Raiders of the Lost Ark quotes
52 total quotesIndiana Jones
Marion Ravenwood
Rene Belloq
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Jones: You think she'll still be with him?
Brody: I don't know. Marion's the least of your worries right now though, Indy.
Jones: What do you mean?
Brody: Well, for nearly three thousand years, man has been searching for the lost Ark. That's not something to be taken lightly. No one knows its secrets. It's like... nothing you've ever gone after before.
Jones: Oh, Marcus! What are you trying to do? Scare me? You sound like my mother! We've known each other for a long time. You know I don't believe in magic, a lot of superstitious hocus-pocus. I'm going after a find of incredible historical significance, you're talking about the boogie man. [mumbling as he tosses his revolver into a suitcase] Besides, you know what a cautious fellow I am.
Brody: I don't know. Marion's the least of your worries right now though, Indy.
Jones: What do you mean?
Brody: Well, for nearly three thousand years, man has been searching for the lost Ark. That's not something to be taken lightly. No one knows its secrets. It's like... nothing you've ever gone after before.
Jones: Oh, Marcus! What are you trying to do? Scare me? You sound like my mother! We've known each other for a long time. You know I don't believe in magic, a lot of superstitious hocus-pocus. I'm going after a find of incredible historical significance, you're talking about the boogie man. [mumbling as he tosses his revolver into a suitcase] Besides, you know what a cautious fellow I am.
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Major Eaton: Doctor Jones, we've heard a lot about you.
Jones: Have you?
Major Eaton: Professor of Archeology. Expert on the occult and, how does one say it... obtainer of rare antiquities.
Jones: That's one way of saying it.
Colonel Musgrove: You're definitely a man of many talents.
Major Eaton: And you studied under Professor Ravenwood at the University of Chicago.
Jones: Yes, I did.
Major Eaton: Do you have any idea of his present whereabouts?
Jones: Only rumors really. Somewhere in Asia, I think. I haven't spoken to him in ten years. We were friends once but we had a bit of a falling out, I'm afraid.
Colonel Musgrove: Now, you must understand that this is all completely confidential.
Jones: I understand.
Colonel Musgrove: Yesterday afternoon our European section intercepted a German communique that was sent from Cairo to Berlin.
Major Eaton: You see for the last two years the Nazis have had teams of archaeologists running around the world looking for all sorts of religious artifacts. Hitler's gone nuts on the subject. He's obsessed with the occult, and right now there's some kind of German archaeological dig going on in the desert outside Cairo.
Colonel Musgrove: Now we have some information here but we can't make anything out of it and we thought maybe you could. "Tanis development proceeding. Acquire headpiece to Staff of Ra. Abner Ravenwood, USA."
Jones: The Nazi's have discovered Tanis...
Major Eaton: What exactly does this mean to you, this 'Tanis'?
Jones: Well, Tanis is one of the possible resting places of the Lost Ark.
Colonel Musgrove: The Lost Ark?
Jones: The Ark of the Covenant. The chest the Hebrews used to carry the Ten Commandments.
Major Eaton: Wait a minute, you're talking about THE Ten Commandments?
Jones: Yes, the actual Ten Commandments. The original stone tablets that Moses brought down out of Mt. Heron and smashed, if you believe in that sort of thing. Didn't any of you guys ever go to Sunday school? The Hebrews took the broken pieces and put them in the Ark, and when they settled in Canaan they put the Ark in a place called the Temple of Solomon--
Brody: [finishing Jones' sentence] In Jerusalem.
Jones: [continuing] Where it stayed for many years until, all of a sudden, whoosh! It was gone.
Major Eaton: Where?
Jones: Well nobody knows where.
Brody: However, an Egyptian pharaoh--
Jones: Shishaq.
Brody: Yes. --invaded the city of Jerusalem in about 980 BC and he may have taken the Ark back to the city of Tanis and hidden it in a secret chamber called the Well of Souls.
Major Eaton: Well of Souls?
Brody: However, about a year after the pharaoh had returned to Egypt, the city of Tanis was consumed by the desert in a sandstorm which lasted a whole year, wiped clean by the wrath of God.
Colonel Musgrove: [pause] Well, I see we've come to the right man. You seem to know all about this 'Tanis'.
Jones: No, Abner's the real expert. He did the first serious work on Tanis, collected some of the relics. It was his obsession really. But he never found the city.
Major Eaton: Frankly, we're somewhat suspicious of Mr. Ravenwood. An American being mentioned so prominently in a secret Nazi cable--
Brody: Rubbish, Ravenwood's no Nazi!
