English Teacher: (after a student "farts" to say what he thinks about poetry, while several boys are looking into the girls' bathroom upstairs) Oh, is that amusing? Is that what your generation considers...humor? Shakespeare, Moliere, Oscar Wilde--these were humorists! The sublime poetic genius of a clever turn of phrase...that is true comedy! Your modern, moronic, feeble-minded, sophomoric excuse for wit...is merely a parade of nasty...filthy...vulgar...HUMAN EXCREMENT!!! (after several intermittent scenes of the girl defecating in the bathroom and the boys watching, they both fall through the ceiling, and the mess fits the teacher's description)
English Teacher : (after a student "farts" to say what he thinks about poetry, while several boys are looking into the girls' bathroom upstairs ) Oh, is that amusing? Is that what your generation considers...humor? Shakespeare, Moliere, Oscar Wilde-- these were humorists! The sublime poetic genius of a clever turn of phrase... that is true comedy! Your modern, moronic, feeble-minded, sophomoric excuse for wit ...is merely a parade of nasty...filthy... vulgar ...HUMAN EXCREMENT!!! (after several intermittent scenes of the girl defecating in the bathroom and the boys watching, they both fall through the ceiling, and the mess fits the teacher's description)