Notting Hill quotes
52 total quotesAnna Scott
Multiple Characters
William Thacker
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It's as if I've taken love heroin, and now I can't ever have it again.
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Just going to the kitchen to get some food, then I'm going to tell you a story that will make your balls shrink to the size of raisins.
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Rita Hayworth used to say: "They go to bed with Gilda, they wake up with me"
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Well happiness wouldn't be happiness without a violin playing goat!
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Well, isn't this a good opportunity to... slip her one?
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Why does a man take it for granted that a girl who flirts with him wants him to kiss her - when, nine times out of ten, she only wants him to want to kiss her?
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Would you like something to eat? Something to nibble? Apricots, soaked in honey? Quite why, no one knows, because it stops them tasting like apricots and makes them taste like honey... and if you wanted honey, you could just... buy honey. Instead of apricots. But nevertheless they're yours if you want them.