Major Eaton: What do they want him for then?
Jones: Obviously the Nazis are looking for the headpiece to the Staff of Ra and they think Abner's got it.
Major Eaton: What exactly is the headpiece to the Staff of Ra?
Jones: Well the Staff is just a stick, I don't know, about this big, but nobody really knows for sure how high. It's capped by an elaborate headpiece in the shape of the sun with a crystal in the center. And what you did was you took the Staff to a special room in Tanis called the map room with a miniature of the city laid out on the floor. And if you put the Staff in a certain place at a certain time of day, the sun shone through here and made a beam that came down on the floor here. [pause] And gave you the exact location of the Well of Souls.
Colonel Musgrove: Where the Ark of the Covenant was kept?
Jones: And that's exactly what the Nazis are looking for.
Colonel Musgrove: What does this Ark look like?
Jones: There's a picture of it in here. [sets a huge book down on the table and opens it] That's it.
Major Eaton: Good God!
Brody: Yes, that's just what the Hebrews thought.
Colonel Musgrove: [pointing at the picture of the Ark in the book] Now, uh, what's that supposed to be coming out of there?
Jones: Lightning. Fire. The power of God or something.
Major Eaton: I'm beginning to understand Hitler's interest.
Brody: Yes, the Bible speaks of the Ark leveling mountains and laying waste to entire regions. An army which carries the Ark before it... is invincible.
Jones: Have you?
Major Eaton: Professor of Archeology. Expert on the occult and, how does one say it... obtainer of rare antiquities.
Jones: That's one way of saying it.
Colonel Musgrove: You're definitely a man of many talents.
Major Eaton: And you studied under Professor Ravenwood at the University of Chicago.
Jones: Yes, I did.
Major Eaton: Do you have any idea of his present whereabouts?
Jones: Only rumors really. Somewhere in Asia, I think. I haven't spoken to him in ten years. We were friends once but we had a bit of a falling out, I'm afraid.
Colonel Musgrove: Now, you must understand that this is all completely confidential.
Jones: I understand.
Colonel Musgrove: Yesterday afternoon our European section intercepted a German communique that was sent from Cairo to Berlin.
Major Eaton: You see for the last two years the Nazis have had teams of archaeologists running around the world looking for all sorts of religious artifacts. Hitler's gone nuts on the subject. He's obsessed with the occult, and right now there's some kind of German archaeological dig going on in the desert outside Cairo.
Colonel Musgrove: Now we have some information here but we can't make anything out of it and we thought maybe you could. "Tanis development proceeding. Acquire headpiece to Staff of Ra. Abner Ravenwood, USA."
Jones: The Nazi's have discovered Tanis...
Major Eaton: What exactly does this mean to you, this 'Tanis'?
Jones: Well, Tanis is one of the possible resting places of the Lost Ark.
Colonel Musgrove: The Lost Ark?
Jones: The Ark of the Covenant. The chest the Hebrews used to carry the Ten Commandments.
Major Eaton: Wait a minute, you're talking about THE Ten Commandments?
Jones: Yes, the actual Ten Commandments. The original stone tablets that Moses brought down out of Mt. Heron and smashed, if you believe in that sort of thing. Didn't any of you guys ever go to Sunday school? The Hebrews took the broken pieces and put them in the Ark, and when they settled in Canaan they put the Ark in a place called the Temple of Solomon--
Brody: [finishing Jones' sentence] In Jerusalem.
Jones: [continuing] Where it stayed for many years until, all of a sudden, whoosh! It was gone.
Major Eaton: Where?
Jones: Well nobody knows where.
Brody: However, an Egyptian pharaoh--
Jones: Shishaq.
Brody: Yes. --invaded the city of Jerusalem in about 980 BC and he may have taken the Ark back to the city of Tanis and hidden it in a secret chamber called the Well of Souls.
Major Eaton: Well of Souls?
Brody: However, about a year after the pharaoh had returned to Egypt, the city of Tanis was consumed by the desert in a sandstorm which lasted a whole year, wiped clean by the wrath of God.
Colonel Musgrove: [pause] Well, I see we've come to the right man. You seem to know all about this 'Tanis'.
Jones: No, Abner's the real expert. He did the first serious work on Tanis, collected some of the relics. It was his obsession really. But he never found the city.
Major Eaton: Frankly, we're somewhat suspicious of Mr. Ravenwood. An American being mentioned so prominently in a secret Nazi cable--
Brody: Rubbish, Ravenwood's no Nazi!
