Scarface quotes
54 total quotesMultiple Characters
Tony Montana
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You think I kill two kids and a woman? **** that! I don't need that shit in my life! [sees that Alberto is about to detonate the car bomb] You die, mother****er! [shoots Alberto in the face, killing him] What you think I am? What you think, I'm a ****in' worm, like you? I told you, man! I told you, don't **** with me! I told you, no ****in' kids! No, but you wouldn't listen! Well, you stupid ****! Look at you now!
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You think you can take me! You're gonna need a ****ing army to take me, you hear!
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You wanna go to war?! We'll take you to war, okay?!
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You wanna play games? Okay, I'll play with you. You wanna play rough? Okay! Say hello to my little friend!
Note: the bolded line is ranked #61 in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movie quotations in American cinema.
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[shouting defiantly after being shot several times] Hey, how'd you like dat? Huh? You ****in' maricòn! Hey! You think you can take me? You need a ****in' army, you gonna take me! Y'hear? C'mon! I'll take you all to ****in' Hell! Come on! Come on! Come to me! Okay! Who you think you ****in' with? I Tony Montana! You **** with me, you ****in' with the best! [while being shot repeatedly] I'm still standin', huh! ****! Come on! Go ahead! I take your ****in' bullet! Come on! I take your ****in' bullet! You think you kill me with bullets? I take your ****in' bullets! Go ahead!
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[to the guests at the restaurant] What you lookin' at? You all a bunch of ****in' ****roaches. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be. You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your ****in' fingers and say, "That's the bad guy." So... what that make you? Good? You're not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Me, I don't have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. So say good night to the bad guy! Come on. The last time you gonna see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you. Come on. Make way for the bad guy. There's a bad guy comin' through! Better get outta his way!
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[Watching Flamingos on T.V.] Hey Manny, look at the pelican fly. Come on pelican!
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[proposing to a girl] Okay, here's the story. I come from the gutter. I know that. I got no education......but that's okay. I know the street, and I'm making all the right connections. With the right woman, there's no stopping me. I could go right to the top. Anyway......what I got to tell you is this: I like you. I liked you the first time I laid eyes on you.
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[To Elvira:] How would you know? Bubble head..!