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Satan: Do you really believe that one man can bear the full burden of sin?
Jesus: Shelter me, O Lord, I trust in you. In you I take my refuge.
Satan: No one man can carry this burden, I tell you. It is far too heavy. Saving their souls is too costly. No one. Ever. No. Never.
Jesus: Father, you can do all things. If it is possible, let this chalice pass from me... But let your will be done, not mine.
Satan: Who is your father? Who are you?
Caiphas: They say you're a king. Where is this kingdom of yours? What line of kings do you descend from? Speak up! You're just the son of some obscure carpenter, no?
Annas: Some say you're Elijah, but he was carried off to Heaven in a chariot!
Caiphas: Why don't you say something? You've been brought here as a blasphemer! What do you say to that? Defend yourself.
Jesus: I have spoken openly to everyone. I've taught in the temple where we all gathered. Ask those who have heard what I have to say.
Temple Guard: Is that how you address the high Priest? With arrogance? [strikes Jesus]
Jesus: If I have spoken evil, tell me what evil I have said. But if not, why do you hit me?
Annas: Yes, we'll listen to those that have heard your blashpemies. Good! Let's hear them!
Accuser: He cures the sick by magic! With the help of devils! I've seen it. He casts out devils, with the help of devils.
Accuser: He calls himself the king of the Jews!
Accuser: No, he calls himself the Son of God! He said he would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days!
Accuser: Worse! He claims he's the Bread of Life! And if we don't eat his flesh or drink his blood, we won't inherit eternal life.
Caiphas: Silence! You're all under this man's spell. Either offer proof of his wrongdoing or be quiet!
Nicodemus: This entire proceeding is an outrage. All I've heard from these "witnesses" is mindless contradiction!

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