Major Eaton: What do they want him for then?
Jones: Obviously the Nazis are looking for the headpiece to the Staff of Ra and they think Abner's got it.
Major Eaton: What exactly is the headpiece to the Staff of Ra?
Jones: Well the Staff is just a stick, I don't know, about this big, but nobody really knows for sure how high. It's capped by an elaborate headpiece in the shape of the sun with a crystal in the center. And what you did was you took the Staff to a special room in Tanis called the map room with a miniature of the city laid out on the floor. And if you put the Staff in a certain place at a certain time of day, the sun shone through here and made a beam that came down on the floor here. [pause] And gave you the exact location of the Well of Souls.
Colonel Musgrove: Where the Ark of the Covenant was kept?
Jones: And that's exactly what the Nazis are looking for.
Colonel Musgrove: What does this Ark look like?
Jones: There's a picture of it in here. [sets a huge book down on the table and opens it] That's it.
Major Eaton: Good God!
Brody: Yes, that's just what the Hebrews thought.
Colonel Musgrove: [pointing at the picture of the Ark in the book] Now, uh, what's that supposed to be coming out of there?
Jones: Lightning. Fire. The power of God or something.
Major Eaton: I'm beginning to understand Hitler's interest.
Brody: Yes, the Bible speaks of the Ark leveling mountains and laying waste to entire regions. An army which carries the Ark before it... is invincible.
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Major Toht: Good evening, Fraulein.
Marion: Bar's closed.
Major Toht: We are [chuckles] not thirsty.
Marion: What do you want?
Major Toht: The same thing your friend Doctor Jones wanted. Surely he told you there would be other interested parties.
Marion: Must've slipped his mind.
Major Toht: The man is nefarious. I hope for your sake he has not yet acquired it.
Marion: Why, are you willing to offer more?
Major Toht: Oh, almost certainly. Do you still have it?
Marion: No. But I know where it is. Hey, how about a drink for you and your men?
Major Toht: Your fire is dying here. Why don't you tell me where the piece is right now.
Marion: Listen, Herr Mac. I don't know what kind of people you're used to dealing with, but nobody tells me what to do in my place.
Major Toht: [chuckles] Fraulein Ravenwood. Let me show you what I am used to.
[Toht's henchmen grab her. Toht turns with a burning fire poker]
Marion: Wait! I can be reasonable!
Major Toht: That time is passed.
Marion: You don't mean that. Wait, please! I'll tell you everything!
Major Toht: [holding the burning poker in front of Marion's face] Yes, I know you will...
[A cracking sound is heard as Jones' whip disarms Toht]
Jones: Let her go!
Marion: Bar's closed.
Major Toht: We are [chuckles] not thirsty.
Marion: What do you want?
Major Toht: The same thing your friend Doctor Jones wanted. Surely he told you there would be other interested parties.
Marion: Must've slipped his mind.
Major Toht: The man is nefarious. I hope for your sake he has not yet acquired it.
Marion: Why, are you willing to offer more?
Major Toht: Oh, almost certainly. Do you still have it?
Marion: No. But I know where it is. Hey, how about a drink for you and your men?
Major Toht: Your fire is dying here. Why don't you tell me where the piece is right now.
Marion: Listen, Herr Mac. I don't know what kind of people you're used to dealing with, but nobody tells me what to do in my place.
Major Toht: [chuckles] Fraulein Ravenwood. Let me show you what I am used to.
[Toht's henchmen grab her. Toht turns with a burning fire poker]
Marion: Wait! I can be reasonable!
Major Toht: That time is passed.
Marion: You don't mean that. Wait, please! I'll tell you everything!
Major Toht: [holding the burning poker in front of Marion's face] Yes, I know you will...
[A cracking sound is heard as Jones' whip disarms Toht]
Jones: Let her go!
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Marion: Well Jones, at least you haven't forgotten how to show a lady a good time!
Jones: Boy, you're something!
Marion: Yeah, I'll tell you what. Until I get back my five thousand dollars, you're gonna get more than you bargained for! I'm your goddamn partner!
Jones: Boy, you're something!
Marion: Yeah, I'll tell you what. Until I get back my five thousand dollars, you're gonna get more than you bargained for! I'm your goddamn partner!
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Marion: You're not the man I knew ten years ago.
Jones: It's not the years, honey; it's the mileage.
Jones: It's not the years, honey; it's the mileage.
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Musgrove: You've done your country a great service.
