Notorious quotes
43 total quotesAlicia Huberman
Captain Paul Prescott
T.R. Devlin
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[to Devlin] You double-crossing buzzard - you're a cop!...a federal cop crashing my party...you're trailing me to get something on me.
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[to Sebastian] He has pestered me with his tenderness ever since I arrived...Mr. Devlin doesn't interest me.
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Gentlemen, I assure you, she's the perfect type for the job...She's good at making friends with gentlemen, and we want somebody inside his house, in his confidence.
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I don't know if she'll do it...Well, I don't think she's that type of woman.
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I don't know why I should feel so bad. When he told me a few years ago what he was, everything went to pot. I didn't care what happened to me. Now I remember how nice he once was. How nice we both were, very nice. It's a very curious feeling as if something had happened to me and not to him. You see, I don't have to hate him anymore or myself.
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I hate low, under-handed people like policemen, pussy-footing after you. Of course, I'm a marked woman, you know? I'm liable to blow up the Panama Canal any minute now.
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I want to make it 80 and wipe that grin off your face. I don't like gentlemen who grin at me.
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I'm allergic to American agents. Their fine points don't particularly appeal to me.
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Mr. Devlin's been transferred to Spain...Well I guess he thought he was going stale here...I guess he thought he'd find Spain more interesting...Well, of course, it is more or less routine now.
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Now try to memorize the names of all the people you see there tonight. The men I mean. And get their nationalities. That's very important...And I suggest that you, uh, don't ask any questions. Just use your eyes and ears. They're a pretty keen and desperate bunch. Don't underestimate them.
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She wasn't drunk, she was sick. Maybe that's why she hasn't shown up. She looked like the ragged end of nowhere.
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That sand that Devlin brought in shows uranium ore so now we know what we're driving at. And your job from now on will be to try to help us find out where that sand comes from.
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The important drinking hasn't started yet.