Over the Hedge quotes
17 total quotesHammy
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Stella: I'm gonna gas you so hard that your grand children will stink!
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Tiger: This face was bred for beauty. I cannot smell a thing.
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Bucky: [while driving the van, the others are arguing] Hey, no fighting while we're driving!
Spike: We will turn this van around, mister!
Lou: [points at Verne] He started it.
Spike: We will turn this van around, mister!
Lou: [points at Verne] He started it.
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Hammy: [after opening chips packet] Whoa! What is THAT?!
RJ: That, my friend, is a magical combination of corn flour, dehydrated cheese solids, BHA, BHT and good old MSG; A.K.A.: the Chip. Nacho Cheese flavor.
RJ: That, my friend, is a magical combination of corn flour, dehydrated cheese solids, BHA, BHT and good old MSG; A.K.A.: the Chip. Nacho Cheese flavor.
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Penny: I'd feel better if I just knew what it was called.
Hammy: Let's call it Steve!
Verne: Steve?
Hammy: It's a pretty name.
Ozzie: [kneeling before "Steve"] Oh, great and powerful Steve. Whaddya want!?
Hammy: Let's call it Steve!
Verne: Steve?
Hammy: It's a pretty name.
Ozzie: [kneeling before "Steve"] Oh, great and powerful Steve. Whaddya want!?
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RJ: [getting out Monopoly game pieces] Now, here's what we do...
Hammy: Can I be the car?!
Bucky: I wanna be the car!
Spike: No, I'm the car! You be the shoe!
Bucky: The shoe's lame.
Lou: Why not be that snazzy lookin' iron there?"
RJ: Hey! It's not important! Besides, I'm the car! I'm always the car!
Hammy: Can I be the car?!
Bucky: I wanna be the car!
Spike: No, I'm the car! You be the shoe!
Bucky: The shoe's lame.
Lou: Why not be that snazzy lookin' iron there?"
RJ: Hey! It's not important! Besides, I'm the car! I'm always the car!
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Tiger:Away with your filth!
Stella: My filth? MY FILTH?! OK, that's it. I am so sick and tired of everybody taking one look at me and running away because they think I'm filthy! WELL, I'VE got NEWS for you, I didn't got all primmed and preened to have some overfed pompous puffball tell me he's too good for me. I've got makeup on my butt, dude! And you don't even want to know about the cork!
Tiger: No one has ever spoken to me like that! [pause] It's...bold! I like it.
Stella: My filth? MY FILTH?! OK, that's it. I am so sick and tired of everybody taking one look at me and running away because they think I'm filthy! WELL, I'VE got NEWS for you, I didn't got all primmed and preened to have some overfed pompous puffball tell me he's too good for me. I've got makeup on my butt, dude! And you don't even want to know about the cork!
Tiger: No one has ever spoken to me like that! [pause] It's...bold! I like it.
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Verne: If you needed the food, we would have let you have it. That's what families do.
RJ: Wish you'd have told me that sooner.
Verne: Yeah, well that's bad communication. Another thing families do.
RJ: Wish you'd have told me that sooner.
Verne: Yeah, well that's bad communication. Another thing families do.
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[looking up at Vincent, shaking in fear] Scary clown.
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[pointing to a family saying Grace at a table] That! Is the altar...where they worship the food!
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[pointing to a map of Gladys' backyard] There are traps here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here...here, here, here, here, here...big one here, and I think a few over here.
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[repeated line] But I like the cookie.
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[running along the hedge] IT NEVER ENDS!!! [runs the opposite way and runs back to the group] It never ends that way too!
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All right, RJ. I'm going back to sleep. When that moon's full, I'm waking up and all my stuff had better be right back where it was.