Apollo: A snow-white underdog, and I'm gonna put his face on this poster with me. And I
tell ya why. Because I'm sentimental. And a lot of other people in this country are just as
sentimental, and they're nothin' they'd like better than to see Apollo Creed give a local
Philadelphia boy a shot at the greatest title in the world on this country's biggest birthday. Now
that's the way I see it. And that's the way it's gonna be!
Jergens: Apollo, I like it. It's very American.
Apollo: No, Jergens, it's very smart.
Jergens: Apollo, I like it. It's very American.
Apollo: No, Jergens, it's very smart.
Apollo : A snow-white underdog, and I'm gonna put his face on this poster with me. And I
tell ya why. Because I'm sentimental. And a lot of other people in this country are just as
sentimental, and they're nothin' they'd like better than to see Apollo Creed give a local
Philadelphia boy a shot at the greatest title in the world on this country's biggest birthday. Now
that's the way I see it. And that's the way it's gonna be!
Jergens : Apollo, I like it. It's very American.
Apollo : No, Jergens, it's very smart.