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[The resistance hacks into the ICS broadcast and puts in their own video of spliced clips] Damon Killian: [on video] And who loves you, and who do you LOVE?!
Studio Audience: KILLIAN!!!
Killian: YES!!! [zoom in] YES!!! [zoom in further] YES!!!["KILLIAN IS LYING TO YOU" appears on the screen]

[The audience and Killian watch the video in confusion]
Audience member: Hey, what's going on?! Killian: [on video] We don't lie - lie - lie... like our previous winners Whitman, Price, and Haddad. You remember them! [stills appear of the corpses that Amber found in the locker room] There they are at this very moment, basking under the Maui sun, their debt to society paid in full. Watch that screen.
[Raw footage of the Bakersfield massacre begins to play]
Dispatcher: [to Richards] Yankee Nine-Niner, what's the status of the crowd?
Ben Richards: Food riot in progress. Approximately 1,500 civilians. No weapons are evident.
Dispatcher: Proceed with Plan Alpha, eliminate anything moving.
Richards: I said the crowd is unarmed! There are lots of women and children down there. All they want is some food, for God's sake!

[The audience and Killian continue to watch in bewilderment] Dispatcher: As you were, Richards. Proceed with Plan Alpha. All rioters must be eliminated.
Richards: The hell with you! I will not fire on helpless human beings!
Dispatcher: You have your orders, Yankee Nine-Niner, proceed with Plan Alpha.

[at the ICS control room]
Tony: Where's it coming from?
Brenda: The network satellite.
[Just as Tony is about to turn the dial to override the satellite, Stevie and several resistance fighters burst into the control room, guns pointed]
Stevie: [menacingly] Don't touch that dial. [Cut back to the video]
Richards: Abort mission. We return to base...
Dispatcher: Saunders, do you copy? Take command. Detain Richards and proceed as ordered.
[Fight breaks out]
Soldier: Richards, what the **** are you doing?!
[The soldiers overpower Richards and knock him out; Cut to the studio, where the audience gasp at the footage in disbelief]

Killian: Ladies and gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen, if you'll please bear with us, we're experiencing technical difficulties!
Mrs McArdle: Bullshit!!
[Richards and the other resistance fighters burst into the studio with guns]
Richards: It's showtime!

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