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[After receiving the instructions from the tape and the timer starts.] Mallick: Nobody has to die? Luba: No, no, no, it says: Don't listen to your instincts., That means don't go for the keys. Mallick: You ****ing nuts?! Ashley: How are we supposed to live if we don't go for the keys? Luba: Maybe, It's testing our endurance.--- Charles: We gotta move there [pointing to where they go.], That timer's connected to those jars. Brit: No, It didn't say anything about those jars. They could be nothing.--- Ashley: They're nail bombs. Homemade, probably C-4. Mallick: How the **** do you know that? Charles: She's a fire inspector. She's seen all kinds of demented shit. Ashley: How do you know me? [Charles doesn't respond.] Mallick: Hey, man, she's asking you a question. How do you know her? [Charles is still not responding.] Mallick: How do you know her?! Answer me! Brit: Look, let's just keep our cool. Okay?, we can figure this out. Luba: We're all here for a reason. Okay, and we're all connected, as the message said. We just need to-- [Luba stops and turns to Brit.] What did you do? Brit: You go first. Luba: I-It said that we were all born with advantages. Right? That means we're all for money. [None of them doesn't respond.] Ashley: I'm not. Charles: And neither am I. Mallick: Hey, nice ****ing try, Nancy Drew. Luba: Well, then, what does it mean? Ashley: We all did something wrong with an advantage from birth. That doesn't have to mean money. Mallick: What are you not telling us? Huh? You know about her, what do you know about the rest of us? [Charles doesn't respond.] Mallick: Would you ****ing talk to me?! Charles: Relax! Mallick: I am ****ing relaxed! Charles: It's a game, tweaker! Get it? The less you know about me, the better. The reason why [Charles grabs Mallick's burnt arm and show it to him.] you ****ed up your charmed existence is pretty obvious to everyone, isn't it? [Mallick lets go of his arm.] Mallick: **** you! **** you! Charles: You've been playing with matches again, have we? Mallick: **** all of you and your ****ing plan! [Mallick panics and runs through the keys.] Luba: Not yet! [Charles pulls Mallick's collar to stop him, causing the timer to start.]

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