Ocean's Eleven (2001) quotes
90 total quotesOther
Reuben Tishkoff
Rusty Ryan
Saul Bloom
Terry Benedict
Tess Ocean
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Danny: Why do they always paint hallways that color?
Rusty: They say taupe is very soothing.
Rusty: They say taupe is very soothing.
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Danny: You remember the day I went out for cigarettes and didn't come back? You must have noticed. [goes to sit down]
Tess: I don't smoke. Don't sit.
Tess: I don't smoke. Don't sit.
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Danny: [holds up a black wallet] Hello Linus. Whose is this?
Linus: Who are you?
Danny: A friend of Bobby Caldwell's.
[produces a plane ticket]
Danny: You're either in or you're out. Right now.
Linus: What is it?
Danny: It's a plane ticket. A job offer.
Linus: You're pretty trusting pretty fast.
Danny: Well Bobby has a lot of faith in you.
Linus: Fathers are like that. [pauses] Didn't he tell you? He didn't want me trading on his name.
Danny: Do this job and he'll be trading on yours.
Linus: Who are you?
Danny: A friend of Bobby Caldwell's.
[produces a plane ticket]
Danny: You're either in or you're out. Right now.
Linus: What is it?
Danny: It's a plane ticket. A job offer.
Linus: You're pretty trusting pretty fast.
Danny: Well Bobby has a lot of faith in you.
Linus: Fathers are like that. [pauses] Didn't he tell you? He didn't want me trading on his name.
Danny: Do this job and he'll be trading on yours.
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Linus: Smash and grab job, huh?
Rusty: Slightly more complicated than that.
Linus: Well, yeah.
Rusty: Slightly more complicated than that.
Linus: Well, yeah.
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Parole Board Member #1: Mr Ocean, the purpose of this hearing is to determine, whether, if released, you are likely to break the law again. While this was your first conviction, you have been implicated, though never charged, in over a dozen other confidence tricks and frauds. What can you tell us about those?
Danny: As you say, ma'am, I was never charged.
Parole Board Member #2: Mr Ocean, what we're trying to find out is was there a reason you chose to commit this crime, or was there a reason you simply got caught this time.
Danny: My wife left me. I was upset. I fell into a self-destructive pattern.
Parole Board Member #3: If released, is it likely you'd fall back into a similar pattern?
Danny: She already left me once. I don't think she'd do it again just for kicks.
Danny: As you say, ma'am, I was never charged.
Parole Board Member #2: Mr Ocean, what we're trying to find out is was there a reason you chose to commit this crime, or was there a reason you simply got caught this time.
Danny: My wife left me. I was upset. I fell into a self-destructive pattern.
Parole Board Member #3: If released, is it likely you'd fall back into a similar pattern?
Danny: She already left me once. I don't think she'd do it again just for kicks.
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Reuben: Look, we all go way back and uh, I owe you from the thing with the guy in the place and I'll never forget it.
Danny: That was our pleasure.
Rusty: I'd never been to Belize.
Danny: That was our pleasure.
Rusty: I'd never been to Belize.
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Reuben: What have you guys got against Terry Benedict?
Rusty: What do you have against him, that's the question.
Reuben: He torpedoed my casino, muscled me out. Now he's gonna blow it up next month to make way for some gaudy monstrosity! Don't think I don't see what you're doing.
Rusty: What are we doing, Reuben?
Reuben: If you're gonna steal from Terry Benedict, you'd better goddamn know. This sort of thing used to be civilized. You'd hit a guy, he'd whack you, done. But with Benedict... at the end of this, he'd better not know you're involved, not know your names, or think you're dead. Because he'll kill you, and then he'll go to work on you.
Rusty: What do you have against him, that's the question.
Reuben: He torpedoed my casino, muscled me out. Now he's gonna blow it up next month to make way for some gaudy monstrosity! Don't think I don't see what you're doing.
Rusty: What are we doing, Reuben?
Reuben: If you're gonna steal from Terry Benedict, you'd better goddamn know. This sort of thing used to be civilized. You'd hit a guy, he'd whack you, done. But with Benedict... at the end of this, he'd better not know you're involved, not know your names, or think you're dead. Because he'll kill you, and then he'll go to work on you.
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Reuben: Where are they? That's what I wanna know, where the hell are they?
Saul: [in his fake accent] They *will* be here.
Reuben: "They *will* be here"... Schmuck!
Saul: [in his fake accent] They *will* be here.
Reuben: "They *will* be here"... Schmuck!
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Reuben: You're Bobby Caldwell's kid. From Chicago. It's nice there, do you like it?
Linus: Yeah.
Reuben: That's wonderful. Now get in the goddamn house.
Linus: Yeah.
Reuben: That's wonderful. Now get in the goddamn house.
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Rusty: 'Wonder what Rueben'll say.
[Cut to Rueben]
[Cut to Rueben]
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Rusty: God, I'm bored!
Danny: You look bored.
Rusty: I am bored!
[long pause]
Rusty: How was the clink? You get the cookies I sent?
Danny: Why do you think I came to see you first?
Danny: You look bored.
Rusty: I am bored!
[long pause]
Rusty: How was the clink? You get the cookies I sent?
Danny: Why do you think I came to see you first?
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Rusty: Saul, turn that off, will you?
Saul: [in fake accent] I'll turn it off when I'm ready to...
Rusty: Saul!
Saul: [normal voice] It's off, it's off!
Saul: [in fake accent] I'll turn it off when I'm ready to...
Rusty: Saul!
Saul: [normal voice] It's off, it's off!
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Rusty: Tell me this is not about her, or I am walking. I am walking off this job right now.
Danny: Who?
Rusty: Tess. Terry Benedict. Tell me this is not about screwing the guy who's screwing your wife.
Danny: Ex-wife.
Rusty: Tell me.
Danny: It's not about that.
Danny: It's not entirely about that.
[Rusty turns away, furious.]
Danny: Russ, do you remember what we said back when we first got into this business. We said we were gonna play the game...
Danny, Rusty: Like we had nothing to lose.
Danny: Well, I lost something... I lost someone. That's why I'm here.
[long pause]
Rusty: Okay, here's the problem - now we're stealing two things. And when push comes to shove, and you can't have both, which are you gonna choose? And remember - Tess does not split eleven ways.
Danny: Who?
Rusty: Tess. Terry Benedict. Tell me this is not about screwing the guy who's screwing your wife.
Danny: Ex-wife.
Rusty: Tell me.
Danny: It's not about that.
Danny: It's not entirely about that.
[Rusty turns away, furious.]
Danny: Russ, do you remember what we said back when we first got into this business. We said we were gonna play the game...
Danny, Rusty: Like we had nothing to lose.
Danny: Well, I lost something... I lost someone. That's why I'm here.
[long pause]
Rusty: Okay, here's the problem - now we're stealing two things. And when push comes to shove, and you can't have both, which are you gonna choose? And remember - Tess does not split eleven ways.
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Rusty: The Bellagio and the Mirage. These are Terry Benedict's places.
Danny: Yes they are. You think he'll mind?
Rusty: More than somewhat.
Danny: Yes they are. You think he'll mind?
Rusty: More than somewhat.