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[William makes it through a doorway with one second to spare]
William Easton: I did it. I made it. [shouts] I made it!
Tape: If you fail, you will never see your family again.
[the walls open, revealing Tara and Brent on one side and Jenkins in the other]
William Easton: [sees Tara and Brent] What are you doing here?
Pamela Jenkins: Will!
William Easton: Pamela.
William Easton: I know it's your birthday, and I'm going to make it up to you. I promise.
Pamela Jenkins: Are you really standing up to your sister for work? I'm your only family.
William Easton: Are you okay? [shouts] Let her go! I made it! I won! I followed your ****ing rules! Now you let her go!
Tara: You son of a bitch.
Harold Abbott: You've just given me a death sentence. I mean, who's gonna cover me now? You just killed me.
[he heads into another room, with Tara and Brent waiting]
Brent: You're the man who killed my dad.
[John suddenly appears on a TV]
Tape: Hello, Tara. My apologies for exposing you and your son to this kind of treatment, but I can assure you it is not without reason. The man before you just made the sacrifices to save the life of a loved one. However, when given the opportunity to save your husband's life, he chose not to. Now, you will be given the power to save a life. Will you grant this man the opportunity to continue living, or will you dispense the same death sentence he issued your husband? Live or die. The choice is yours.
William Easton: It's not my game?

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