Queen of the Damned quotes
60 total quotesAkasha
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Marius: In all those years I've kept them not once have they moved.
Lestat: Not until tonight, and she chose me.
Marius: I chose you.
Lestat: Not until tonight, and she chose me.
Marius: I chose you.
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Marius: You are the damnedest creature! You make me think of the old story about Alexander The Great. He wept when there where no more worlds to conquer. Will you weep when there are no more rules to break?
Lestat:Ah, but there are always rules to break.
Lestat:Ah, but there are always rules to break.
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[Maharet has just become a living statue]
Armand: She drank Akasha's last drop. She took Akasha's death into herself.
Marius: No, she sleeps
Armand: She drank Akasha's last drop. She took Akasha's death into herself.
Marius: No, she sleeps
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[At start and voice over] There comes a time for every vampire when the idea of eternity becomes momentarily unbearable. Living in the shadows, feeding in the darkness with only your own company to keep, rots into a solitary, hollow existence. Immortality seems like a good idea, until you realize you're going to spend it alone. So I went to sleep, hoping that the sounds of the passing eras would fade out, and a sort of death might happen. But as I lay there, the world didn't sound like the place I had left, but something different. [rock music starts] Better. It became worthwhile to rise again as new gods were born and worshipped. Night and day, they were never alone. I would become one of them. [feeds on pimp] Whether it was that first meal, or a hundred years of rest, I'm not sure. But suddenly I was feeling better than ever. My senses so high they led me straight to the instrument of my resurrection, playing in my old house.
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[in a TV interview cast worldwide, talking to all the vampires listening] Come out, come out, wherever you are.
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After calling one stone tomb home sweet home for so long, I like to experience as much diversity as I can. Wouldn't you?
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Appreciate your prey. [While teaching Lestat how to kill]
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But why must we hide, Marius? We are the powerful, we are the immortal. We should walk fearless in the open
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Come, let me show you what it means to live in the light.
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Come, my king. We have a score to settle.
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From that moment on, they were my friends, my children, my band. Giving the world a new god... me.
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How sad, you people always trying to know the unknowable... So, was it a good read? My diary.
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Humanity? (snort) We're murderers.
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I have come to give you the world.
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I impressed my maker with my thirst for things. He set out to educate me in the unknown. Taught me all about the world, its hidden history... and about myself