Charlotte: Some man who'll make me happy? Oh, so that's it. So that's it. Well, I've certainly made a great mistake. Here I have been laboring under the delusion that you and I were so in sympathy, so one, that you'd know without being asked what would make me happy. And you come up here to talk about some man. Apparently, you haven't the slightest conception of what torture it is to love a man and to be shut out, barred out, to be always an outsider, an extra.
Jerry: Charlotte, let me...
Charlotte: Why, when Tina said she wanted to come home and stay with me, well, it was like a miracle happening. Like having your child, a part of you. And I even allowed myself to indulge in the fantasy that both of us loving her and doing what was best for her together would make her seem actually like our child after a while. But I see no such fantasy has occurred to you. Again, I've been just a big sentimental fool. It's a tendency I have.
Jerry: Wait a minute. I was afraid you were keeping Tina out of pity. But there was no note of pity in your ridicule of me just now. Now I know you still love me, and it won't die, what's between us. Do what we will - ignore it, neglect it, starve it, it's stronger than both of us together.
Charlotte: Please, let me go.
Jerry: Charlotte...
Charlotte: Please, let me go. Jerry, Dr. Jaquith knows about us. When he said I could take Tina, he said, "You're on probation." Do you know what that means? It means that I'm on probation because of you and me. He allowed this visit as a test, and if I can't stand such tests, I'll lose Tina, and we'll lose each other. Jerry, please help me.
Jerry: Shall we just have a cigarette on it?
Charlotte: Yes.
Jerry: May I sometimes come here?...
Charlotte: Whenever you like; it's your home too. There are people here who love you.
Jerry: ...and look at you and Tina? Share with you peace and contentment?
Charlotte: Of course, and just think, it won't be for this time only. That is, if you will help me keep what we have, if we both try hard to protect that little strip of territory that's ours. We can talk about your child...
Jerry: Our child.
Charlotte: Thank you.
Jerry: And will you be happy, Charlotte?
Charlotte: Oh, Jerry, don't let's ask for the moon. We have the stars. Note: bolded line is ranked #46 in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movie quotations in American cinema.
Jerry: Charlotte, let me...
Charlotte: Why, when Tina said she wanted to come home and stay with me, well, it was like a miracle happening. Like having your child, a part of you. And I even allowed myself to indulge in the fantasy that both of us loving her and doing what was best for her together would make her seem actually like our child after a while. But I see no such fantasy has occurred to you. Again, I've been just a big sentimental fool. It's a tendency I have.
Jerry: Wait a minute. I was afraid you were keeping Tina out of pity. But there was no note of pity in your ridicule of me just now. Now I know you still love me, and it won't die, what's between us. Do what we will - ignore it, neglect it, starve it, it's stronger than both of us together.
Charlotte: Please, let me go.
Jerry: Charlotte...
Charlotte: Please, let me go. Jerry, Dr. Jaquith knows about us. When he said I could take Tina, he said, "You're on probation." Do you know what that means? It means that I'm on probation because of you and me. He allowed this visit as a test, and if I can't stand such tests, I'll lose Tina, and we'll lose each other. Jerry, please help me.
Jerry: Shall we just have a cigarette on it?
Charlotte: Yes.
Jerry: May I sometimes come here?...
Charlotte: Whenever you like; it's your home too. There are people here who love you.
Jerry: ...and look at you and Tina? Share with you peace and contentment?
Charlotte: Of course, and just think, it won't be for this time only. That is, if you will help me keep what we have, if we both try hard to protect that little strip of territory that's ours. We can talk about your child...
Jerry: Our child.
Charlotte: Thank you.
Jerry: And will you be happy, Charlotte?
Charlotte: Oh, Jerry, don't let's ask for the moon. We have the stars. Note: bolded line is ranked #46 in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movie quotations in American cinema.
Charlotte : Some man who'll make me happy? Oh, so that's it. So that's it. Well, I've certainly made a great mistake. Here I have been laboring under the delusion that you and I were so in sympathy, so one, that you'd know without being asked what would make me happy. And you come up here to talk about some man. Apparently, you haven't the slightest conception of what torture it is to love a man and to be shut out, barred out, to be always an outsider, an extra.
Jerry : Charlotte, let me...
Charlotte : Why, when Tina said she wanted to come home and stay with me, well, it was like a miracle happening. Like having your child, a part of you. And I even allowed myself to indulge in the fantasy that both of us loving her and doing what was best for her together would make her seem actually like our child after a while. But I see no such fantasy has occurred to you. Again, I've been just a big sentimental fool. It's a tendency I have.
Jerry : Wait a minute. I was afraid you were keeping Tina out of pity. But there was no note of pity in your ridicule of me just now. Now I know you still love me, and it won't die, what's between us. Do what we will - ignore it, neglect it, starve it, it's stronger than both of us together.
Charlotte : Please, let me go.
Jerry : Charlotte...
Charlotte : Please, let me go. Jerry, Dr. Jaquith knows about us. When he said I could take Tina, he said, "You're on probation." Do you know what that means? It means that I'm on probation because of you and me. He allowed this visit as a test, and if I can't stand such tests, I'll lose Tina, and we'll lose each other. Jerry, please help me.
Jerry : Shall we just have a cigarette on it?
Charlotte : Yes.
Jerry : May I sometimes come here?...
Charlotte : Whenever you like; it's your home too. There are people here who love you.
Jerry : ...and look at you and Tina? Share with you peace and contentment?
Charlotte : Of course, and just think, it won't be for this time only. That is, if you will help me keep what we have, if we both try hard to protect that little strip of territory that's ours. We can talk about your child...
Jerry : Our child.
Charlotte : Thank you.
Jerry : And will you be happy, Charlotte?
Charlotte : Oh, Jerry, don't let's ask for the moon. We have the stars.
Note: bolded line is ranked #46 in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movie quotations in American cinema .