...After asking Hilary Faye to 'save her'.
Cassandra: So anyways, I finally managed to duct tape a piece of bacon into her locker.
People are running from Hilary Faye asking what 'that smell' is. Hilary Faye: Hey Cassandra, how do you feel?
Cassandra: I'm a whole new girl, Hay Faye.
Hilary Faye: I told you! How great is Jesus?
Cassandra: Yeah, about that...I've decided to devote my life to Satan, instead. But thanks!
Cassandra: So anyways, I finally managed to duct tape a piece of bacon into her locker.
People are running from Hilary Faye asking what 'that smell' is. Hilary Faye: Hey Cassandra, how do you feel?
Cassandra: I'm a whole new girl, Hay Faye.
Hilary Faye: I told you! How great is Jesus?
Cassandra: Yeah, about that...I've decided to devote my life to Satan, instead. But thanks!
...After asking Hilary Faye to 'save her'.
Cassandra: So anyways, I finally managed to duct tape a piece of bacon into her locker.
People are running from Hilary Faye asking what 'that smell' is.
Hilary Faye: Hey Cassandra, how do you feel?
Cassandra: I'm a whole new girl, Hay Faye.
Hilary Faye: I told you! How great is Jesus?
Cassandra: Yeah, about that...I've decided to devote my life to Satan, instead. But thanks!