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[Tiana has refused Dr. Facilier's deal and tries to smash the charm on the ground, but fails when Facilier's shadow grabs it and gives it back to Dr. Facilier, who then turns Tiana back into a frog]
Dr. Facilier: Y'all shoulda taken ma deal. [pins Tiana down with his cane] Now, you're gonna spend the rest o' your life bein' a slimy little frog! [laughs]
Tiana: [grins] I got news for you, Shadow Man. It's not slime, it's mucus! [grabs the charm with her tongue, and when Dr. Facilier gasps, Tiana smashes it on the ground.]
Dr. Facilier: No! NO!! [picks up the remains and gasps in horror as colorful lights flicker around him. Tiana hides] How am I ever gonna pay back my debt?! [3 masks break out of some gravestones, chanting]
Masks: Bom, bom, bom, bom, bom, bom, bom, bom, bom, bom, bom...
Dr. Facilier: [smiling nervously] Friends...!
Masks: [smiling evilly] ...Bom, bom, bom, bom. Are you reeeeady?
Dr. Facilier: No! I'm not ready at all! In fact, I got lots more plans!
Shrunken heads: Are you reeeeady?
Dr. Facilier: This is just a... minor setback in a major operation! [Voodoo dolls burst out of the ground, carrying drumsticks. Facilier shrieks] Soon, as I whip up another spell, we'll be back in business! I've still got that froggy prince locked away. [backs up against a tombstone with his shadow hiding behind him] I just need a little more time! [The tombstone transforms into a huge, demonic mask. Facilier squeals] No, no, please, no! [a demon grabs his shadow and starts to pull him toward the mask's mouth. Facilier yelps in surprise] Just a little more time! [The demons chant and bang on drums] I promise I'll pay y'all back! I PROMISE! [screams in fear when he ends up being pulled into the mask's mouth along with the other demons. The mouth shuts. The smoke clears revealing the tombstone with his shocked face above FACILIER which is engraved on it]

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