Eaton: And we trust you found the settlement satisfactory?
Jones: The money's fine, the situation is totally unacceptable.
Eaton: Well gentlemen, I think that just about raps it up--
Brody: Where is the Ark?
Eaton: I thought we'd settled that. The Ark is somewhere very safe.
Jones: From whom?
Brody: The Ark is a source of unspeakable power and it has to be researched!
Eaton: And it will be, I assure you Doctor Brody, Doctor Jones. We have top men working on it right now.
Jones: Who?
Eaton: Top Men.
Eaton: And we trust you found the settlement satisfactory?
Jones: The money's fine, the situation is totally unacceptable.
Eaton: Well gentlemen, I think that just about raps it up--
Brody: Where is the Ark?
Eaton: I thought we'd settled that. The Ark is somewhere very safe.
Jones: From whom?
Brody: The Ark is a source of unspeakable power and it has to be researched!
Eaton: And it will be, I assure you Doctor Brody, Doctor Jones. We have top men working on it right now.
Jones: Who?
Eaton: Top Men.
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Sailor: I can't find Mr. Jones, Captain.
Katanga He's got to be here somewhere. Look again.
Sailor I've found him.
Katanga Where?
Sailor There!
Katanga He's got to be here somewhere. Look again.
Sailor I've found him.
Katanga Where?
Sailor There!
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Sallah: Everything has been arranged.
Jones: The Ark--
Sallah: Is on board. Nothing is likely now that you are here, or what is left of you.
Jones: You trust these guys?
Sallah: Yes. Katanga, these are my friends. They are my family, and I will hear of it if they are not treated well.
Katanga: My cabin is theirs. Doctor Jones, I've heard a lot about you, sir. Your appearance is exactly the way I imagined!
Jones: The Ark--
Sallah: Is on board. Nothing is likely now that you are here, or what is left of you.
Jones: You trust these guys?
Sallah: Yes. Katanga, these are my friends. They are my family, and I will hear of it if they are not treated well.
Katanga: My cabin is theirs. Doctor Jones, I've heard a lot about you, sir. Your appearance is exactly the way I imagined!
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Sallah: Holy smokes my friends! I'm so pleased you're not dead! Indy, we have no time. If you still want the Ark, it has been loaded onto a truck for Cairo.
Jones: Truck? What truck?
Jones: Truck? What truck?
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Sallah: Indy. Why does the floor move?
Jones: Gimme your torch. [drops the torch into the Well of Souls and finds it covered with snakes] Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?
Sallah: Asps. Very dangerous. [pause] You go first.
Jones: Gimme your torch. [drops the torch into the Well of Souls and finds it covered with snakes] Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?
Sallah: Asps. Very dangerous. [pause] You go first.
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Sallah: They have not one brain among them. Except for one. Be's very clever; he's a French archeologist.
Jones: What's his name?
Sallah: They call him Bellosh.
Jones: [laughs] Belloq! Belloq.
Sallah: The Germans have a great advantage over us; they are near to discovering the Well of Souls.
Jones: Well... [pulls out the medallion] they're not gonna find it without this. Who can tell us what these markings mean?
Sallah: Perhaps a man I know can help us. Indy, there is something that troubles me.
Jones: What?
Sallah: The Ark. If it is here, then it is something that Man was not meant to disturb. Death has always surrounded it. It is not of this earth.
Jones: What's his name?
Sallah: They call him Bellosh.
Jones: [laughs] Belloq! Belloq.
Sallah: The Germans have a great advantage over us; they are near to discovering the Well of Souls.
Jones: Well... [pulls out the medallion] they're not gonna find it without this. Who can tell us what these markings mean?
Sallah: Perhaps a man I know can help us. Indy, there is something that troubles me.
Jones: What?
Sallah: The Ark. If it is here, then it is something that Man was not meant to disturb. Death has always surrounded it. It is not of this earth.
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Satipo: Let us hurry! There is nothing to fear here.
Jones: [stops him] That's what scares me.
Jones: [stops him] That's what scares me.
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[first lines]
Satipo: [finds a poison dart] Hovitos are near. [tastes it] Poison still fresh; three days. They're following us.
Barranca: If they knew we're here, they would have killed us already.
Satipo: [finds a poison dart] Hovitos are near. [tastes it] Poison still fresh; three days. They're following us.
Barranca: If they knew we're here, they would have killed us already.
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Fools! Bureaucratic fools! They don't know what they've got there.
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[after finding Satipo dead, he picks up the golden idol] Adiós Sapito.