Once Upon a Time in America quotes
25 total quotesDavid 'Noodles' Aaronson
Maximilian 'Max' Bercovicz
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Chicken Joe: [as he and another thug are torturing Jimmy O'Donnell] I don't give a *shit* about you and your Socialist workers!
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Deborah Gelly: I read books, I want to learn everything, I want to know everything. Doesn't it make sense to have plans?
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Dominic: [dying words after being shot by Bugsy] Noodles, I slipped!
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Frankie Minaldi: [introducing the gang to Joe] Here they are, "The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse"! Did you happen to see that movie, Joe? It's a good movie.
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Joe Minaldi: Life is... funnier than shit.
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Patrick 'Patsy' Goldberg: Hey, scotch heating!
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Police Chief Aiello: I'm the chief of police, not the chief of the people.
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David 'Noodles' Aaronson: You really are crazy, Max.
Maximilian 'Max' Bercovicz: [pulls out a gun and hits Noodles over the head with the butt, repeatedly] Don't you ever, ever say that!
Maximilian 'Max' Bercovicz: [pulls out a gun and hits Noodles over the head with the butt, repeatedly] Don't you ever, ever say that!
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Fat Moe: When did you get back?
David 'Noodles' Aaronson: Today.
Fat Moe: Why?
David 'Noodles' Aaronson: They got in touch with me.
Fat Moe: Who?
David 'Noodles' Aaronson: I thought you might know.
Fat Moe: Me? I don't know nothin' 'bout nobody no more.
David 'Noodles' Aaronson: Today.
Fat Moe: Why?
David 'Noodles' Aaronson: They got in touch with me.
Fat Moe: Who?
David 'Noodles' Aaronson: I thought you might know.
Fat Moe: Me? I don't know nothin' 'bout nobody no more.
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James Conway O'Donnell: [to Max] You boys ain't a mild case of the measles - you're the plague. And bas**** like him - [motioning at Crowning] - are immune. That's the difference between us and them.
David 'Noodles' Aaronson: [puts a jacket on O'Donnell, who flinches] Take it easy. The difference is, they're always gonna win. And you're gonna keep gettin' it up the ass.
Crowning: Sooner than you think.
David 'Noodles' Aaronson: [puts a jacket on O'Donnell, who flinches] Take it easy. The difference is, they're always gonna win. And you're gonna keep gettin' it up the ass.
Crowning: Sooner than you think.
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Joe Minaldi: [inspecting diamonds through a loupe] Any trouble?
Patrick 'Patsy' Goldberg: No trouble. Kid stuff. [Pulls out a gun and shoots Joe in the eye through the loupe]
Patrick 'Patsy' Goldberg: No trouble. Kid stuff. [Pulls out a gun and shoots Joe in the eye through the loupe]
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Maximilian 'Max' Bercovicz: Is this your idea of revenge?
David 'Noodles' Aaronson: No. It's just the way I see things.
David 'Noodles' Aaronson: No. It's just the way I see things.
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Maximilian 'Max' Bercovicz: You'll live with the stink of the streets all your life.
David 'Noodles' Aaronson: I like the stink of the streets. It makes me feel good. I like the smell, and it opens up my lungs. And it gives me a hard-on.
David 'Noodles' Aaronson: I like the stink of the streets. It makes me feel good. I like the smell, and it opens up my lungs. And it gives me a hard-on.
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Maximilian 'Max' Bercovicz: You're looking good.
David 'Noodles' Aaronson: You're looking a little better.
David 'Noodles' Aaronson: You're looking a little better.
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Patrick 'Patsy' Goldberg: [Patsy and Max have Crowning at gunpoint and are trying to get Chicken Joe and Willie the Ape to release O'Donnell] Just swapping prisoners.
Philip '****eye' Stein: Fair trade, huh, chickenhead? [Chicken Joe turns and sees ****eye and Noodles standing to his right] Union boy over here, for Mister Boss Man.
Chicken Joe: Well, look who's here - Fat Moe's boneyard boys!
Maximilian 'Max' Bercovicz: Which reminds me... how's that cancer in your gut comin' along, Chicken Joe?
Philip '****eye' Stein: Fair trade, huh, chickenhead? [Chicken Joe turns and sees ****eye and Noodles standing to his right] Union boy over here, for Mister Boss Man.
Chicken Joe: Well, look who's here - Fat Moe's boneyard boys!
Maximilian 'Max' Bercovicz: Which reminds me... how's that cancer in your gut comin' along, Chicken Joe?