Project ALF quotes
5 total quotes
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ALF: [strapped into an electric chair] I take it this isn't the word association test.
Dr. Warner: No, no. We're going to conduct a different test.
ALF: I'm not sure I like the word "conduct". [looks at a High Voltage sign]
Dr. Warner: Oh, pay no attention to that sign, it shouldn't even be there. I'll remove it if it bothers you.
ALF: It bothers me.
[Warner gets electrocuted when trying to remove the sign and falls over as he begins to sizzle on the floor]
ALF: Medic. Medic.
Dr. Warner: No, no. We're going to conduct a different test.
ALF: I'm not sure I like the word "conduct". [looks at a High Voltage sign]
Dr. Warner: Oh, pay no attention to that sign, it shouldn't even be there. I'll remove it if it bothers you.
ALF: It bothers me.
[Warner gets electrocuted when trying to remove the sign and falls over as he begins to sizzle on the floor]
ALF: Medic. Medic.
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ALF: I'm a bit curious about the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy here in the military.
Dr. Carnage: What about it?
ALF: Well it assume it's worked to you advantage.
Dr. Carnage: [to the camera] Stop the tape.
Dr. Carnage: What about it?
ALF: Well it assume it's worked to you advantage.
Dr. Carnage: [to the camera] Stop the tape.
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Dr. Stanley: Let's try some word association. I'll say a word and you say whatever pops into your mind.
ALF: Food.
Dr. Stanley: I haven't said anything yet.
ALF: Nothing interesting, at least.
Dr. Stanley: Sit.
ALF: I am sitting.
Dr. Stanley: No, that's the first word: sit.
ALF: Oh, um... food.
Dr. Stanley: Sunrise.
ALF: Breakfast.
Dr. Stanley: Square.
ALF: Meal.
Dr. Stanley: Left.
ALF: Overs.
Dr. Stanley: Should we stop and get you something to eat?
ALF: I could use a little snack.
ALF: Food.
Dr. Stanley: I haven't said anything yet.
ALF: Nothing interesting, at least.
Dr. Stanley: Sit.
ALF: I am sitting.
Dr. Stanley: No, that's the first word: sit.
ALF: Oh, um... food.
Dr. Stanley: Sunrise.
ALF: Breakfast.
Dr. Stanley: Square.
ALF: Meal.
Dr. Stanley: Left.
ALF: Overs.
Dr. Stanley: Should we stop and get you something to eat?
ALF: I could use a little snack.
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[Rick is angrily venting his contempt for Dexter Moyers]
ALF: Rick, I've never seen you like this.
Dr. Mullican: Nah, I just don't like the guy, is all.
ALF: No, I mean from this angle... and I thought I had a lot of nose hair.
ALF: Rick, I've never seen you like this.
Dr. Mullican: Nah, I just don't like the guy, is all.
ALF: No, I mean from this angle... and I thought I had a lot of nose hair.
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[some time after Dr. Warner was electrocuted]
Dr. Newman: Hello, Alf, I'm Dr. Newman.
ALF: No need to ask who you're replacing.
Dr. Newman: We're going to try a little game called numeric sequencing.
ALF: Does involve electric shock?
Dr. Newman: Absolutely not.
ALF: Forgive me if I'm still paranoid, there's still a silhouette burned into the linoleum.
Dr. Newman: Hello, Alf, I'm Dr. Newman.
ALF: No need to ask who you're replacing.
Dr. Newman: We're going to try a little game called numeric sequencing.
ALF: Does involve electric shock?
Dr. Newman: Absolutely not.
ALF: Forgive me if I'm still paranoid, there's still a silhouette burned into the linoleum.