that. [pause] Hey, you guys are survivors, too, huh? [Samantha looks upward, mouths "thank you"] What?
Samantha: Nothing. Great car.
Danny: Thanks, I have twenty-three of em'. You want to go for a ride?
Samantha: More than you know.
Hector: [to Regina] We don't know anything about this guy. Where's he from? What's his name?
Samantha: [to Danny] What's your name?
Danny: Danny Mason Keener.
Samantha: [to others] Danny Mason Keener, okay?
Regina: Yeah, alright, well—just be back by midnight, okay?
Danny: Midnight?
Samantha: The burden of civilization is on us, okay?
Danny: Oh, yeah. Bitchin', isn't it? [last lines]
Hector: We're waiting for the light to change.
Regina: We do not cross against the light!
Samantha: [looks at red crosswalk light] Are you nuts, "Auntie Regina"?
Regina: [sighs] You may as well face the facts, Samantha: the whole burden of civilization has fallen upon us.
Samantha: What's that supposed to mean?
Regina: It means we do not cross against the light!
Samantha: [walking out into street] That's totally stupid: there's nobody here! See? We're talking ghost town! [runs out of way of Mercedes-Benz 380SL that suddenly comes speeding around corner]
Regina: [to Brian] See what happens?
Danny: [after turning his car around and stopping next to Samantha] God, I'm sorry, but you shouldn't cross against the light like that. [pause] Hey, you guys are survivors, too, huh? [Samantha looks upward, mouths "thank you"] What?
Samantha: Nothing. Great car.
Danny: Thanks, I have twenty-three of em'. You want to go for a ride?
Samantha: More than you know.
Hector: [to Regina] We don't know anything about this guy. Where's he from? What's his name?
Samantha: [to Danny] What's your name?
Danny: Danny Mason Keener.
Samantha: [to others] Danny Mason Keener, okay?
Regina: Yeah, alright, well—just be back by midnight, okay?
Danny: Midnight?
Samantha: The burden of civilization is on us, okay?
Danny: Oh, yeah. Bitchin', isn't it? [last lines]
Samantha : [ calling across street to others after Regina pushes crosswalk button ] What are you waiting for?
Hector : We're waiting for the light to change.
Regina : We do not cross against the light!
Samantha : [ looks at red crosswalk light ] Are you nuts, "Auntie Regina"?
Regina : [ sighs ] You may as well face the facts , Samantha: the whole burden of civilization has fallen upon us .
Samantha : What's that supposed to mean?
Regina : It means we do not cross against the light!
Samantha : [ walking out into street ] That's totally stupid : there's nobody here! See? We're talking ghost town! [ runs out of way of Mercedes-Benz 380SL that suddenly comes speeding around corner ]
Regina : [ to Brian ] See what happens?
Danny : [ after turning his car around and stopping next to Samantha ] God, I'm sorry , but you shouldn't cross against the light like that. [ pause ] Hey, you guys are survivors, too, huh? [ Samantha looks upward, mouths "thank you" ] What?
Samantha : Nothing. Great car.
Danny : Thanks, I have twenty-three of em'. You want to go for a ride?
Samantha : More than you know.
Hector : [ to Regina ] We don't know anything about this guy. Where's he from? What's his name?
Samantha : [ to Danny ] What's your name?
Danny : Danny Mason Keener.
Samantha : [ to others ] Danny Mason Keener, okay?
Regina : Yeah, alright, well—just be back by midnight, okay?
Danny : Midnight?
Samantha : The burden of civilization is on us, okay?
Danny : Oh, yeah. Bitchin', isn't it?
[ last lines ]