Ellie Mae: Are you ready to help rescue that little young 'un?
Deadeye: Sure enough, Ellie Mae!
Deacon Owl: Hallelujah!
Ellie Mae: [notices Luke fast asleep] Luke! On your feet, you lazy critter!
[Luke awakens]
Luke: Oh! Shucks, Ellie Mae. I was just a-waitin' for someone to holler "Charge"!
Gramps: Dagnabbit! Let's cut out the jawin' and get it goin'.
Deadeye: [laughs] When old Gramps gets head up, his nose gets plum out of joint.
Ellie Mae: Take it easy, Gramps! We gotta stay here till Evinrude brings us word from them mice.
Gramps: If that bug don't get here soon, they'll put that poor little girl down the black hole again!
Deadeye: Sure enough, Ellie Mae!
Deacon Owl: Hallelujah!
Ellie Mae: [notices Luke fast asleep] Luke! On your feet, you lazy critter!
[Luke awakens]
Luke: Oh! Shucks, Ellie Mae. I was just a-waitin' for someone to holler "Charge"!
Gramps: Dagnabbit! Let's cut out the jawin' and get it goin'.
Deadeye: [laughs] When old Gramps gets head up, his nose gets plum out of joint.
Ellie Mae: Take it easy, Gramps! We gotta stay here till Evinrude brings us word from them mice.
Gramps: If that bug don't get here soon, they'll put that poor little girl down the black hole again!
Ellie Mae : Are you ready to help rescue that little young 'un?
Deadeye : Sure enough, Ellie Mae!
Deacon Owl : Hallelujah!
Ellie Mae : [notices Luke fast asleep] Luke! On your feet, you lazy critter!
[Luke awakens]
Luke : Oh! Shucks, Ellie Mae. I was just a-waitin' for someone to holler "Charge"!
Gramps : Dagnabbit! Let's cut out the jawin' and get it goin'.
Deadeye : [laughs] When old Gramps gets head up, his nose gets plum out of joint.
Ellie Mae : Take it easy, Gramps! We gotta stay here till Evinrude brings us word from them mice.
Gramps : If that bug don't get here soon, they'll put that poor little girl down the black hole again!