Se7en quotes
45 total quotesDavid Mills
John Doe
Multiple Characters
William Somerset
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John Doe: She begged for her life.
William Somerset: Shut up ...
John Doe: She begged for her life and ...
William Somerset: Shut up!
John Doe: She begged for her life and the life of the baby inside her.
William Somerset: Shut up! [Punches him]
John Doe: Oh ... [smiles] he didn't know.
William Somerset: Shut up ...
John Doe: She begged for her life and ...
William Somerset: Shut up!
John Doe: She begged for her life and the life of the baby inside her.
William Somerset: Shut up! [Punches him]
John Doe: Oh ... [smiles] he didn't know.
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Police Captain (to Mills): What do you think?
David Mills: I'm in.
Mark Swarr: It has to be both of you.
William Somerset: If he were to claim insanity, this conversation is admissible. The fact that he's blackmailing us with his plea ...
Mark Swarr: And my client reminds you, two more are dead. The press would have a field day if they found out the police didn't seem too concerned about finding them, giving them a proper burial.
William Somerset: If there really are two more dead.
David Mills: I'm in.
Mark Swarr: It has to be both of you.
William Somerset: If he were to claim insanity, this conversation is admissible. The fact that he's blackmailing us with his plea ...
Mark Swarr: And my client reminds you, two more are dead. The press would have a field day if they found out the police didn't seem too concerned about finding them, giving them a proper burial.
William Somerset: If there really are two more dead.
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William Somerset (to Tracy): Anyone who spends a significant amount of time with me finds me disagreeable. Just ask your husband.
David Mills: Very true. Very, very true.
David Mills: Very true. Very, very true.
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William Somerset: I just don't think I can continue to live in a place that embraces and nurtures apathy as if it was virtue.
David Mills: You're no different. You're no better.
William Somerset: I didn't say I was different or better. I'm not. Hell, I sympathize; I sympathize completely. Apathy is the solution. I mean, it's easier to lose yourself in drugs than it is to cope with life. It's easier to steal what you want than it is to earn it. It's easier to beat a child than it is to raise it. Hell, love costs: it takes effort and work.
David Mills: You're no different. You're no better.
William Somerset: I didn't say I was different or better. I'm not. Hell, I sympathize; I sympathize completely. Apathy is the solution. I mean, it's easier to lose yourself in drugs than it is to cope with life. It's easier to steal what you want than it is to earn it. It's easier to beat a child than it is to raise it. Hell, love costs: it takes effort and work.
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William Somerset: This guy's methodical, exacting, and worst of all, patient.
David Mills: He's a nut-bag! Just because the ****er's got a library card doesn't make him Yoda!
David Mills: He's a nut-bag! Just because the ****er's got a library card doesn't make him Yoda!
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William Somerset: We'll just talk to him.
David Mills: Uh-huh. Yeah. "Excuse me, sir. Are you, by any chance, a serial killer?" Okay.
William Somerset: You do the talking. Put that silver tongue of yours to work.
David Mills: Have you been talking to my wife?
David Mills: Uh-huh. Yeah. "Excuse me, sir. Are you, by any chance, a serial killer?" Okay.
William Somerset: You do the talking. Put that silver tongue of yours to work.
David Mills: Have you been talking to my wife?
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[William Somerset looks at an object in the road]
David Mills: What do you got?
William Somerset: Dead dog.
John Doe: I didn't do that.
David Mills: What do you got?
William Somerset: Dead dog.
John Doe: I didn't do that.
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Become vengeance, David. Become wrath.
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But you got to be a ... a hero. You want to be a champion. Well, let me tell you, people don't want a champion. They want to eat cheeseburgers, play the lotto and watch television.
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Come on, he's insane. Look, right now he's probably dancing around in his grandma's panties, yeah, rubbing himself in peanut butter.
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****ing Dante ... goddamn poetry-writing ****! Piece of shit, ****er!
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He's ****ing with us! [Bends over a desk] See this? This is us.
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I don't think you're quitting because you believe these things you say. I don't. I think you want to believe them because you're quitting. And you want me to agree with you, and you want me to say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're right. It's all ****ed up. It's a ****ing mess. We should all go live in a ****ing log cabin." But I won't. I don't agree with you. I do not. I can't.
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If John Doe's head splits open and a UFO should fly out, I want you to have expected it.
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If we catch John Doe and he turns out to be the devil – I mean, if he's Satan himself – that might live up to our expectations. But he's not the devil. He's just a man.