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Peter Pan (1953)

Peter Pan (1953) quotes

41 total quotes

"What Makes the Red Man Red?"
Captain Hook
Multiple Characters
Peter Pan

View Quote Peter Pan: [impersonating Captain Hook] Mr. Smee! Just exactly what do you think you are doing?
Mr. Smee: Putting her back, captain, like you said.
Peter Pan: I said nothing of the sort!
Mr. Smee: But captain...!
Peter Pan: For the last time, Mr. Smee, take the princess back to her people! UNDERSTAND!?!?!?!?!?!?! (echoes)
Mr. Smee: Aye-aye, sir.
Peter Pan: Oh, and one more thing: when you return to the ship, tell the whole crew to help themselves to me best rum.
View Quote Peter Pan: Big chief greet little mother. How.
Wendy: Ugh.
Peter Pan: Oh Wendy, is that all you have to say? Everyone else thinks 'm wonderful.
Wendy: Especially Tiger Lily.
View Quote Peter Pan: Tinker Bell! I hereby banish you forever.
Wendy: Please, not forever.
Peter Pan: Well, for a week then.
View Quote Peter Pan: Well, get on with it, girl.
Wendy: My name's Wendy. Wendy Moira Angela Darling.
Peter Pan: Wendy's enough.
View Quote Slightly: Orders from Pan? Hold it men!
[Cubby bangs the Twins' heads together]
Nibs: What's the orders, Tink?
[Tinkerbell waves her arms and makes her noises]
Cubby: A terrible what?
Slightly: Wendy bird!
Cubby: Wendy bird?
[Tinkerbell makes more movements]
Slightly: Flying this way?
Cubby: Pan's order's are what?
[Tinkerbell makes her noises and kicks her feet]
Cubby: Smash it?
Slightly: Kick it?
Twins: Stomp it?
[Tinkerbell shakes her head and makes shooting motions]
All: Shoot it down!
[All grab slingshots and go to find Wendy]
View Quote Wendy: But, Peter, how do we get to Never Land?
Peter Pan: Fly, of course.
Wendy: Fly?
Peter Pan: It's easy! All you have to do is to... is to... is to... Ha! That's funny.
Wendy: What's the matter? Don't you know?
Peter Pan: Oh, sure. It's... It's just that I never thought about it before. Say, that's it! You think of a wonderful thought.
View Quote Wendy: He can fly!
John: He can fly!
Michael: He flewed!
Peter Pan: Now you try.
Wendy: I'll think of a mermaid lagoon, underneath a magic moon.
John: I'll think I'm in a pirate's cave.
Michael: I think I'll be an Indian brave.
Peter Pan: Now everybody try.
Wendy, John, Michael, Peter Pan: One, two, three!
Wendy, John, Michael: We can fly! We can fly! We can fly!
[the children all fall to the ground]
Peter Pan: This won't do. What's the matter with you? All it takes is faith and trust. Oh! And something I forgot. Dust!
Wendy, John: Dust?
Michael: Dust?
Peter Pan: Yep, just a little bit of pixie dust. Now, think of the happiest things. It's the same as having wings.
View Quote [the Mermaids are splashing Wendy]
Wendy: If you dare come near me again...
Peter Pan: Wendy! Wendy! They were just havin' a little fun! Weren'tcha, girls?
Mermaid 1: That's all.
Mermaid 2: We were only trying to drown her.
View Quote [Wendy has walked the plank, and Peter saves her]
Mr. Starkey: No splash, Captain.
Captain Hook: So, you want a splash, Mr Starkey? I'll give you a splash!
[Hook throws Mr Starkey overboard]
Captain Hook: Who's next?
Peter Pan: You're next, Hook! This time you've gone too far!
View Quote [repeated line] Smee!
View Quote [to Hook, about a ticking sound] I say, Captain, do you hear something?
View Quote A jealous female can be tricked into anything.
View Quote And just where do you think you are going?
View Quote Don't you understand, Tink? You mean more to me than anything in this whole world!
View Quote Girls talk too much!