Adventure: I heard that! And I would let you know, I'm a Classic!
Fantasy: Mm-hmm, a classic misprint.
Adventure: Why, you old sea serpent! I'll rip out your pages, and use them for--! (slips off) OH NO! (falls to the ground) MAN OVERBOARD!
Richard Tyler: (really freaking out) Do something!
Fantasy: Hmm... (Gives you a blast of wand, then Adventure falls and crashed down) Oops. Ha, ha, I forgot my wand doesn't always work outside of the fantasy section.
Richard Tyler: You mean you can't wish us to the exit?
Fantasy: Mm-hmm, a classic misprint.
Adventure: Why, you old sea serpent! I'll rip out your pages, and use them for--! (slips off) OH NO! (falls to the ground) MAN OVERBOARD!
Richard Tyler: (really freaking out) Do something!
Fantasy: Hmm... (Gives you a blast of wand, then Adventure falls and crashed down) Oops. Ha, ha, I forgot my wand doesn't always work outside of the fantasy section.
Richard Tyler: You mean you can't wish us to the exit?
Adventure : I heard that! And I would let you know, I'm a Classic!
Fantasy : Mm-hmm, a classic misprint.
Adventure : Why, you old sea serpent! I'll rip out your pages, and use them for--! (slips off) OH NO! (falls to the ground) MAN OVERBOARD!
Richard Tyler : ( really freaking out ) Do something!
Fantasy : Hmm... ( Gives you a blast of wand, then Adventure falls and crashed down ) Oops. Ha, ha, I forgot my wand doesn't always work outside of the fantasy section.
Richard Tyler : You mean you can't wish us to the exit?