Old School quotes
102 total quotesBernard 'Beanie' Campbell
Frank 'The Tank' Ricard
Garry, the Oral Sex Instructor
Mitch Martin
Multiple Characters
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Booker: We've been waiting all semester for you to ask us.
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Dean Pritchard: I'm sorry is that funny? Are you a standup comic, is that what you do now? This is me leaving. This is me leaving.
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Gordon Pritchard: Half these guys don't even go here and that one guy is like ninety.
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Mark: [after being caught with another woman] What are you gonna do? Tell on me? You know you can't buddy. It's guy code. That's something chicks do. You're not a chick are you? Ok. Good talk. I'll see you out there.
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Mark: [to little girl] This is yesterday's paper. When are you going to use your goddamn brains for once in your life? Hello. What are you ****ed?
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Waiter: And don't worry. For the Godfather, it's always on the house.
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Waiter: Love, it's a mother****er, huh?
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Waiter: You are beautiful. But no offense, he, he is the king. You are having coffee and pie with a living legend.
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Wedding Singer: [singing] ****in' every now and then I fall apart and I need you now tonight. I ****in' need you more than ever.
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So what do you guys like better? Nurse or cheerleader? Oh, hi Nicole. Have fun at the wedding?
So what do you guys like better? Nurse or cheerleader? Oh, hi Nicole. Have fun at the wedding?
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Beanie: Can you do me a favor and tell Mitch it's perfectly okay to have sex with a 17-year-old?
Lara Campbell: Oh, yeah. It's fine, if you're 18 or you live in Louisiana.
Lara Campbell: Oh, yeah. It's fine, if you're 18 or you live in Louisiana.
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Beanie: Girls love a guy who's in your situation.
Mitch: What situation?
Beanie: Mitch. You're on the rebound. You're like an injured young fawn who's been nursed back to health and is finally going to be released back into the wilderness.
Mitch: What situation?
Beanie: Mitch. You're on the rebound. You're like an injured young fawn who's been nursed back to health and is finally going to be released back into the wilderness.
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Beanie: Spanish what the hell are you doing?
Spanish: I'm just going to get some water. This suit is crazy hot, yo.
Beanie: Put your head back on. That can be very traumatic for the kids.
Spanish: You're right, I'm sorry, sir.
Beanie: Don't sorry me, babe. And shake the tail when you walk. You're better than that.
Spanish: I'm just going to get some water. This suit is crazy hot, yo.
Beanie: Put your head back on. That can be very traumatic for the kids.
Spanish: You're right, I'm sorry, sir.
Beanie: Don't sorry me, babe. And shake the tail when you walk. You're better than that.
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Beanie: Weensie, you're on lifeguard duty.
Weensie: Sir, I can't swim, sir.
Frank: Speak when spoken to.
Weensie: Sir, I can't swim, sir.
Frank: Speak when spoken to.