Road House quotes
31 total quotesJames Dalton
Multiple Characters
Wade Garrett
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Frank Tilghman: (showing blueprints) This... This is the new Double Deuce; I've put a lot of money and time in this, and to protect my investment I hired the best damn cooler in the business. From now on he's in charge of all bar business...what he says goes! Dalton...
(Dalton comes down smiling)
James Dalton: Morgan you're out of here
Morgan: What is that supposed to mean?
James Dalton: You don't have the right temperament for the trade
Morgan: You a**hole! What am I supposed to do?!
James Dalton: There's always Barber College!
(snickers from everyone)
Morgan: (he takes his last payment from Mr. Tilghman) To Dalton You're a dead man!
James Dalton: (Pointing to a waitress) You're out too...We're selling booze here not drugs
Waitress: (Sarcastically after taking her last payment also) Thank you.
James Dalton: Anybody else here dealing? I'm telling you straight... It's my way or the highway, so if anybody wants to walk do it now (Nobody moves) Ok; people who want to have a good time won't come to a slaughterhouse, and we've got entirely too many troublemakers here..Too many uhh, 40 year old adolescents, felons, power drinkers, and trustees of modern chemistry...It's going to change.
Bouncer: Yeah, that sure sound great...but a lot of the guys who come in here we can't handle one-on-one, even two-on-one.
James Dalton: Don't worry about it; all you have to do is follow 3 simple rules: One, never underestimate your opponent..expect the unexpected; Two, take it outside, never start anything inside the bar unless it's absolutley necessary; and Three...be nice.
Fat bouncer: (Incredulously) Come on!!
James Dalton: If somebody gets in your face and calls you a c**ksucker I want you to be nice
Fat Bouncer: (With resignation) Ok
James Dalton: Ask him to walk, be nice, if he won't walk, walk him, but be nice, If you can't walk him, one of the others will help you and you will both be nice...I want you to remember, that it's the job, it's nothing personal.
Bouncer Steve: Being called a c**ksucker isn't personal?
James Dalton: No, it's two nouns combined to elicit a prescribed response
Bouncer Steve: What if somebody calls my Mama a whore?
James Dalton: Is she?
(everybody snickers)
James Dalton: I want you to be nice.. until it's time..to not be nice
Bouncer 2: So, uh, how are we supposed to know when that is?
James Dalton: You won't..I'll let you know...You are the bouncers I am the Cooler; All you have to do is watch my back and each others....and take out the trash!
(Dalton comes down smiling)
James Dalton: Morgan you're out of here
Morgan: What is that supposed to mean?
James Dalton: You don't have the right temperament for the trade
Morgan: You a**hole! What am I supposed to do?!
James Dalton: There's always Barber College!
(snickers from everyone)
Morgan: (he takes his last payment from Mr. Tilghman) To Dalton You're a dead man!
James Dalton: (Pointing to a waitress) You're out too...We're selling booze here not drugs
Waitress: (Sarcastically after taking her last payment also) Thank you.
James Dalton: Anybody else here dealing? I'm telling you straight... It's my way or the highway, so if anybody wants to walk do it now (Nobody moves) Ok; people who want to have a good time won't come to a slaughterhouse, and we've got entirely too many troublemakers here..Too many uhh, 40 year old adolescents, felons, power drinkers, and trustees of modern chemistry...It's going to change.
Bouncer: Yeah, that sure sound great...but a lot of the guys who come in here we can't handle one-on-one, even two-on-one.
James Dalton: Don't worry about it; all you have to do is follow 3 simple rules: One, never underestimate your opponent..expect the unexpected; Two, take it outside, never start anything inside the bar unless it's absolutley necessary; and Three...be nice.
Fat bouncer: (Incredulously) Come on!!
James Dalton: If somebody gets in your face and calls you a c**ksucker I want you to be nice
Fat Bouncer: (With resignation) Ok
James Dalton: Ask him to walk, be nice, if he won't walk, walk him, but be nice, If you can't walk him, one of the others will help you and you will both be nice...I want you to remember, that it's the job, it's nothing personal.
Bouncer Steve: Being called a c**ksucker isn't personal?
James Dalton: No, it's two nouns combined to elicit a prescribed response
Bouncer Steve: What if somebody calls my Mama a whore?
James Dalton: Is she?
(everybody snickers)
James Dalton: I want you to be nice.. until it's time..to not be nice
Bouncer 2: So, uh, how are we supposed to know when that is?
James Dalton: You won't..I'll let you know...You are the bouncers I am the Cooler; All you have to do is watch my back and each others....and take out the trash!
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Morgan: [after being fired] What am I supposed to do?
Dalton: There's always barber college.
Dalton: There's always barber college.
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Red: How long are you gonna be in town?
Dalton: Not very long.
Red: That's what I said 25 years ago.
Dalton: Really? What happened?
Red: I got married to an ugly woman. Don't ever do that. It just takes the energy right out of you. She left me, though. Found somebody even uglier than she was. That's life. Who can explain it?
Dalton: Not very long.
Red: That's what I said 25 years ago.
Dalton: Really? What happened?
Red: I got married to an ugly woman. Don't ever do that. It just takes the energy right out of you. She left me, though. Found somebody even uglier than she was. That's life. Who can explain it?
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Steve: Being called a **** isn't personal?
Dalton: No. It's two nouns combined to elicit a prescribed response.
Steve: What if somebody calls my mama a whore?
Dalton: Is she?
Dalton: No. It's two nouns combined to elicit a prescribed response.
Steve: What if somebody calls my mama a whore?
Dalton: Is she?
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Wade: [on the phone] You havin' trouble?
Dalton: Oh, you know — nothing I'm not used to. But it's amazing what you can get used to, huh?
Wade: Yeah, tell me about it. This place has a sign hangin' over the urinal that says, "Don't eat the big white mint".
Dalton: Oh, you know — nothing I'm not used to. But it's amazing what you can get used to, huh?
Wade: Yeah, tell me about it. This place has a sign hangin' over the urinal that says, "Don't eat the big white mint".
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[The chief of police arrives to find Brad Wesley dead of multiple shotgun wounds.]
Police Chief: All right. Who's gonna tell me what the hell happened here?
Emmet: I didn't see nothing. You see anything, Pete?
Pete Stroudenmire: No, I didn't see anything. You see anything, Red?
Red West: I didn't see nothing — not a thing! You see anything, Tinker?
Tinker: A polar bear fell on me.
Police Chief: All right. Who's gonna tell me what the hell happened here?
Emmet: I didn't see nothing. You see anything, Pete?
Pete Stroudenmire: No, I didn't see anything. You see anything, Red?
Red West: I didn't see nothing — not a thing! You see anything, Tinker?
Tinker: A polar bear fell on me.
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[admiring Doc] That gal's got entirely too many brains to have an ass like that.
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[after firing a drug-dealing waitress] Anybody else here dealing? I'm telling you straight — it's my way or the highway. So, anybody wants to walk, do it now.
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[Eyeing the sign over the Double Deuce] The Double Douche.
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I want you to be nice until it's time to not be nice.
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I'll get all the sleep I need when I'm dead.
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If somebody gets in your face and calls you a ****, I want you to be nice. Ask him to walk. Be nice. If he won't walk, walk him. But be nice. If you can't walk him, one of the others will help you, and you'll both be nice. I want you to remember that it's a job. It's nothing personal.
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Pain don't hurt.